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ªø«C³q°T ²Ä¤T¤Q¤C´Á EHVA Newsletter No. 37

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Hypertension (1)

Translated by Parkson Wong

(Chinese version¡y°ª¦åÀ£¡q¤@¡r¡zby Dr. Hung-Ying Shih was published on EHVA Newsletter 32, Dec. 2005)

Although hypertension is a common chronic disease, TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) had little discussion of the disease itself. The sphygmomanometer was not available in ancient China so there was no quantitative study or definition of high blood pressure. According to the symptoms of the patients, the course of the illness, and the final complications, TCM classified hypertension as vertigo, hyperaction of liver yang and stroke. Following is some common theory related to hypertension in TCM:

Wind. Based on ¡§Na Jing¡¨ ¡m¤º¸g¡n: ¡§different winds cause vertigo, but all winds are controlled by the liver system.¡¨ Hypertension could be a result of a tip in the delicate balance of the different systems in our body. The five elements theory states: without enough water (kidney), the wood (liver) will not be prosperous. Lacking the necessary nourishment from the kidney system, the liver system will be affected. The weakening of the kidney yin will cause the rise of the liver yang. The liver controls ¡§wind¡¨, if the liver wind is out of control, it will cause vertigo and dizziness.

Fire. Based on ¡§he jian yuan bing shi¡¨ ¡mªe¶¡­ì¯f¦¡¡n: ¡§not enough rest causes the heart fire to flare up. Lacking kidney yin (water) results in the body losing control over heart (fire), which causes a yin deficiency and yang affluence.¡¨

Phlegm. Based on ¡§dan xi xin fa¡¨ ¡m¤¦·Ë¤ßªk¡n:¡¨wetness causes phlegm, phlegm causes heat, heat causes wind.¡¨

Weakness or deficiency. Based on ¡§dong yuan fa ming¡¨¡mªF«®µo©ú¡n:¡¨By the age of forty, body starts to weaken; or emotional stress causes the body to be weaken, causing illness. This illness is caused by weakening of the body.¡¨

Summarizing from all these different theories, hypertension is a result of weakness (deficiency), fire, phlegm, or wind. Lack of rest or bad sleep quality, emotional stress, bad dietary habit, lack of exercise, aging, and body weakened by other chronic diseases are all contributing factors to hypertension. To control and prevent hypertension, TCM suggest good dietary habits, a low sodium and low fat diet, avoiding food that can cause allergy and phlegm (see appendix for list of food to avoid), relaxing and avoiding stress, and trying to follow a routine with plenty of rest and exercise. Early detection and good eating and living habits are essential to the control and prevention of the disease.

Modern medicine has not fully understood hypertension but has made tremendous improvement in diagnosis, prevention and treatment of the disease. Although the exact cause of hypertension is not known, it is believed to be related to nervous system disturbance, narrowing of the arteries that supply blood to the kidneys and other diseases of kidneys, abnormalities in the endocrine system, such as overactive adrenal glands, or hyperactive of the autonomic nervous system. Some risk factors of essential hypertension are:

Inherited predisposition. Hypertension appears to have a genetic component. Compared to people with no family history of hypertension, one is twice as likely to develop hypertension if both parents suffered from the disease.

Diet. A high sodium diet will increase the osmotic pressure of the body cell, causing the blood volume to increase resulting in higher blood pressure.

Watching the amount of sodium intake is important in order to control and prevent hypertension. Salt is an important source of sodium ions but not the only source, so it is important to read about the sodium content on the food labels. Cholesterol, especially LDL cholesterol, is another important factor. LDL cholesterol can deposit on the walls of blood vessels and causes the narrowing and hardening of blood vessels, resulting in high blood pressure. When the small arteries are clogged and hardened, it restricts the blood flow and limits circulation, causing the blood pressure to rise.

Hypertension and diabetes. Diabetic patients have high blood sugar level that increases the cell osmotic pressure. Diabetes patients need insulin to help regulate the blood sugar level. Unfortunately, insulin also interferes with the elimination of sodium ions and can cause blood pressure to rise. Both diabetes and hypertension have a negative impact on the health of the heart and kidney. Hypertension and diabetes complicates each other, so hypertension in diabetes patients should be taken seriously and watched carefully.

Emotion. Emotional stress can cause blood pressure to rise. TCM has categorized emotions into joy, anger, sadness, pensiveness, grief, worry and fear; these are all common human emotions. Our physical health condition can also influence our emotion. Having emotions is common, but understanding the cause of emotional stress is difficult. According to sociology theories, our basic needs drive our emotions. So fulfilling our basic needs will stabilize our emotion. From a psychologist's point of view, a stable emotion is built on care and identity. The basic needs such as food and sex; care and identity all contribute to the building of our personality and our emotional growth. As we grow up, life becomes more complicated. Need for food turns into the drive for career and wealth, sex turns into marriage, care becomes the seeking of love, identity becomes ego. Every one has different physical conditions, different relationships, and different expectations on their needs and different life experience, all of which contributes to one's emotional ups and downs.

Unless one can think through all the different contributing factors, finding out how to harmonize and balance the different needs, it is very difficult to be free of emotion stress, so it is very difficult to control hypertension. (We will discuss how to control emotion in a separate article.)

From clinical studies, the ability to handle stress is related to the physical health of the body. Emotional stress is a type of stress, but it is also a quantitative reflection of the body's feeling. Keeping a healthy body and doing plenty of aerobic exercise will help control emotional stress and hypertension. Aerobic exercise should keep one's heartbeat under 130 per minute. It is difficult to get into good habits, but keeping up with a good exercise habit is vital in combating stress. Besides exercise, counseling, learning about mental health, EQ management and stress management are all beneficial.

Appendix 1: foods that cause phlegm

Foods in appendix II, fried and deep fried food, stewed food, dried bamboo shoot, durian, mango, belt fish, yellow fish, goose meat, fava bean, longan (dragon eye).¡ò

Appendix II: common food allergens

Animal Food

Milk products Milk, cheese, pizza
Fishes Catfish, swamp eel, sea eel, milkfish
Shell fishes Shrimp, crab, oyster, scallop, Taiwanese abalone
Egg white Chicken egg white or other fowl's egg white

Vegetarian Food

Grains Corn, wheat, rye
Citrus Fruits Orange, tangerine, grapefruit, pomelo
Beans Soy bean, peanut, peanut butter
Nuts Cashew nuts, walnuts, almonds, pistachios
Vegetables Tomato, green pepper, taro, yam, eggplant, pumpkin, chive, zucchini, cucumber
Chocolate Chocolate



§fëÞ»È ºKĶ¦Û Consumer Reports On Health, Feb. 2007

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EHVA Recipe

Red Vinasse Steamed Bun


Brown sugar

2 Tbsp

Wheat germ(optional)

2 Tbsp


1½ cup


1 package

Red vinasse

2 Tbsp

Whole wheat flour(sieved)

3 cups

Salad oil

2 Tbsp


1 Tbsp


½ cup

  1. Add milk to the sieved brown sugar and wheat germ. Mix well. Add one package of vinasse to the mixture and mix gently. Set aside until it bubbles.
  2. In a large bowl, add bubbled vinasse mixture with all other ingredients. Roll the dough until it smooth. If it's sticky, add a little more flour. (This procedure can be done by mixer)
  3. Roll the dough into a long rope. Cut into 20 pieces. Let them rise for 20 minutes. Steam the dough with high heat for 20 minutes.

19-20 buns



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EHVA Recipe

Red Vinasse Fried Rice





6 pieces

Fresh or frozen corn

3 Tbsp

Cooked long grain rice

3 bowls

Red vinasse

2 tsp


¼ tsp


Olive oil

2 Tbsp


1 Tbsp

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  1. Wash and dice onion and mushroom into small piece
  2. Use water to dissolve red vinasse.
  3. In a wok, heat olive oil under medium heat. Add onion, mushroom and corn. Stir fry until it's cooked. Add cooked rice and stir fry for 30 seconds. Add red vinasse liquid, mix evenly, ready to serve.

6 persons



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EHVA Recipe

Tofu with Nori



1 box (14 oz)

Nori sheet

2 (8inx8in)


Olive oil

¾  Tbsp


A little


Minced ginger

1 Tbsp

Miso paste

2 tsp



4 oz

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  1. Rinse tofu and cut into small cubes.
  2. Dissolve miso paste in 4oz of water.
  1. Heat olive oil under medium heat. Add minced ginger, stir fry until fragrant.
  2. Add tofu cubes, stir fry until tofu turns into slightly yellow color. Add miso, mix evenly. Place tofu onto a plate.
  3. Cut nori sheet into 0.5 inch long thin pieces. Sprinkle nori pieces on top of tofu. Ready to serve.

4 persons



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EHVA Recipe

Cabbage with Tomato


Purple cabbage

8 oz



Olive oil

½ Tbsp


A little

Minced ginger

1 Tbsp

Black vinegar

2 Tbsp


4 oz


  1. Wash cabbage, slice the stem lengthwise. Cut into small pieces.
  2. Wash and cut tomato into small pieces.


  1. Heat olive oil under medium heat. Add minced ginger, stir fry until fragrant.
  2. Add chopped cabbage, stir fry, and sprinkle water as needed. Add tomato when the cabbage turns slightly tender. Add more water and simmer until the cabbage becomes tender.
  3. Add vinegar, mix evenly. Turn off heat. Ready to serve.

4 persons


Variation: Replace purple cabbage with regular cabbage.


2/25      Saratoga Library ªø«C¨­Åé½Õ¾i¯Z²Ä¤@Á¿

3/11      Saratoga Library ªø«C¨­Åé½Õ¾i¯Z²Ä¤GÁ¿

3/18      Ponderosa Park, Sunnyvaleªø«C¸q¤uÁp½Ë

¨C¶g¤G  Palo Alto Avenidas Senior Center ±À®³Á¿²ß  


¤é´Á ®É¶¡ ¦aÂI ¬¡°Ê¤º®e
1:15-4:15 pm the Community Room of Saratoga Library
13650 Saratoga Ave., Saratoga ³¯·çµ^
11am-2:00 pm Napredak Hall
770 Montague Expressway
San Jose, CA 95131
11am-3:00 pm Cupertino Library Field 3rd Annual Cupertino Special Festival by Organization of Special Needs Family
10:30am-1pm O'Connor Hospital, CR A & B
2105 Forest Ave., San Jose
1:15-4:15 pm the Community Room of Saratoga Library
13650 Saratoga Ave., Saratoga ³¯·çµ^
1:15-4:15 pm the Community Room of Saratoga Library
13650 Saratoga Ave., Saratoga ³¯·çµ^
Every Tuesday 10:00-11:00am Palo Alto ¦Ñ¤H¤¤¤ßAvenidas Senior Center


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Please send your tax-deductible donation to Evergreen Healthy Vegetarian Association (EHVA). Thank you!


Kin Lan Wu Tsai¡BYaw Wen Hu & Allison Hu¡BKueyrong Yu & Yuhsheue C.Yu¡BJie Chen & Wen-Jung Hsu¡B µL¦W¤ó52¡B µL¦W¤ó51¡Bª÷¯u°òª÷¡BPaul & Christina Poon¡BChih Yun Lee & Linda Feng-Min Sun¡B Otter Computer Inc. ¡B§d¥¿©¾¡BTzu-I Lsabel Chiu¡B ÂŪ@·½¡BChin Yun Lee & Linda Feng-Min Sun¡B Chin Li & Judy Hsieh¡BFrank Lin & Grace Lin

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ªø«C°·±d¯À­¹±À¼s¤¤¤ß Evergreen Healthy Vegetarian Association
3085 Lawrence Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95051-0713
¹q¸Ü,¶Ç¯u¡G866-841-9139 ext 3537#
¬¥§üÁF³sµ¸³B: 8513 Elm Circle, City of Buena Park, CA 90620
·s¦Ë³sµ¸³B¡G ·s¦Ë¿¤¦Ë¥_¥«µØ¿³µó79¸¹,Taiwan, ROC
¥x¥_³sµ¸³B¡G P. O. Box 94-35, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC

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