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長青通訊 第三十六期 EHVA Newsletter No. 36

長青健康素食推廣中心 發行  二OO六年十二月



長青身體調養班13 520
社區服務 10 4 24


下列兩項活動: 3/18〈長青義工聯誼會〉暨 5/13 〈敬老及慶祝母親節園遊會〉,歡迎您的加入,請電話留言866-841-9139 ext 3537#,或填妥回 條(pdf)。 詳情請見未來活動看板長青網址


2007春季身體調養班即將於2/25週日下午 1:15-4:15 在Saratoga Library免費開課,有興 趣者請於晚間電話陳瑞琴〈408-733-4085〉。 詳情請見未來活動看板長青網址 (填妥報名表,信封上註明`養身班報名表'﹔郵寄至本中心 (郵址: EHVA, 3085 Lawrence Expressway, Santa Clara, CA95051-0713)。

石大夫談養生 高血壓〈五〉





〈圖一   人體的神經系統〉


〈圖二  膀胱經〉

〈圖三  交感神經系統〉






  • 首重檢查
    • 觀察:被觀察者俯臥床上,先注意長肌是否腫 脹、消瘦、僵硬、變形,顏色是否呈紅、 呈黯或蒼白。
    • 檢查:用手指按壓異形處,若腫脹又感到熱溫, 則不適合再繼續按壓〈肌肉發炎〉。其次 用大拇指循脊柱兩側,從上而下,一路按 壓推,檢查脊柱是否有側彎現象,同時對 照長肌是否因此而有所互動。〈通常側彎 脊柱,兩旁的長肌大都不平衡〉
  • 手法
    • 針對長肌本身〈適合初學者〉
      • 推法:用手掌根或大拇指,從腰往肩方向推。
      • 拿推法:以手的大拇指和食指、中指為主〈此謂三指訣〉先用左手的大拇指按壓長肌深處,再用大拇指、食指和中指將肌肉提捏起來,然後交給右手的大拇指、食指和中指。此時右手的大拇指下壓同時往前推,食指和中指配合大拇指,提捏前進,而後左手再重複右手的動作。如此一步一步地從腰部推到肩部〈長肌拿推必須要是連續動作,中途不可間斷〉。
    • 針對長肌的兩側:方法如上,唯重點在長肌的內側或外側。


被服務者俯臥。如〈圖四〉所示,〈1〉〈2〉為背部兩道長肌的內側,〈3〉〈4〉為其外側;操作時從下往上,按照〈1〉〈2〉〈3〉〈4〉順序,做相等的次數。 服務者操作時,以手的大拇指和食指、中指為主〈此謂三指訣,如圖五〉。先用左手的大拇指按壓長肌深處,再用大拇指、食指和中指將肌肉提捏起來,然後交給右手的大拇指、食指和中指。此時右手的大拇指下壓同時往前推,食指和中指配合大拇指,提捏前進,而後左手再重複右手的動作。如次一步一步地從腰部推到肩部。〈長肌拿推必須要是連續動作,中途不可間斷〉

〈圖四  華陀夾脊〉

〈圖五  華陀夾脊 拿推法〉



  1. 為什麼長肌平常不覺得痛,一被華陀夾脊就痛呢?
    痛本身就是一種壓力的累積,根據痛閥理論,當只要壓力超過忍痛的程度,無論是瞬間壓力 或累積壓力,人就會覺得痛難忍,為什麼壓力 會累積呢?身體的表面分布很多神經接收元, 這些接收元和肌肉,甚至臟器都有直接聯繫。 當身體承受壓力時,相關的神經接收元也在受壓;如果承受壓力減輕了,接收元的壓力也減輕了;反之,如果內部的壓力持續,外部的接收元也就持續受壓。痛只是相關神經元的數目和壓力超過忍痛的臨界壓力所表現的感覺,這就是為什麼平常不覺得痛,一被華陀夾脊就痛的道理。因為夾脊也是一種施壓,只有原先累積的壓力,再加上夾脊的施壓,超過了痛閥〈神經接受元承受足痛的壓力〉,就會感覺到痛。
  2. 為什麼頭幾天夾脊,痛不可忍,過了一星期就再也不痛了呢?
  3. 直接夾長肌和夾長肌兩側有何不同?
  4. 有些人長肌被夾脊後,皮膚紅腫,甚至瘀紫〈像刮痧後遺症〉,此時該如何處理?
  5. 老弱長輩不堪忍痛,該如何夾脊?
  6. 為什麼有人夾脊,上背特痛?也有的中背痛?那麼下背痛又代表什麼意思呢?
    不同的部位痛,除了代表長肌局部受壓外,也可能代表不同臟腑承受的壓力。上背與心肺有關,屬於交感神經;中背與肝膽脾胃有關,屬於副交感神經;下背與生殖、泌尿、排便有關,也屬於副交感神經。交感神經與副交感神彼此有拮抗作用,一邊緊則一邊鬆,近代人工作壓 力大,上背除了看電腦姿勢不良易緊張而外,精神受壓也會表示在上背出現疼痛。
  7. 一天最好夾脊幾次呢?
  8. 每次被做完華陀夾脊後,睡覺都睡得好,是為什麼?
  9. 華陀夾脊法是否做到不痛,即可終生免疫?該期保養?

Functional Foods that Calm Emotion and Improve Cognition (3)

Translated by Parkson Wong
(Chinese version『 寧神、益智方劑食療說〈三〉』by Dr. Hung-Ying Shih was published on EHVA Newsletter (31), Sept, 2005)

The story of Ginkgo

As early as two hundred and fifty million years ago, when dinosaurs were still roaming the earth in the Jurassic period, Ginkgo biloba was one of the most prosperous plants in China. Ginkgo biloba still has the same elegant appearance as the ancient plant. It is not only a living fossil of China, it is a living fossil of the world; its surviving abilities are shocking – even in the most harsh environments. After the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, It is the Ginkgo biloba that first grew again.

Semen Ginkgo (Bai Guo白果)

Ginkgo biloba is a deciduous tree and a member of the Ginkgo family. Semen Ginkgo, the seed of Ginkgo, gets its common name "white fruit白果 " from its shape and color. The uses of Semen Ginkgo as medicine, functional food, or ingredient in daily dishes are well documented throughout history in Chinese articles and medical publications. According to the Compendium of Materia Medica (本草綱目), the Semen Gingko can calm asthma and sooth coughing. Together with Yi Zhi Ren益智仁, and Sang Piao Xiao桑螵蛸, Semen Ginkgo is often used in herbal formulas to treat urinary tract problems such as frequent micturition and enuresis. In Taiwan, a soup prepared using Semen Ginkgo as the main ingredient, together with white peppercorn and pig bladder, is used to treat a child's bed wetting problem with good results. Semen Ginkgo is also commonly used for its taste in daily dishes and soups. Raw Semen Ginkgo is often prescribed to eliminate phlegm and calm asthma, but be careful not to take large quantities because of its toxicity (Semen Ginkgo contains small amounts of cyanic acid and Ginkgo toxin). A safe dosage of 7 to 10 cooked Semen Ginkgo can help eliminate wetness and benefit frequent micturition problem without the worry of poisoning.

Ginkgo Leaves

There is very little recorded use of Ginkgo leaves in traditional Chinese medicine publications. Recently, German researchers have studied the active ingredients of Ginkgo leaves extract and have successfully isolated flavones, biflavones, and various ginkgolides. The health benefits of flavones include improving circulation and preventing cardiovascular diseases. Flavones can improve the function of platelets reducing the possibility of thrombosis. It can also expand the blood vessels and improve both the systemic and the pulmonary circulation. Therefore, it can prevent cardiovascular diseases, cerebral thrombosis and stroke.


Flavones are good anti-oxidants; they protect the body from free radicals. Free radicals can harm body tissues and healthy cells making the body more susceptible to disease and sickness. Adding flavones in our diet can help keep the body healthy and slow down the aging process.

Preventing and slowing down Alzheimer's disease

In Germany, the Ginkgo leaf extract (EGb 761) has been extensively used by the elderly to prevent Alzheimer's disease. When people get older, their brains start to age so their cognitive ability, clarity of the mind, and memory ability all start to decline. In 1997, New York Institute for Medical Research published a research result that Gingko leaves extract can slow down dementia. Recently, study has also shown that Ginkgo leaves can lessen depression, a common mental problem of the elderly.

Are Ginkgo leaves poisonous?

Yes, Ginkgo leaves are poisonous. Ginkgo leaves contain Ginkgolic acid. When consumed in large quantities or used for prolonged amounts of time Ginkgo leaves can cause heart damage. It is difficult to control the dosage with Ginkgo leaves tea. Care has to be taken when using Ginkgo extracts. In order to protect the public, WHO (World Health Organization) recommends that Ginkgo extracts cannot contain more than 1 ppm (parts per million) of Ginkgolic acid.

How should we use Ginkgo products?

We should follow the directions of the products. In United States, Ginkgo products are listed as food supplements, but one should still use as directed and not exceed the recommended dosage. The fresh or dried Ginkgo leaves have higher flavones content, but it does not mean they have less Ginkgolic acid. We do not recommend using Ginkgo leaves as a tea for regular use.

Tips: five vegetables and fruits that improve memory

A research report from King's College of England suggested that cauliflower, potato, orange, apple and daikon (radish) can all improve people's memory.♁


健康新知精選 健腦之道

林溫裕 摘譯自 Consumer Reports On Health, Volume 18, No.11,Nov. 2006


研究發現:即使是簡單生活方式可以增強腦的適應力。美國加州大學洛杉磯分校研究員做了以下的臨床試驗:他們將參與試驗的人分為兩組,第一組包括八位健康的中年人。他們做以下為期兩星期的生活方式改變:走路、做拼圖或用腦力的活動、改善飲食習慣、做些放鬆身體的運動以紓解壓力。第二組的九位參與者則不做任何改變。試驗結果是第一組成員言語表達能力進步很多,第二組則無改變。第一組成員透過腦掃描〈brain scan〉顯示腦的效率提高〈負責記憶力區域所用的能量較少〉。 生活方式的改變有助於保護心臟、血管〈供給腦部血液〉,並降低得對腦有害疾病的危險性。維生素B12不足、甲狀腺功能不足、輕度中風、高血壓、頸部大動脈狹窄都會傷害到腦。







與家人和朋友保持密切關係可以保護腦力心智。2006年5月一項針對89位80多歲長輩的研究,顯示出社交圈較廣的比社交圈窄的人認知能力〈cognitive ability〉要強。理論上,參與社交活動可以幫助減壓、刺激腦力。

建議:每個月至少和親友聯絡一次,考慮參加一些社團活動、選舞蹈課、做志工。 維持腦力的營養素


到目前為止,還不能證明任何添加物:如銀杏〈ginkgo biloba〉、貝他胡蘿蔔素、維生素C、E、B能提高或維持腦力,但是飲食對腦力維持的幫助是有證據的。UCLA的一項研究指出,當參與者多吃omega-3脂肪酸及抗氧物時,飲食生活方式改變有助於腦力的保持。


研究猜測蔬果中的抗氧成分可以保護血管及神經細胞。 哈佛研究員在一篇發表於2005年5月,針 對1300位參與者的研究報告中指出,每 天吃超過5份〈serving〉蔬果的女性比少 於兩份蔬果的女性,更能保持記憶力。最 有用的蔬果是綠色帶葉蔬菜,如:菠菜、 chard、和十字花科蔬菜〈如:青花椰菜、 白花椰菜〉。在經過六年的研究發現經常 食用這些蔬菜的女性,外表往往比實際年 齡年輕1-2年。

果汁與蔬菜汁也有同樣的益處:在一個歷 經十年針對1800位年紀大者的研究中,發 現一星期中喝蔬菜果汁超過三次以上者, 得愛茲海默症的機率比那些甚少喝蔬果 汁者少76%。


許多研究指t 出在魚或魚油、橄欖油或其他植t 物油裡的Omega-3不t 飽和脂肪可以減少發炎,t 幫助腦神經細胞再生,t 因而t 避免腦細胞老化。一項發表於2005年12月,t 針對t 3700位芝加哥地區年紀大 者的六年研究報告,指出一星期至少吃一次魚的人比那些不吃魚的能保持腦力。相反的,飽和油脂和反式油脂會加速腦功能的退化,大量攝取飽和及反式油脂會加速認知力退化,並增加得愛茲海默症的機率。







其他研究指出腦力的鍛鍊可以刺激腦內新細胞的成長。2006年8月的一項報告發現腦力 訓練對腦有持續性的效果。舊金山加大的研究員將182位年紀大的人分成兩組,一組在家做電腦訓練腦力的題目,看教育性的電影; 另一組不做任何訓練。八個星期之後,電腦組作題目的速度是他們剛開始參加時的八倍,他們的記憶力也改善很多。



材 料; 苦瓜 1大條 紅蘿蔔 ¼
  豆腐 1 盒〈14oz 芹菜 ¼
  孛薺 2 少許
  青江菜 12 橄欖油 ½湯匙
  新鮮香菇 1    
調 味 料: A1.胡椒粉 ¼ 茶匙 2.海鹽 ¼ 茶匙
      3.香油 ¼ 茶匙 4. ¼ 茶匙
      5.藕粉 2湯匙 6.太白粉 ½ 湯匙
  B1.醬油 3湯匙 2. 1茶匙
      3. 3    
做 法:
  1. 苦瓜洗淨,對切去籽,每段再切成三等份,川燙備用。
  2. 豆腐加少許鹽,入蒸籠蒸約五分鐘,取出去水。 搗成泥放涼,再去水備用。
  3. 荸薺、紅蘿蔔、芹菜、薑均切末,倒入豆腐泥、調味料A,攪拌均勻。
  4. 川燙後的苦瓜,內層加少許太白粉,將以上餡料釀在苦瓜上,入蒸籠蒸約十分鐘。
  5. 鍋內放半湯匙橄欖油,用中火炒香薑片。加入調味料B、香菇及釀好的苦瓜,小火滷至苦瓜有微紅的醬油顏色即可盛盤。
  6. 青江菜洗淨、川燙,平均地裝飾於苦瓜間。再將香菇置於盤中心。

EHVA Recipe

Garnished Bitter Melon

Ingredients: Bitter melon 1 (large) Carrot ¼
Tofu 1 (14oz) Celery ¼ stalk
Water chestnut 2 Ginger 4 slices
Bok choy 12 pieces Olive oil ½ Tbsp
Soaked shitake mushroom 1
Seasoning: A:1.White pepper ¼ tsp 2.Salt ¼ tsp
3.Sesame oil ¼ tsp 4.Sugar ¼ tsp
5.Lotus root starch 2 Tbsp 6.Corn starch ½ Tbsp
B:1.Soy sauce 3 Tbsp 2.Sugar 1 tsp
3.Water 3 cups
  1. Wash bitter melon, cut into two halves lengthwise. Cut each half into three equal sections. Blanch in boiling water, set aside.
  2. Steam tofu with a little salt for 5 minutes. Drain and discard the water. Mash tofu, let cool and drain again.
  3. Chop water chestnuts, carrot , celery and ginger (2 slices) into tiny pieces. Add to the mashed tofu. Mix well. Add seasoning A to the above mixture. Mix well again.
  4. Coat the inside of blanched bitter melon with a little corn starch. Spread tofu paste onto bitter melon
  5. In a wok, add ? Tbsp olive oil, stir fry 2 ginger slices under medium heat until fragrant. Add seasoning B mixture, stuffed bitter melon and shitake mushroom to the wok. Braise under low heat until bitter melon turn into a slightly red color.
  6. Wash bok choy. Blanch in boiling water for 1 minute. Remove and drain. Place stuffed bitter melon pieces on the plate. Put 2 pieces of bok choy between each two bitter melon pieces. Put braised shitake mushroom in the center of the plate.



材 料: 蕃茄 1 個 (中) 羽衣甘藍菜 (kale) 4盎司
  橄欖油 ¾ 湯匙 茶匙
  薑 (切碎) 1 湯匙 適量
準 備:
  1. 羽衣甘藍菜洗淨,將梗從中切開,將葉切成細絲。備用。
  2. 蕃茄洗乾淨,切丁。
做 法:
  1. 鍋中放¾湯匙橄欖油、薑末,用中火炒半分鐘。
  2. 加羽衣甘藍菜、水、鹽,炒拌至菜略軟時,加入蕃茄丁。加鍋蓋燜至菜軟即可。
份 量: 3人份
備 註: 可將羽衣甘藍菜改為綠葉甘藍菜〈collard green〉、小芥菜或大芥菜。

EHVA Recipe Kale with Tomato
Ingredients: Tomato 1 (medium) Kale 4 oz.
Olive oil ¾ Tbsp Salt tsp
Minced ginger 1 Tbsp Water
  1. Wash kale, cut stem lengthwise. Cut leaves into thin pieces. Set aside.
  2. Wash and cube tomato.
  1. Add ¾ Tbsp of olive oil, minced ginger in a wok. Stir fry for half minute with medium heat.
  2. Add kale, water and salt in the wok; simmer until kale turns a little tender. Add tomato cubes, continue simmering until kale is tender. Turn heat off. Ready to serve.
Servings: 3 persons
Note: Variations: you may replace kale with collard green, mustard green or Chinese jie cai.



材 料: 長型糙米 1杯〈6盎司〉 橄欖油 3滴+½ 茶匙
  薑〈切碎〉 2湯匙 陳皮〈切碎〉 1湯匙
  一點點 10 杯〈6盎司〉
  香菜 ¼    
準 備:
  1. 長型糙米洗淨,瀝乾。加3滴橄欖油,一點點鹽,4杯水,浸泡6小時。
  2. 陳皮浸軟後,切碎。
  3. 香菜洗淨,切碎。
做 法:
  1. 將浸泡後的米 (連水) 用電鍋煮成稀飯。
  2. 鍋中放1/2 茶匙橄欖油,薑末,用中火炒1分鐘。加切碎的陳皮及6杯水。用中小火煮至剩4杯湯汁。濾過去渣,取汁備用。
  3. 將稀飯與以上湯汁共煮至稠,盛入碗中,加切碎的香菜。
份 量: 4 人份


EHVA Recipe Porridge with Cilantro
Ingredients: Long grain rice 1 cup (6oz /cup) Olive oil 3 drops+½ tsp
  Minced ginger 2 Tbsp Orange peel (minced) 1 Tbsp
  Salt a little Water 10 cups (6oz /cup)
  Cilantro ¼ bunch    
  1. Soak rice in 4 cups of water with 3 drops of olive oil and a pinch of salt for six hours.
  2. Soak dried orange peel in water until softened. Mince soaked orange peel.
  3. Chop cilantro, set aside.
  1. Cook soaked rice with water into porridge.
  2. Stir fry 2 Tbsp of minced ginger in ½ tsp olive oil in a wok under medium heat for I minutes. Add minced orange peel and 6 cups of water. Let it simmer under medium low heat until it yields 4 cups of soup. Discard the solid and save the liquid.
  3. Cook porridge with the liquid from above under medium low heat until porridge reaches desired viscocity. Serve with bowl. Add cilantro on top.
Servings: 4 persons


10/01 Saratoga Library 長青身體調養班第三講
10/14 Healthy Start workshop sponsored with "Organization of Special Needs Families"


日期 時間 地點 活動內容
1:15-4:15 pm

the Community Room of Saratoga Library
13650 Saratoga Ave., Saratoga 陳瑞琴

1:15-4:15 pm

the Community Room of Saratoga Library
13650 Saratoga Ave., Saratoga 陳瑞琴

1:15-4:15 pm

the Community Room of Saratoga Library
13650 Saratoga Ave., Saratoga 陳瑞琴

11am-2:00 pm

Ponderosa Park
811 Henderson Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94086

11am-2:00 pm Napredak Hall
770 Montage Expressway
San Jose, CA 95131
Every Tuesday 10:00-11:00am Palo Alto 老人中心Avenidas Senior Center



本中心為非營利組織,目的在宣導正確的健康素食理念以提昇生活品質。本中心工作人員均屬不支薪的義工,各項推廣活動均靠大家在人力、物力上的支持與捐助。竭誠歡迎您慷慨解囊,一切捐贈皆可依個人所得狀況抵稅,捐贈股票還可節省capital gain的稅。凡捐款$500以上者為本中心年度榮譽董事。捐款支票抬頭請寫Evergreen Healthy Vegetarian Association 或EHVA,並寄到本中心,謝謝!
Please send your tax-deductible donation to Evergreen Healthy Vegetarian Association (EHVA). Thank you!


金真基金、Paul & Christina Poon、Chih Yun Lee & Linda Feng-Min Sun、Otter Computer Inc. 、吳正忠、Tzu-I Lsabel Chiu、藍昇源、Tony Wu-Yu Lin & Bella Lin、Chin Li & Judy Hsieh、Frank Lin & Grace Lin、無名氏50、無名氏49

2007 董事: 王宇霖、尹明潭、呂錞銀、吳宜玟、吳英芳、洪英傑、黃宗哲、陳介川、陳瑞琴、游松賀、董紀良、鄞淑純、羅吉斯、陳慧珊、李慶祥、劉雪清、戴盛珊、方朝苓
發 行: 長青健康素食推廣中心
打 字: 高淑玲、劉雪清、徐鴛鴦、王立華、謝多弟
編 輯: 呂錞銀、高淑玲、吳宜玟、尹明潭
美 工: 高淑玲
印 刷: 長青印刷 (TEL: 408-732-0680)
郵 寄: 程俊豪、洪英傑

長青健康素食推廣中心 Evergreen Healthy Vegetarian Association
3085 Lawrence Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95051-0713
電話,傳真:866-841-9139 ext 3537#
洛杉磯連絡處: 8513 Elm Circle, City of Buena Park, CA 90620
新竹連絡處: 新竹縣竹北市華興街79號,Taiwan, ROC
台北連絡處: P. O. Box 94-35, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC

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