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Translated by Parkson Wong (Chinese version®É¶¡Âå¾Ç»P¿}§¿¯f¡q¤G¡r by Dr. Hung-Ying Shih, was published on EHVA Newsletter (27), Sept. 2004) Dinner plays an important role in controlling diabetes. Having a light dinner, as well as having dinner at the correct time, play important roles in controlling the blood sugar level of a diabetic. Clinical studies have found that patients having dinner before 7:00 p.m. often found their blood sugar level taken before breakfast acceptable in the morning. Having dinner too early might cause blood sugar level to drop too low during the night. On the other hand, having late dinner or even a midnight snack not only causes high blood sugar level, but can also contribute a negative impact on the quality of sleep. So what should diabetes patients do if they get too hungry before going to sleep? Changing the eating habit to "a good hearty breakfast, good protein source at lunch, and a light dinner" is the best cure. Before the body adjusts to this eating habit, having a glass of skim milk or an apple for a snack can help relieve the hunger. Some diabetes patients have asked an interesting question: while the blood sugar level seemed acceptable before going to bed, how come the blood sugar level becomes high the next morning before taking any breakfast? This is caused by the deterioration of the digestive system¡¦s ability to digest food and to absorb nutrients. To help improve the function of the digestive system, chew each mouthful of food thirty times before swallowing it. Additionally, taking a walk for thirty minutes after dinner, or doing some low impact light aerobic exercises, will help the body to digest food. Lightly massaging one¡¦s stomach also helps strengthen the intestines and stomach. Diabetes patients should avoid spicy, greasy food or alcohol beverages at dinner. Spicy foods have negative impacts on blood sugar level control. After food is digested, large complex molecules turn into smaller simpler molecules such as monosaccharide, amino acids, and glycerol; these molecules are absorbed into the blood stream and then enter the liver through the hepatic portal vein. Liver has the metabolic versatility to interconvert various organic molecules; controls and regulates the nutrients (hence blood sugar level) in the blood stream. Spices such as hua jiao, hot pepper, peppercorn, and mustard, all stimulate the body¡¦s circulation system and cause a temporary boost in the blood circulation. But afterwards, the circulation system becomes fatigue from the boost, hindering the normal functions of the gallbladder, hepatic portal vein and liver. This also disrupts the body¡¦s ability to regulate the blood sugar level. Alcoholic beverages have similar adverse effects to the body. The five element theory of traditional Chinese medicine states that, "metal controls (destructs) wood, wood controls (destructs) earth" does have its clinical applications. ¡]Note: when the body is healthy and all systems in balance, it¡¦s called control. When it¡¦s not, the control becomes destruction.¡^ Metal represents spice; wood represents liver, gallbladder and acidic elements; earth represents spleen-pancreas, stomach, the digestive system, related to blood sugar level regulation mechanisms. According to Chinese chronotherapy, the gallbladder meridian is most active from 11:00 pm to 1:00 am while the liver meridian is most active from 1:00 am to 3:00 am. During these two time periods, their corresponding organs are also most active. Disrupting their function during these periods is most harmful to the body. Furthermore, from 11:00 pm to 3:00 am, is the period of time that the body is being nourished from rest; as well as eliminating the excess and toxic byproducts from the metabolism resulted from the day¡¦s activities. One needs to be nourished (energy storing) before one can utilize the energy; and elimination enables intake; this is the most important concept in maintaining a healthy body. Hence protecting the gallbladder and liver and enable them to function properly is of utmost importance. Spicy food and alcohol should be strictly avoided in dinner for diabetes patients. Understanding the process of food digestion and nutrients absorption, we know that carbohydrates are the easiest foods to be digested, next is protein, and fats are the most difficult ones to be digested. Emulsification, a process that depends on the secretion of bile from the gallbladder, plays a vital role in the digestion of fat. Food cooked with too much oil and deep fried food will burden the liver and the gallbladder. That is why eating deep fried food at dinner is not recommended. Spicy food are usually prepared by either deep frying or stir frying the spice in hot oil, in order to bring out the fragrance of the spice. The damage to the liver and gallbladder is double folded. Diabetes patients should avoid spicy, greasy food at dinner. Inner nourishment breathing method (¤º¾i¥\) According to Chinese chronotherapy, nourishment from rest is very important. Applying inner nourishment breathing method before going to bed helps improve the quality of sleep. Diabetes patients have found inner nourishment breathing method helpful in controlling the blood sugar level. The inner nourishment breathing method has different levels of difficulties. The one introduced below is easy to follow and is very safe. Detailed steps of inner nourishment breathing method: Lie flat on the back. Pull up the knees to minimize the pressure on the abdomen. Put both hands, one on top of the other, on top of the navel. Using abdominal breathing:
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