![]() 長青通訊 第二十九期
服 務 及 工 作 項 目 | 服務人次 | 義工人次 | 義工時數 |
長青推拿講習 |
120 |
7 |
30 |
長青養生班 |
20 |
7 |
21 |
公共教育與宣導 |
3600 |
50 |
400 |
〈心脾血虧〉 | |
症見: | 入睡難眠,輾轉難安,神疲,飲食無味,臉色蒼白。 |
歸脾湯: 白朮三錢 當歸三錢 黨參三錢 黃耆三錢 酸棗仁三錢 遠志一錢半 炙甘草一錢半 龍眼肉三錢 茯苓四錢 生薑二片 大棗三枚 木香一錢〈後下〉 |
功效: | 養心健脾,益氣補血 |
方解: | 脾胃為氣血生化之源。脾虛則血少,宜生精神不寧,失眠之困惱。故黨參、黃耆、白朮、甘草,補脾益氣。輔之,茯苓、遠志、酸棗仁、龍眼肉、當歸,養血、補心、寧神。木香理氣可鬆解脾胃壓力,以達合藥平穩之效。 |
安眠療虛湯: 大棗二十枚 龍眼肉三錢 荔枝肉三錢 蔥白七條 |
功效: | 針對腎虛血弱,久病失調有效 |
方解: | 大棗為全身強壯劑,荔枝、龍眼肉療虛、滋補、安神,蔥白通竅。 |
〈陰虛火旺〉 | |
症見: | 心煩失眠,頭暈耳鳴,口乾津少,五心煩熱,舌質紅 |
天王補心丹: 黨參四錢 玄參三錢 丹參三錢 茯苓三錢 五味子一錢半 柏子仁三錢 遠志一錢半 桔梗二錢 當歸二錢 天冬三錢 麥冬三錢 酸棗仁五錢 生地黃五錢 |
功效: | 滋陰清熱,養心安神 |
方解: | 心腎不足以致虛火易動。方劑中,生地黃、玄參滋陰清熱為主 藥。 輔之,丹參、當歸補心血。黨參、茯苓益心氣。遠志、柏子仁、酸棗仁安神。五味子調斂作用。天冬、麥冬養陰清熱。桔梗調和諸藥。 |
〈心虛膽怯〉 | |
症見: | 心悸易驚醒 |
酸棗仁湯: 酸棗仁五錢 知母二錢 茯苓五錢 川芎 一錢半 炙甘草二錢 |
功效: | 養血安神,清熱除煩 |
方解: | 虛煩失眠由於陰虛邪火上擾所致。方劑中,酸棗仁養血安神為主。輔之,川芎調血養肝。茯苓寧心安神。知母清熱除煩。甘草和中,使陽亢平,虛煩止,而得寐。 |
〈脾胃不調〉 | |
症見: | 失眠,胸悶噯氣,腹中不暢,苔膩,或大便不爽,或腹脘脹痛 |
保和丸: 山楂六錢 神曲三錢 萊菔子三錢 法半夏三錢 陳皮一錢半 麥芽八錢 連翹三錢 茯苓五錢 |
功效: | 消食導滯,和胃清熱 |
方解: | 山楂、神曲、萊菔子消食除滯。 輔之,法半夏祛痰。茯苓、陳皮和胃利濕。連翹清熱、散結。 |
〈神經衰弱〉 | |
症見: | 易睡,唯半夜醒後難寐 |
蓮子精神湯: 蓮子肉 百合肉 |
功效: | 針對神經衰弱,心悸失眠有效 |
方解: | 蓮子養心寧神益智。百合清潤肺燥,益氣調中,有清心、寧神效果。 |
寧神益心湯: 炙黃耆三錢 茯苓三錢 茯神三錢 川芎二錢 當歸三錢 半夏曲三錢 黨參一錢 柏子仁一錢 肉桂一錢 五味子一錢 遠志一錢 炙甘草五分 炒酸棗仁一錢 生薑二片 大棗二枚 |
功效: | 針對神經衰弱,心悸失眠有效 |
方解: | 炙黃耆、黨參補氣。當歸、川芎、肉桂,養血。茯苓、茯神、柏子仁、遠志、酸棗仁,養心、寧神、鎮靜。♁〈待續〉 |
The following herbs: raw Di-huang (生地黃, Rehmannia), cooked Di-huang (熟地黃,
prepared Remannia), dried Shan-zhu-yu (山茱萸肉, Cornus ), Shan-yao (山藥, Dioscorea),
Ginseng (人參), Huang-qi (黃蓍, Astragalus), Shi-hu (石斛, Dendrobium Nobile), Yu-zhu
(玉竹, Polygonatum), Gou-qi seed (枸杞子, Lycium), Tian-men-dong (天門冬, Asparagus
lucidus), Mai-men-dong( 麥門冬, Liriope), Ge-gen (葛根, Pueraria), Tian-hua powder
(天花粉), and Shou-wu (首烏, Polygonum),have been proven by modern pharmaceutical
research to benefit those with diabetes by lowering their blood-sugar level.
Thousands of years ago, medical nutritionists and doctors in China knew that
these herbs could benefit diabetics; therefore they used these herbs with others
to develop a series of herbal formulas. The most important one among them is
Chian Yi-Fang’s (錢乙方) Six Herbs Di-Huang Formula(六味地黃湯) from the Song Dynasty
Six Herbs Di-Huang Formula
Di-huang 生地黃 | 22.5 gm. |
Shan-yao 山藥 | 15.0 gm. |
Shan-zhu-yu山茱萸肉 | 15.0 gm. |
Fu-ling 茯苓 | 11.3 gm |
Ze-xie 澤瀉 | 11.3 gm |
Dan-pi 丹皮 | 11.3 gm. |
Simmer with 8 bowls of water, until the formula is reduced to 1½ bowls. Drink ¾ bowls in the morning and the other ¾ bowl in the evening. If the body is of cold constitution, use cooked Di-huang instead of raw Di-huang. For regular use, there are commercially available six herbs Di-huang pills (liu wei di huang wan, 六味地黃丸).
The ingredients are as follows:
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Raw Di-huang (生地黃 ) Property: cold Taste: sweet, slightly bitter Usage: 1. Remove pathogenic heat from the blood 2. Nnourish yin, promote production of body fluid |
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Cooked Di-huang (熟地黃) Property: slightly warm Taste: sweet Usage: 1. nourish Nourish blood 2. Nnourish yin, replenishing vital essence |
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Shan-yao (山藥 ) Properties: neutral Taste: sweet Usage: 1. Benefit digestive system 2. Benefit lungs and nourish kidneys |
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Shan-zhu-yu (山茱萸肉 ) Properties: Slightly warm Taste: sour, astringent Usage: 1. Strengthen reproductive system 2. Stop profuse perspiration |
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Fu-ling (茯苓,Tuckahoe) Properties: neutral Taste: sweet, but bland Usage: 1. Eliminate excessive water 2. Strengthen spleen and nourish stomach 3. Calm the mind |
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Ze-xie (澤瀉, Alismatis) (this herb can reduce blood sugar level) Properties: cold Taste: sweet, bland Usage: 1. Eliminate excess water 2. Reduce heat in kidneys |
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Dan-pi (丹皮, Paeonia Moutan) Properties: slightly cold Taste: pungent and bitter Usage: 1. Remove pathogenic heat from the blood 2. Promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis |
Herbal formula explained:
This herbal formula is based on the three ingredients that help nourish the body and three ingredients that help with elimination of excess substance. Di-huang nourishes the kidney yin; Shan-yao nourishes the spleen and kidney; and Shan-zhu-yu nourishes the kidney. Fu-ling and Ze-xie help eliminate excess water; Dan-pi eliminates pathogenic heat from blood. Through observation of patients, the traditional Chinese doctors found that diabetic patients exhibit three symptoms of excessiveness in the body: excessive thirst, excessive hunger, and excessive need for urination. These excessivenesses cause the loss of body fluids. The lack of body fluids in these diabetics produces a weakness where they often lose weight and their muscles are weakened. This herbal formula, however, can help replenish the body fluids and indirectly reduce the problem of constant thirst. Thus, this formula is proven by ancient doctors to be effective for diabetes.
Besides the Six Herbs Di-Huang Formula, listed below are other herbs that are beneficial to the diabetic patients:
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Ginseng (人參) Properties: Slightly warm Taste: Sweet, Slightly bitter Usage: 1. Replenish original energy 2. Nourish lungs and chi 3. Benefit yin, increase production of body fluids |
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Huang-qi (黃蓍) Properties: slightly warm Taste: sweet Usage: 1. Nourish spleen and benefit chi 2. Stop profuse perspiration and strengthen the microcirculatory system. 3. Benefit chi and enhance functional ability 4. Help eliminate excess fluids, reduce swelling 5. Help rupture of boils and drainage of abscess |
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Guo-qi seed (枸杞) Properties: neutral Taste: sweet Usage: 1. Nourish liver and kidneys 2. Benefit essence of the body and improve vision |
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Shou-Wu (首烏) Properties: slightly warm Taste: sweet, bitter, astringent Usage: 1. Replenish and nourish liver and kidneys 2. Benefit essence of body and blood 3. Strengthen the reproductive system |
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Shi-hu (石斛) Properties: slightly cold Taste: sweet Usage: 1. Nourish yin 2. Eliminate heat 3. Promote production of body fluids |
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Yu-zhu (玉竹) Properties: slightly cold Taste: sweet Usage: 1. Nourish yin, soothe dryness |
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Tian-men-dong (天門冬) Properties: cold Taste: sweet, slightly bitter Usage: 1. Nourish yin, eliminate pathogenic heat 2. Nourish lungs and kidneys |
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Mai-men-dong (麥門冬) Properties: slightly cold Taste: sweet, slightly bitter Usage: 1. Nourish yin, eliminate pathogenic heat 2. Nourish lungs, stop coughing |
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Ge-gen (葛根) Properties: cool Taste: sweet and pungent Usage: 1. Relieve pain in tight, aching muscles caused by exposure to wind-heat condition; reduce fever 2. Promote production of body fluids and eliminate thirst 3. Ensure complete eruption of measles to eliminate toxins 4. Stop diarrhea and helpful to patients with dysentery |
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Tian-hua powder (天花粉) Properties: cold Taste: bitter and slightly sweet Usage: 1. Eliminate heat and promote body fluids 2. Soothe lungs and eliminate phlegm 3. Remove toxins and reduce swelling ♁ |
許多食物、營養劑,與藥物同時服用時會產生不良的效果; 有些會增加藥物的危險性或副作用,有些會降低藥物的療效。同樣地, 藥物也可能消耗體內的營養素。下表列出一些食物與藥物的相互效應,如果懷疑自己有表上所列的症狀, 必須請教醫生。也許您需要調整飲食方式, 服藥時間,攝取營養添加劑,或定期檢查藥物、營養素在血中的含量。 如果您所服藥物不在表中, 而您要採用特別飲食法或攝取營養素時,也要請教醫生, 瞭解可能發生的問題。任何時候, 只要胃不舒服都得和醫生商討。
食物與藥物的相互效應表 |
效應類別: 1.不良效果 2. 減低藥物療效 3. 消耗體內營養素 4. 使藥效過強而導致危險 |
藥物 |
食物/營養素 |
效應類別 |
效應說明 |
制酸劑ANTACIDS 碳酸鈣Calcium carbonate 如〈Rolaids,Tums〉 |
維生素 D 添加劑 |
1 |
長期服用會產生鈣中毒〈可能引起噁心, 嘔吐,腎結石,心律不整,心臟突然停止跳動〉 |
牛奶 |
1 |
長期在服藥前兩小時或後一小時內攝取牛奶會使腎功能不好的人引發腎衰竭。 |
碳酸氫鈉Sodium bicarbonate 如〈Alka-Seltzer〉 |
牛奶 |
1 |
效應同上 |
抗生素ANTIBIOTICS Tetracyclines,如Doxycycline 〈Vibramycin〉,Tetracycline 〈Achromycin V〉 |
高鈣添加劑或食物,乳製品, 加鈣物 |
2 |
在服藥前兩小時或後一小時內攝 取高鈣物將減低抗生素的功效 |
抗憂鬱症藥物ANTIDEPRSSANTS MAO抑制劑, 如Phenelzine 〈Nardil〉,Tranylcypromine〈Parnate〉 |
雞肝, 醃製物, 發酵物或燻製品 |
1 |
可能使血壓致命性地突然上升 |
其他: Doxepin, 口服液〈Sinequan〉 |
含碳酸飲料 , 葡萄汁 |
2 |
減低對憂鬱症的控制 |
治糖尿病的藥物 ANTIDIABETIC DRUGS Sulfonylureas,如Chlorpropamide 〈Diabinese〉, Glipizide 〈Glucotrol〉, Glyburide 〈Micronase〉, Tolbutamide 〈Orinase〉 |
使血糖升高的食物, 如甜點,精製穀粉 |
2 |
減低對糖尿病的控制 |
其他: Metformin 〈Glucophage〉 |
維生素B12 |
3 |
造成體內維生素B12不足〈可能引起無法轉變的神經傷害〉 |
治高血壓的藥物ANTIHYPERTENSIVES ACE抑制劑, 如captopril 〈Capoten〉, enalapril〈Vasotec〉,利尿劑:Amiloride 〈Midamor〉,spironolactone 〈Aldactone〉,triamterene 〈Dyrenium〉 |
高鉀添加劑或食物,如香蕉、橘子、豆類及肉類 |
1 |
長期使用會產生鉀中毒 〈可能引起心跳減速,甚至心跳突然中止〉 |
Calcium channel blockers, 如Felodipine〈Piendil〉, Nifedipine〈Adalat, Procardia〉 Verapamil 〈Calan〉 |
葡萄柚或葡萄柚汁 |
4 |
血壓降得過低而導致危險 |
Loop利尿劑, 如furosemide 〈Lasix〉。 Thiazide利尿劑, 如Chlorthalidone〈Hygroton〉,Hydrochlorothiazide〈Esidrix〉 |
鉀 |
3 |
長期使用會造成鉀不足〈可能引起心跳加速, 心律不整〉 |
稀釋血液藥物BLOOD THINNER Warfarin 〈Coumadin〉 |
高量維生素K添加劑及食物,如綠色葉狀蔬菜 |
2 4 |
如果維生素K突然升高會引起血凝結 如果維生素K突然降太多則會流血 |
降膽固醇的藥物CHOLESTEROL- REDUCING DRUGS Statins,如Atorvastatin〈 Liptor〉,Lovastatin〈Mevacor〉 |
葡萄柚 或葡萄柚汁 |
1 |
頭痛, 胃不舒服, 肌肉衰弱 |
治陽痿的藥物ERECTILE- DYSFUNCTION DRUGS Sildenafil〈Viagra〉, Vardenafil 〈Levitra〉 |
葡萄柚 或葡萄柚汁 |
1 |
頭痛, 臉色泛紅,消化不良,視力改變 |
治胃灼熱及潰瘍藥物HEARTBURN AND ULCER DRUGS H2 Blockers,如Cimetidine 〈Tagamet〉, Famotidine 〈Pepcid〉,Ranitidine 〈zantac〉 Proton pump 抑制劑, 如 Lansoprazole 〈Prevacid〉, Omeprazole〈Prilosec〉 |
維生素B12 |
3 |
長期使用會造成B12不足 |
通便劑LAXATIVES Bisacodyl〈Dulcolax〉 |
牛奶 |
1 |
腸胃不適 |
所有通便劑 |
鉀 |
3 |
長期使用會造成鉀不足 |
治柏金森症的藥物PARKINSON’S DRUGS Levodopa〈Larodopa, Sinemet〉 |
任何食物, 尤其是高蛋白食物 |
2 |
若在飯前或飯後一小時內服用藥物會使症狀更嚴重 |
世界日報於今年一月底舉辦第二屆健康美食烹飪大賽,希望透過這個活動讓大家吃出健康, 重視良好的飲食習慣。 在去年烹飪大賽中,長青有六道食譜入圍; 尹會長更以
“香菇芥菜”得到金筷獎 〈第三名〉。世界日報並將所有入圍得獎的食譜彙編成冊,廣為流傳。〈詳文請見長青通訊第25期〉。 長青以研發、 推廣健康素食為宗旨,
這次初賽我們有五個食譜入圍: 竹笙芥藍, 素酸辣湯,香椿豆腐,香椿松子海苔素炒飯,及 水果豆腐派。
複賽在喜福居餐廳舉行;參賽者在樓下廚房準備菜肴,評審和觀眾則在二樓。 做好的菜肴會送到樓上請評審品嚐,參賽者也要準備介紹菜的特色,並回答問題。
此次還有廚房現場的實況轉播,長青同修的臨場表現都非常得體, 可圈可點。所有入圍的食譜 〈共四十道菜〉也同去年一樣編成冊子,贈送世界日報讀者。
將長米洗淨,瀝去多餘的水分,加一點點鹽, ㄧ點點油,略微攪拌,放置隔夜〈約 10
ㄧ定要用長型米。2.煮的過程中,若要加水稀釋粥的稠度,必須加入沸騰的水。3. 米入鍋後就不要去動它。〉
★ 高麗菜的菜梗比較不容易煮軟,常常菜葉軟硬適中,但梗的部位仍有生硬之感。 煮時用刀將菜梗直切一刀〈不必切斷〉,就可以使菜梗容易煮軟。用整片高麗菜做菜捲的皮時,這個方法也很適用。
長青素食譜 |
生花生〈帶皮〉 |
1 磅 |
水 |
8杯〈8盎司杯〉 |
調味料: |
粗鹽 |
2茶匙 |
八角 |
3或 4粒 |
蜂蜜 |
1茶匙 |
做 法:
份量: |
10人份 |
EHVA Recipe |
Braised peanuts
Ingredients: |
Raw peanuts(with skin) |
1 lb |
Water |
8 cups (8oz/cup) |
Seasoning: |
Coarse salt (Celtic sea salt) |
2 tsp |
Anise (Ba Jiao) |
3-4 pieces |
Honey |
1 tsp |
Procedure: |
Servings: |
10persons |
長青素食譜 |
木耳絲〈泡好後〉 |
2 磅 |
調味料: |
A:海鹽 |
½ 茶匙 |
黑胡椒粒 |
1茶匙 |
薑汁 |
4 湯匙 |
蘋果醋〈Bragg〉 |
4 湯匙 |
蜂蜜 |
3湯匙 |
B:麻油 |
1湯匙 |
醬油 |
4 湯匙 |
工研烏醋 |
2茶匙 |
楓漿 |
2 茶匙 |
做 法: |
份量: |
10人份 |
備註: |
木耳絲可配少許滷花生,口味更佳 |
EHVA Recipe |
Yun-er salad
Ingredients: |
Soaked, shredded Yun-er |
2 lb |
(Black fungus) |
Seasoning: |
A: Sea salt |
½ tsp |
Black peppercorn |
1 tsp |
Ginger juice |
4Tbsp |
Apple vinegar (Bragg) |
4Tbsp |
Honey |
3Tbsp |
B: Sesame oil |
1Tbsp |
Soy sauce |
4Tbsp |
Black vinegar |
2tsp |
Maple syrup |
2tsp |
Procedure: |
Servings: |
10persons |
Note: |
For more flavor, eat Yun-er salad with braised preanuts |
長青素食譜 |
小米 |
2½ 杯〈米杯6oz〉 |
水 |
1加侖 |
做 法:
備 註: |
小米漿有豐富的蛋白原,且對身體負擔很少,對養生、養病很有益。 |
EHVA Recipe |
Millet milk
Ingredients: |
Millet |
2 ½ cups (6 oz/cup) |
Water |
1 Gallon |
Procedure: |
Note: |
The millet milk provides good protein source and it’s very easy for digestion. |
長青素食譜 青仁黑豆漿
材料: |
青仁黑豆 |
14 盎司〈3米杯〉 |
長型糙米 |
1½米杯 |
水 |
1½ 加侖 |
做 法: |
EHVA Recipe |
Black bean Milk |
Ingredients: |
Green Kernel Black Bean |
3 cups (6oz/cup) |
Long grain brown rice | 1 ½ cups (6oz/cup) | |||
Water |
1 ½ Gallon |
Procedure: |
Note: |
The combination of black bean and brown rice will provide complete protein. The black bean brown rice milk is an excellent source of protein for vegetarians. |
備註:這期通訊刊出小米漿與青仁黑豆漿的另一種作法,是希望您也能成功地、容易地學會做出這兩樣對身體很有幫助的食物, 讓您與家人能常常喝到可口、 營養豐富、又容易被身體吸收的米漿。 但如果您用以前的方法就可以做得很好, 就請照原來的方法做,這期刊出的方法僅為參考。
02/20 | Saratoga Library長青養生班第ㄧ講 |
03/11 | San Jose Fun Club 養生簡介與素食示範 |
03/13 | Saratoga Library長青養生班第二講 |
每週二 | Palo Alto Avenidas Senior Center推拿講習 |
日 期 | 時 間 | 地 點 | 活 動 內 容 |
04/03/05 Sun. | 1:15-4:15 pm |
Community Room of
Saratoga Library 〈13650 Saratoga Ave., Saratoga〉 陳瑞琴 |
長青養生班第三講〈中文〉供應點心 |
04/17/05 Sun | 1:30-4:30 pm | 南灣華僑文教中心 〈1269 Forgewood Ave., Sunnyvale〉 |
長青保健推拿班 |
05/01/05 Sun. | 1:00-4:00 pm | 大專校友聯誼會 | 推拿服務 |
05/21/05 Sat. | 10:30-1:00 pm |
ACS 北加州癌友互助小組〈國語組〉 O’Connor Hospital, CR A&B 2105 Forest Ave., San Jose 吳映玲 |
食物的病理觀 |
06/04/05 Sat. | 10:00-4:00 pm |
Cupertino Special
Festival Host: Organization of Special Needs Families |
素食示範、供應點心、推拿服務 |
Every Tuesday | 10:00-11:00am | Palo Alto 老人中心 Avenidas Senior Center 陳慧姍 | 推拿講習 |
gain的稅。凡捐款$500以上者為本中心年度榮譽董事。捐款支票抬頭請寫Evergreen Healthy Vegetarian Association
Please send your tax-deductible donation to Evergreen Healthy Vegetarian
Association (EHVA). Thank you!
陳樹功、Chung-Ching Tsai & Shwu-Chwen Yn、李慶祥/謝安華、National Semiconductor、Sheng-Chun Lo & Sunny Chen、Philiips Semi., Inc. 、 Otter、 無名氏42、 Ju Kan Ru、 Senshou Albert Guh 、 Jie Chen & Wen-Jun Hsu 、 無名氏41、Meng Lee、Isabel Chiu & Co. 、無名氏40、Mary Ming Sha Peng、Jean Chen、Tony Wun-Yu Lin & Bella Lin、John Lo & Michu Lo、李慶祥/謝安華、Christina Poon、Ju Kan Ru、 Hsieoyien Hampe、無名氏39 、Chi-Chang Lai & Pi-Ju Chen、 Kue-Yu Kao & Kuo-Lon Son、陳瑞琴、蕭菊嫻、蕭倫益,Chang-Shong & Hsiou-Ching Jean Long、陳孟儒/陳孟祥、尹魏子雲、無名氏38、無名氏37、Ying-Wen Ku、Chao-Ling Teresa Fang Lee、Sumi & Sunny Chen
2005 董事: |
王宇霖、尹明潭、朱瑞蓉、呂錞銀、吳宜玟、吳英芳、沙 敏、洪英傑、黃宗哲、陳介川、陳瑞琴、張麗君、游松賀、董紀良、鄞淑純、賴吉昌、羅吉斯、陳慧珊 |
發 行: | 長青健康素食推廣中心 |
打 字: | 高淑玲、劉雪清、林由女、徐鴛鴦、王立華、謝多弟 |
編 輯: | 呂錞銀、高淑玲、吳宜玟、尹明潭 |
美 工: | 高淑玲 |
印 刷: | 長青印刷 (TEL: 408-732-0680) |
郵 寄: | 程俊豪、洪英傑 |