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After thousands of years of practice, Chinese medicine has created a complete theory of Qi cultivation, which is very different from other medical theories developed in different areas of the world. For many years, Qi cultivation has played a vital role in improving the health of the Chinese people.
The western world usually uses the words ¡§vital energy¡¨ to explain ¡§qi¡¨. ¡§Qi¡¨ is more than vital energy. Energy is a noun, naming physical things. In physics, energy exists in two forms: potential energy and kinetic energy. Both forms do not really explain ¡§qi¡¨ adequately. The definition of ¡§qi¡¨ in Chinese medicine is more on its interaction with the body functions. The original Chinese character of ¡§qi¡¨ is made up of two words, no fire?. So ¡§qi¡¨ does not have the form of fire, but it has the function of fire. ¡§Qi¡¨ is more than just energy; it has the power to generate more energy. It is part of the dynamic mechanism of circulation. Qi cultivation is a special method devised from this ¡§qi¡¨ theory to preserve health. Understanding ¡§qi¡¨ and practicing Qi cultivation methods can help our body regenerate the energy necessary for growth and repair, hence maintaining a healthy life.
There are many Qi cultivation methods, one of the simpler and safer one is the ¡§six qi¡¨ method (¤»®ðªk). It was developed in the time period of the Nan Bei dynasty («n¥_´Â), by the famous doctor Tao Hong Jing (³³¥°´º). It is also known as the ¡§six healing sounds¡¨. Six Qi method uses six different sounds in combination of six different exercises to replenish the six different systems of our body. Each sound and exercise will act on one major system of the body, its related organs and meridians. It can generate qi, cultivate qi, and store qi. The sounds ¡§hu (©I)¡¨ and ¡§chui (§j)¡¨are useful in combating diabetes. ¡§hu (©I)¡¨ for the ¡§spleen¡¨ system, and ¡§chui (§j)¡¨for the ¡§kidney¡¨ system.
There are two theories in Chinese medicine as to what causes the onset of
diabetes. One theory thinks that this
onset is caused by the weakening of the ¡§spleen¡¨ system because pancreas is part
of the ¡§spleen¡¨ system. Another theory thinks that diabetes is related to the
¡§kidney¡¨ system. Both theories have their merits. ¡§Spleen¡¨ system includes the
digestive system, so it includes the function of absorption and utilization of
nutrients. The ¡§kidney¡¨ system is related to the genetic make-up of the body,
and diabetes can be an inherited disease. The ¡§spleen¡¨ influences the limbs;
diabetes is usually related to problems from the extremities of the limbs. The
¡§kidney¡¨ system influences the bone, the teeth, and the reproduction system, all
related to degeneration. From years of experience in Chinese medicine,
strengthening these two systems helps diabetes patients.
Six Qi method is one of the Qi cultivation methods. It uses a specific sound to
resonate with the related organs, helping them to replenish and rejuvenate the
organs, achieving the purpose of self-healing. Modern science uses instrument to
measure the results of the Six Qi method and the data collected are promising.
The amazing fact about the Six Qi method is its simplicity, consisting of just
simple breathing techniques and exercises, so it can be practiced by anybody.
¡§hu(©I)¡¨ ¡§chui (§j)¡¨exercise explained and diagrams shown as follows:
When making the sound ¡§hu (©I)¡¨, shape mouth into a circle, lay tongue flat, then
curl tongue up slightly, blow air out and make the sound ¡§hu (©I)¡¨. Coordinate
with the exercise steps A, B, and C.
Step A: Overlap two hands in front of the lower abdomen, palms up, right hand on
top of the left hand. Start inhale, at the same time start raising the two hands
up. When the hands reach the chest, starting making the ¡§hu (©I)¡¨ sound. At the
same time, start separating the two hands.
Right hand continues the motion pushing up, turn palm towards body and then face
up again. Turn left hand so that palm starts facing down, continue to push down.
Coordinate the speed of the motion such that the exhale (and the making of the
¡§hu (©I)¡¨ sound) finishes when the motion reaches its ending positions. Right
hand above the top of the head, elbow straight. Left hand pushed down to the
side of the body, fingers next to the hip, palm facing downward. Close the mouth
and start inhale with the nose.
Step B: Return path. Turn right hand, palm down, and bring hand back in front of
the face. Turn left hand and raise left hand with palm up. Two hands meet in
front of the chest, left hand on top of the right hand, palms up for both hands.
Lower both hands together to the lower abdomen. (i.e. hands back to starting
position, except left hand is on top of the right hand now.) Coordinate
breathing such that inhale finishes when motion finishes.
Step C: Repeat step A except that this time, left hand motions up, right hand
motions down.
Repeat steps A, B, and C for 6 to 12 times.
The making of the sound and motion should be gentle, simple and smooth. We will
introduce more detail when readers are familiar with the exercises.
When making the sound ¡§chui¡¨, pull the corner of the mouth out slightly, lay
tongue flat, then curl tongue up slightly, coordinate with exercise steps A, B,
and C.
Step A: Both hands in front of the chest, palms facing each other,
fingers(except thumbs) touching like holding a ball in the palms. Start inhale.
Step B: After lung is full with air, start making ¡§chui (§j)¡¨sound. At the same
time, start bending knees, toes crawling in, raising the ball of the foot off
the ground. Separate hands and place them in front of the knees, but not
touching them. Keep body straight.
Step C: When exhale is finished, start raising body back to the starting
position A.
Repeat steps A, B, and C for 6 to 12 times.
The making of the sound and motion should be gentle, simple and smooth. We will
introduce more detail when readers are familiar with the exercises. ¡ò
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EHVA Recipe |
Xiang-chun tofu |
Ingredients: | Soft tofu | 1 box (14-16 oz) | Brown sugar | 2 tsp | |||
Xiang-chun paste | 2 Tbsp | Soy sauce | ½ Tbsp | ||||
Fermented black bean paste | ½ Tbsp | Lotus root powder | 1 tsp | ||||
Water | 3 cups + 3 Tbsp | Carrot | 1/2 | ||||
Water chestnut | 3 | ||||||
Preparation: |
Procedure: |
Servings: | 10 persons | ||||||
Note: | Xiang-chun paste is made by grinding xiang-chun leaves and a pinch of salt in rice bran oil or olive oil in blender. Xiang-chun paste can be preserved for a long time in freezer. | ||||||
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¬õ«ó¨§¡qLentil bean¡r
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§ö¤¯ªd¡qTrader Joe¡¦s
Roasted Almond
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EHVA Recipe |
Sy squash paste |
Ingredients: | Sy squash | 10 (about 5 lb each) | Red lentil bean | 3 ½ cups (6 oz /cup) | ||
Preserved vegetable(Dong Cai) | 4 oz | Roasted Almond Butter | 2 ½ Tbsp | |||
Seasoning: | Sea salt | A dash | ||||
Procedure: |
Servings: | 15 persons | |||||
09/26 | Rainbow Park ¶é¹C·|¹wºt¤ÈÀ\·| |
10/17 | Napredak Hallªø«C°·±d¯À¹¶é¹C·| |
11/28 | ¯Ï^·P®¦¸`ÁpÅw·|¡q¥_¥[¦{¥xÆW¤u°Ó·|¡r°·±d¾i¥ÍºtÁ¿ / ±À®³ªA°È |
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¤é´Á | ®É¶¡ | ¦aÂI | ¬¡°Ê¤º®e |
02/20/05 Sun. | 1:15-4:15pm | the Community Room of Saratoga Library (13650 Saratoga Ave., Saratoga) ³¯·çµ^ |
ªø«C¾i¥Í¯Z²Ä¤@Á¿¡q¤¤¤å¡r¨ÑÀ³ÂI¤ß |
03/13/05 Sun. | 1:15-4:15pm | ¦P¤W | ªø«C¾i¥Í¯Z²Ä¤GÁ¿¡q¤¤¤å¡r¨ÑÀ³ÂI¤ß |
04/03/05 Sun. | 1:15-4:15pm | ¦P¤W | ªø«C¾i¥Í¯Z²Ä¤TÁ¿¡q¤¤¤å¡r¨ÑÀ³ÂI¤ß |
05/21/05 Sat. | Noon-1:00 pm | ACS ¥_¥[¦{Àù¤Í¤¬§U¤p²Õ¡q°ê»y²Õ¡r O¡¦Connor Hospital, CR A&B 2105 Forest Ave., San Jose §d¬M¬Â |
¹ª«ªº¯f²zÆ[ |
Every Tuesday | 10:00-11:00am | Palo Alto ¦Ñ¤H¤¤¤ß Avenidas Senior Center ³¯¼z¬À | ±À®³Á¿²ß |
gainªºµ|¡C¤Z®½´Ú$500¥H¤WªÌ¬°¥»¤¤¤ß¦~«×ºaÅA¸³¨Æ¡C®½´Ú¤ä²¼©ïÀY½Ð¼gEvergreen Healthy Vegetarian Association
Please send your tax-deductible donation to Evergreen Healthy Vegetarian
Association (EHVA). Thank you!
Sheng-Chun Lo & Sunny Chen¡BPhiliips Semi., Inc. ¡B Otter¡B µL¦W¤ó40¡B Ju Kan Ru¡B Senshou Albert Guh ¡B Jie Chen & Wen-Jun Hsu ¡B µL¦W¤ó41¡BMeng Lee¡BIsabel Chiu & Co. ¡BµL¦W¤ó42¡BMary Ming Sha Peng¡BJean Chen¡BTony Wun-Yu Lin & Bella Lin¡BJohn Lo & Michu Lo¡B§õ¼y²»/Á¦wµØ¡BChristina Poon¡BJu Kan Ru¡B Hsieoyien Hampe¡BµL¦W¤ó39 ¡BChi-Chang Lai & Pi-Ju Chen¡B Kue-Yu Kao & Kuo-Lon Son¡B³¯·çµ^¡B¿½µâ¼_¡B¿½Û¯q¡AChang-Shong & Hsiou-Ching Jean Long¡B³¯©s¾§/³¯©s²»¡B National Semiconductor¡B¤¨ÃQ¤l¶³¡BµL¦W¤ó38¡BµL¦W¤ó37¡BYing-Wen Ku¡BChao-Ling Teresa Fang Lee¡BSumi &Sunny Chen¡BÃC±i¥Ó¥Ó¡BFrank Lin& Grace Lin¡B¸¯®aÄ_¡B³¯¾ð¥\¡BªÂÆg
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