服務及工作項目 | 服務人次 | 義工人次 | 義工時數 |
健康素食養生講座 | 160 | 8 | 32 |
長青推拿講座 | 30 | 8 | 10 |
秋季身體調養班 | 20 | 7 | 21 |
癌友互助午餐會 | 32 | 8 | 32 |
長青素食DVD製作 | - | 20 | 200 |
老人中心素食餐會 | 100 | 15 | 55 |
癌友及特殊兒童餐會 | 120 | 60 | 250 |
公共教育與宣導 | 3600 | 50 | 400 |
【本報記者黃美惠桑尼維爾報導】「長青健康素食歲末聯歡會」 7 日中午在 Odd Fellows 中心舉行,一百多位義工以免費提供健康素食、提供餘興節目、推拿等方式,服務癌患、特殊兒童和家屬的方式,在
12 月難得的和煦陽光中,度過溫馨的時光。「長青健康素食」經常有新菜推出,今年的「蓮藕秋葵」「番茄萵苣」「苦瓜 A 菜」「番茄凍豆腐」,都是新鮮好味,尤其台灣人稱「苦瓜」的涼瓜,和很多人愛吃的
A菜炒在一起,本是互不相見的兩樣菜,炒成了「絕配」。訣竅是用兩個炒鍋,A 鍋以橄欖油爆香花椒粒炒苦瓜。B鍋以橄欖油炒 A 菜,然後把 B 鍋的 A 菜倒入
A 鍋中,與苦瓜拌勻,加鹽、豆豉和辣椒油快炒數下。「苦瓜 A 菜」成為當天很多人談論的爽口菜式,與蓮藕薄片炒秋葵絲,佐以白芝麻的「蓮藕秋葵」,都讓很多吃到的人讚美有加。此外,斑豆泥
(pinto bean spread) 塗在法國麵包上、消脂解糖烤餅、酸辣湯、貓耳朵、糙米飯(長米、浸泡四、五小時、煮時加點橄欖油都是要點)、健康煮法的義大利麵,都是大人小孩都喜愛的,「長青素食」的沙拉和蘋果餡酥皮卷,沾料也都有特殊的好味道。當天並有許多娛興節目,例如程依芸古箏演奏「戰臺風」「瑤族舞曲」,另有頂尖音樂經紀公司提供了程大壯、余天龍、李如斯的演唱。
所謂“氣”,近人常以vital energy〈活能〉做說明。但是,我們的祖先卻認為氣的作用不止於活能。因為活能談的是名詞;而依化學理論來看,任何能量的表現,都不外乎是以動能或位能兩種形式存在。因此,活能並不能完全表現出祖國醫學所謂的氣的意義。祖國醫學對氣的定義,著重於氣在人體的特殊意義,它認為氣是一種“無火”而有火的功能形式。氣除了是一種能量而外,氣還有引發能量產生的作用,也就是所謂動力循環機制;而養氣就是根據這個特性所建立的一種養生方法。了解氣的特質,透過養氣的方法,能使得我們的身體內部創造出生生不已、生化、利用、厚生的作用。
身體配合動作:A,B,C 三個步驟。
A. 雙手掌向上重疊,右手置於左手之上。開始吸氣,而後從小腹往上托起;到上腹時,開始發出呼聲;同時,開始改變左、右手姿勢。將右手向外翻轉,向上托舉,左手翻轉向下按。上托下按的速度,與呼聲一致。呼聲盡時,右手托至頭部前上方,手肘打直,左手下按至左胯旁。同時閉口用鼻自然吸氣。〈如圖所示〉
B. 還原動作。右手小臂外旋變為立掌,手心朝面前下落。同時,左手小臂外旋,手心向上而提升。兩手在胸前交換,右手在下,左手在上。雙手下沉至下腹位置,此時吸氣盡。
C. 重覆動作。唯此時左手上托,右手下按。
A,B,C 完成後,計算一次。連續重覆6─12次後,結束。
A. 兩手掌置胸前,掌心相對,指尖相觸,若抱球狀,同時吸氣。
B. 吸滿後,嘴巴發出吹聲;同時,膝蓋下
C. 氣呼盡時,身體慢慢站直,回到A步驟。連續重覆6-12次,結束。
今年我們針對糖尿病的預防及控制來研發兼俱健康、營養、美味三大特色的素食譜:消脂解糖系列。我們的《長青健康素食拋磚引玉第三輯》食譜示範數位影音光碟(DVD)〈附食譜〉已製作完成,總共 23 道菜,其中有六道主食是屬於消脂解糖系列。歡迎各界免費索取。索取方法如下:
我們在今年5月為 San Jose 老人中心的老人們提供一個月的消脂解糖食品,得到良好的效果;我們並到其他老人中心推廣養生運動及健康的飲食觀念。12月我們舉辦了癌友、特殊兒童及家屬聖誕餐會,並有推拿服務及餘興節目來歡度佳節。
明年我們將繼續研發消脂解糖系列的素食譜及製作食譜光碟,並作各種社區服務與宣導。值得一提的是「長青健康素食推廣中心」為了發揚傳統敬老美德、並介紹各種消脂解糖系列食療〈可幫助預防及控制糖尿病〉,2004年秋季將舉辦長青健康素食園遊會,免費招待近千位的華人及其他族裔的長輩,希望對老人健康有所幫助。我們誠摯地邀請各位朋友全力支援,踴躍加入義工行列,提供人力與財力支援, 謝謝。
(Chinese version by Dr. Hung-Ying Shih, was published on EHVA Newsletter (22), June 2003)
Yummy, tasty, delicious food is a lot more than just being sweet. Sweetness is only one ingredient of tasty foods. Appealing foods have eye pleasing presentation, fragrant smell, and delicious taste. It is very difficult to achieve all these with just one natural food ingredient. Therefore, using a combination of different foods to make a wonderful dish becomes an art performed by gourmet chefs. Freshness is another important aspect of tasty foods. In order to enjoy the natural food flavor, it needs to be consumed while it is fresh, preferably without much processing. The food needs to be chewed thoroughly, and the flavors savored before swallowed. To keep food fresh is also a very difficult task. Modern, fast-paced life style does not allow people to spend lots of time preparing food starting with buying fresh produce from the market. They end up consuming numerous processed foods which no longer have the natural intense flavor of fresh produce. How to make processed foods look good, smell good, and taste good become a challenge for the food industry. Additives become a necessity. Common food additives are concentrates, extracts, or modified extracts. Concentrates are made from high heat while extracts are made from fermentation. Both methods could destroy the taste and even the nutrients of the food. Thus, more additives are added to compensate the lost. They undergo the same process in order to compensate for the loss of nutrients and taste while trying to enhance fragrance and color of processed foods.
Recent research has discovered the fifth taste receptors, which is known as the umami taste. This fifth taste comes from amino acids, the product of hydrolysis or fermentation of protein. It can also come from nucleic acid, the decomposition of DNA. The effect of these two ingredients is even more significant than sweetness when it comes to what determines which foods are appetizing. As a result, very few people can resist the temptation; diabetic patients are no different. These two ingredients,
especially in concentrated form that is found in food additives, can cause elevated blood sugar level in diabetic patients. It can also cause fatigue, loss of concentration, or lack of energy. Furthermore, they are often sources of food allergy. Medical professionals highly recommend diabetic patients to be aware of foods
that may cause allergic reactions, because they can cause a rise in blood glucose level. By carefully monitoring the blood sugar level, diabetic patients can identify foods tha t will cause allergic reactions and avoid them.
Natural food sweeteners such as sucrose, fructose, maltose, glucose, D-sorbitol, D-xylose, are easy to identify and avoid. Sweeteners such as saccharin, dulcin, Na-cyclamate, and Na-glycyrrhizinate, which do not contain glucose, but can still cause diabetics the effects of fatigue, lost of concentration, and lack of energy.
Umami sources are not common in natural form; here is a list for reference:
On the other hand, additives from fermentation, extract, and synthesis are plenty, the common ones are:
The use of additives to enhance the taste of processed food is not new to the public any more. When we go to restaurant, especially fast food joint, we kind of expect their dishes and soups to contain one or more of these additives. Bread, cake, or sauces are all filled with these additives. Even soft drinks are sources of sweeteners and additives. When we read the “nutrition facts” label on food products, all of these are only listed as sodium content. Consumers must be aware of the actual contents of these sodium compounds in daily food products.
There are countless theories on “sweet syndrome” reactions, yet the fact that has been proven is the fast speed that the body reacts to these additives. Some researchers hypothesize that there is a direct correlation from the taste receptor to the brain, hence the quick reaction. However, it is still unclear why some people react to these additives while others don't. The answer may lie in homeostasis, or the body's ability to maintain equilibrium. If the body can maintain a constant rate of concentration in the blood of certain molecules and ions, the body will not develop allergic reactions to these food additives. On the other hand, if the body's ability to maintain equilibrium is weak, the body's toleration to these food additives will be lowered, and will easily develop allergic reactions. Diabetic patients are very sensitive to sweeteners and other flavor enhancers. This is most likely due to the fact that their control of homeostasis is weak. Although this is just a hypothesis, it is important for diabetic patients to be aware of the sodium content in their foods to prevent allergic reactions to artificial sweeteners and flavor enhancers.
It is a given that diabetic patients should be aware of their intake of carbohydrate, should exercise regularly, sleep and rest well, to keep a calm disposition and to follow directions closely from medical professionals. The emphasis of this article is to remind diabetic patients to also eat light in taste and amount, to avoid unnecessary flavorings and especially to avoid “Sweet Syndrome”. If the patients notice the symptoms of the “Sweet Syndrome”, they should avoid the food that is causing the problem.
Traditional Chinese medicine accumulated years of experience in helping diabetic patients to relieve thirst. Some commonly used herbal formulae are listed here for references.
添加物 |
可能引起••• |
DHEA〈減緩老化,增加能量,控制體重〉 | 乳癌,攝護腺癌 |
Echinacea〈治療感冒〉 | 免疫疾病〈autoimmune diseases〉 如:風濕症關結炎〈rheumatoid arthritis〉的惡化 |
麻黃〈Ephedra〉〈增加能量, 控制體重〉 | 心臟病,高血壓,痙攣,中風 |
薑〈減輕噁心症狀〉 | 出血失調性惡化 |
Glucosamine和 chondroitin 〈治療關節炎〉 | 糖尿病惡化 |
鐵質〈Iron〉 | 糖尿病,心臟衰竭,性無能,肝臟受損,更年期提早來臨〈患hemochromatosis的人所有的症狀 都會發生〉 |
Kava 〈治療焦慮,失眠〉 | 肝臟受損 |
Saw palmetto 〈治療攝護腺腫大〉 | 性功能衰退 |
Shark cartilage 鯊魚軟骨〈治療關結炎,癌症〉 | 肝臟受損 |
Valerian 〈治療焦慮,失眠〉 | 肝臟受損 |
Vitamin A(長期使用 retinol之類) | 畸型兒,骨質疏鬆,肝臟受損 |
Yohimbe 〈提高男性性慾〉 | 高血壓,心律不整 |
能及早察覺藥物所導致的疾病徵兆,而做即時的糾正可以防止病情惡化。舉例而言,大約有四十多種藥物 – 特別是降血壓的 hydralazine 〈Apresoline〉,治心律不整的 procainamide 〈Pronestyl〉及 quindine 〈Quinaglute Dura-tabs〉會引起像狼瘡〈Lupus〉般的疾病,而影響到腎臟,如果能立刻降低劑量或改用別的藥,則有可能使病情逆轉。
斑 豆 泥 |
材 料: | 斑豆罐頭 〈pinto bean〉 | 1罐〈15盎司〉 | 蘋果醋 | 2茶匙 | ||||
四季豆 | 4 盎司 | 鹽 | 1/8 茶匙 | |||||
杏仁泥 | 1½ 湯匙 | 蜂蜜 | 1 茶匙 | |||||
九層塔末〈basil〉 | 1 湯匙 | 核桃油 | 1½ 湯匙 | |||||
蒜末 | ½ 茶匙 | |||||||
準 備: | 1. 瀝乾斑豆。 2. 四季豆洗淨,去頭尾,切對半。在沸水中川燙1分半鐘,撈出,瀝乾。再切成粗粒。 3. 九層塔洗淨,切末。 4. 將蒜切末。 |
做 法: |
份量: | 6 人份 | |||||||
調 料; | 鈉鹽: 49.2 毫克/份 油: 3.75 毫升/份 糖: 5.3 公克/份 |
EHVA Recipe | ||||||||
Ingredients: | Canned pinto bean | 1 can (15 oz) | Apple vinegar | 2 tsp. | ||||
String beans | 4 oz | Salt | 1/8 tsp. | |||||
Almond paste | 1 ½ Tbsp. | Honey | 1 tsp. | |||||
Minced basil | 1 Tbsp. | Walnut oil | 1 ½ Tbsp. | |||||
Minced garlic | ½ tbsp. | |||||||
Preparation: |
Procedure: |
Servings: | 6 persons | |||||||
Seasoning: | Sodium: 49.2 mg/serv Oil: 3.75 ml/serv Sugar: 5.3 gm/serv | |||||||
EHVA Recipe | Lotus Root with Okra |
Ingredients: | Lotus root | 12 oz. | Salt | 1/4 Tbsp. | ||
Okra | 6 oz. | Sesame seed oil | 1 Tbsp. | |||
Sesame seeds | 1 Tbsp. | Water | 5 Tbsp. | |||
Olive oil | 1 Tbsp. | |||||
Preparation: |
Procedure: |
Servings: | 5 persons | |||||
Seasoning: | Sodium: 118 mg/serv. Oil: 7.5 ml/serv Sugar:0 gm/serv |
長青素食譜 | 滷豆腐包 |
材料: | 豆腐包 | 1 包 〈約4 - 5 塊〉 | 冰片糖 | 1/3 片 | |
香菜 | 1 把 + 少許 | 香油 | 酌量 | ||
滷包 | 1 個 | 水 | 8杯 + 6杯 | ||
醬油 | ¾ 杯 | ||||
準備: | 1. 香菜洗淨,備用。 | ||||
做法: |
份量: | 6 人份 |
EHVA Recipe | Stewed Tofu skin |
Ingredients: | Tofu skin | 1 pack (4-5 pieces) | Rock sugar | 1 Tbsp. | |||
Cilantro | 1 bunch. | Sesame oil | 1 tsp. | ||||
Stewed material | 1 bag | Water | 8 cups + 6 cups | ||||
Preparation: | Wash cilantro. Put aside. | ||||||
Procedure: |
Servings: | 6 persons |
日 期 | 時 間 | 地 點 | 活 動 內 容 | |||||
星期六 |
9:30-11:00 am | Shires Memorial Center, 180 N. 4th Street, San Jose | 長青推拿講習〈中文〉 | |||||
星期六 |
9:30-11:00 am | Casa Del Pueblo, 200 S. Market St., San Jose | 長青推拿講習〈中文〉 | |||||
星期六 |
9:40-11:10 am | Saratoga High School | 長青推拿講習〈中文〉 | |||||
星期六 |
2:10-3:40 pm | Milpitas High School | 長青推拿講習〈中文〉 | |||||
星期日 |
1:00-4:00 pm | 金山灣區華僑文教服務中心, 1269 Forgewood Ave., Sunnyvale | 長青身體調養班〈中文〉 | |||||
星期日 |
1:00-4:00 pm | 金山灣區華僑文教服務中心, 1269 Forgewood Ave., Sunnyvale | 長青身體調養班〈中文〉 | |||||
星期日 |
1:00-4:00 pm | 金山灣區華僑文教服務中心, 1269 Forgewood Ave., Sunnyvale | 長青身體調養班〈中文〉 |
2003董事: | 王宇霖、尹明潭、朱瑞蓉、呂錞銀、吳宜玟、吳英芳、洪英傑、黃宗哲、陳介川、陳瑞琴、張麗君、游松賀、董紀良、鄞淑純、賴吉昌、龍彰雄、羅吉斯、沙 敏、陳慧珊 |
發 行: | 長青健康素食推廣中心 |
打 字: | 王立華、劉雪清、林由女、徐鴛鴦、高淑玲 |
編 輯: | 龍彰雄、呂錞銀、吳宜玟、尹明潭、陳純淑、高淑玲 |
美 工: | 龍彰雄、高淑玲、路正琳( logo設計) |
印 刷: | 長青印刷 (TEL: 408-732-0680) |