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(A) 10.9.2001
To E.H.V.A-
I am one of the seniors who came to your celebration at Napredak Hall on Sunday. I just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed everything: - the bus ride, the lunch (delicious!) and all the other attractions- not forgetting the gift we were given at departure.
It was truly a wonderful day and everyone there; - cooks, servers, massage therapists etc. were all so pleasant.
I am bringing your seminars to the attention of our Senior Center and hope it materializes!
-Jeanne Walsh
(B) Mr. Manya Avadom, from Sunnyvale: ¡§This was one of the best things I have ever seen. The food was professional. The people there were close to 2000, but everything was very smooth and excellent. I took my whole family there, I even talked to my daughter about how they did the whole thing, so wonderful and everything is free. We stayed there almost the whole day.¡¨
Mr. Gates, from San Jose, ¡§The food was good but not hot enough. The massage was good too.¡¨
Mrs. Bertha Mitchell, from Sunnyvale, ¡§I am handicapped, the parking lot was so crowded, even I got there around 11:30 but I could not find parking space near, so I turned back home. It seemed like ¡V there is no more here.¡§
Mrs. Mary Summer, from Palo Alto, ¡§Even I was very late, but I was still getting the wonderful massage and tried different delicious food. One question for me was I saw some deep fried food, was deep fried food considered healthy? Is any food good for kidney and lung? People there were so nice and kind. Let me know if you have any other events. I will also tell my friends.¡¨
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Thanksgiving Salvation Army Services:
(1) The tradition of Thanksgiving started over 300 years ago when the Pilgrims celebrated the founding of Plymouth Colony. At the feast, the Native Americans who had been invited brought food as gifts to show their goodwill. Gradually, this annual event became a celebration in honor of their successful harvest and endurance against the trials of the New World. Today, most people celebrate this holiday by giving a Thanksgiving dinner with their family. However, there are those who don't have a family, or the means, to do this. To help create a Thanksgiving experience for them, I volunteered to serve at the Salvation Army's community lunch.
My job was to help clear the tables, but I ended up doing whatever needed to be done. The dining hall was chaotic, but we still made sure everybody got their food. For many of them, this Thanksgiving dinner probably helped a lot. I was surprised by how many people had brought plastic bags and containers. Instead of eating the all the food, they only ate part of it and stored most of it away. They packed everything, including things like mashed potatoes and gravy, not just cookies and pie. Although I felt better for having volunteered at the lunch. I felt depressed that so many people would not have celebrated Thanksgiving otherwise. However, This experience also made me realize that I should be thankful for having a family that I can celebrate Thanksgiving with, as well as many other things I take for granted. Overall, I'm glad that I volunteered because I had a chance to help contribute to the Thanksgiving tradition.
(2) On November 22, we went to the Salvation Army Center in San Jose to volunteer. After we signed in, we went into the dining hall and set up the tables for the guests. We put placemats, utensils, and cups on the tables, and then we put bowls of salad and biscuits on the placemats. When the guests came in, they sat down in the tables. There were seniors, homeless people, and more. We served them coffee, juice, pies and cookies. The main dish was meat, carrots, and vegetables. The guests were very polite and patient. Volunteering at the Salvation Army was an interesting experience for me and it made me thing about how lucky I am and how much I have to give thanks to.
(3) Although I have went to many different volunteer services in the past, it was going to the Salvation Army thanksgiving lunch that gave me the chance to see the environment of how people celebrated Thanksgiving if they were not as privileged as I am. It was an interesting experience since I had never volunteered before on such a celebrated holiday as Thanksgiving and, after the service, I truly enjoyed my own thanksgiving dinner with thanks.
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The Five Major Grains
The five major grains are rice, barley, wheat, oat, and rye. These grains cannot be eaten raw and must be cooked. However, many nutrients are lost during the cooking process. For example, vitamin C is weak in resisting heat, thus only a limited amount is retained after cooking.
According to the Traditional Chinese Medicine, rice is mild in nature and sweet in flavor with healing properties of supplementing the center, boosting energy, strengthening the spleen and harmonizing the stomach. Wheat is cool in nature and sweet in flavor with healing properties of nourishing the heart, benefiting the kidney, eliminating the heat and quenching the thirst. Barley is cool in nature and sweet in flavor with healing properties of harmonizing the stomach, fortifying the intestines and being diuretic. These three grains, especially rice and wheat, are essential sources of carbohydrate.
From a nutritional standpoint, wheat has a higher content of protein than rice. Wheat contains gluten that can be used to make man tou (Chinese bread) and other types of breads. Rice however, cannot be used for that purpose. This is the difference in the applications of these two grains.
Both barley and wheat are cool in nature and sweet in flavor. So what is the difference between the two? Barley is actually a diuretic, similar to Chinese barley (the two are similar but do not belong to the same species). With both barleys, the more you eat, the more you urinate. Their functions are related to the microcirculation in the skin. Chinese barley is especially good for skin-care and facial-care. Wheat, although also cool in nature and sweet in flavor, does not have the same property.
Rice is mild in nature while wheat is cool in nature. Wheat, being cool in nature and sweet in flavor, will slow down the stomach movement if too much is eaten. Rice, however, does not have this problem. Wheat is also known to nourish the heart. Since the Han dynasty (200 B.C.), there has been a very famous herbal formula called Ganmai Dazao decoction (licorice, wheat and jujube decoction). All three ingredients are known to nourish the heart, calm the mind and aid in sleeping. The healing properties of rice are supplementing the center, boosting energy, strengthening the spleen and harmonizing the stomach, which make it a relatively neutral food. There are several varieties of rice: long-grain, short-grain, and round grain. Short-grain rice is stickier and more difficult for the stomach to digest.
Other grains
Corn is mild in nature and sweet in flavor, with healing properties of regulating the center and increasing the appetite. Although there are no digestive problems, corn, like wheat, is a common food allergen. Parents should pay special attention because most children love to eat sweet corn.
Millet is cool in nature, sweet and salty in flavor with healing properties of harmonizing the center, benefiting the stomach, eliminating heat and toxins. If one has stomach discomfort, millet porridge can be used as a dietary therapy. The way to make millet porridge is to cook millet in water (1:10), filter the outer shells and drink only the filtered porridge. Clinical studies have shown that after drinking millet porridge, one's stomach feels more comfortable. The protein in millet is complete (contains all essential amino-acids) and can help to sustain energy in the body. For patients with chronicle diseases, seniors, or frail persons, millet is an important source of protein.
Buckwheat is cool in nature and sweet in flavor with healing properties of increasing the appetite, fortifying the intestines, aiding elimination, and dispersing food accumulation. After cooking the buckwheat in water, one will see a layer of membrane that surrounds the buckwheat very similar to that for psyllium husk. For seniors or people with constipation, eating buckwheat and psyllium husk will help bowel movement. However, one's qi will fall and result in ¡§eating more yet feeling weaker¡¨ if too much is taken.
Once a while, take buckwheat instead of laxatives when suffering constipation or feeling bloated in stomach. After eating the buckwheat, one can truly experience its effect of increasing the appetite, fortifying the intestine, aiding elimination, and dispersing food accumulation.
Soybean is mild in nature and sweet in flavor with healing properties of strengthening the spleen, fortifying the center, moistening dryness and dispersing water retention. Soybean is a food allergen. Yet why are soybeans highly regarded by our ancestors? The reason is that soybean has great nutritional value and can be planted only in certain regions in China. Our ancestors realized the allergenic aspects in soybean and have found ways to eliminate the allergens when making soybean products such as tofu, soymilk, soy sauce and fermented soybean.
Soybean is an excellent source of protein and fat, and can be made into various food products such as tofu. Before making tofu, one needs to make soymilk. The difference between tofu and soybean lies in whether the soybean dregs are filtered out before or after cooking the soymilk. Should we soak the soybeans with cold water, liquefy the mixture, filter the dregs then cook the soybean milk? Or, should we cook the soybeans first then liquefy? Soymilk made by the second method is harmful to the body as more allergen will be dissolved in the hot water. Another distinction is whether the soymilk has been processed by heating. Only after 20 to 30 minutes of boiling the soymilk, will soybean's trypsin inhibiting effect be eliminated.
Currently, products such as soybean protein powder and the canned product ¡§Ensure¡¨ are gaining popularity. We need to understand their production methods. Generally, the soy protein is extracted from the bean then hydrolyzed by either enzymes or chemical methods. At the present time, most are manufactured by the enzyme method.
It is discovered that the effect of drinking Ensure is very good, because through hydrolysis, the protein is broken down into smaller molecules such as polypeptides or amino acids. They can be easily absorbed by the body, relieve the stomach with less digestion load, and make one feel more energetic. It becomes obvious for us to realize that after each meal; a lot of energy was spent in digestion and absorption. Comparing the same mass of tofu to that of soybean, it takes much less energy to digest tofu. ¡ò - To be continued -
Jue ming zi (¨M©ú¤l) is the seed of the perennial plant jue ming. From chemical analysis, we discover that jue ming zi contains emodin, rhein, and chrysophanol. Emodin is a laxative. Jue ming zi tea is also found to be helpful in lowering blood pressure.
Other than using jue ming zi as a laxative to relieve constipation, it is also used to improve acuity of vision because of its ability to remove heat from the liver. This functional drink is particularly good for relieving eye redness, eye dryness and sore eye resulted from continually staring at the computer monitor.
Jue ming zi tea
§÷ ®Æ¡G | ¬v½µ | 1Ó | ÆQ | ½¯ù°Í | ||
¡@ | »[¥½ | 2¯ù°Í | ¬õ¿} | 2¯ù°Í | ||
¡@ | X¤l | 1½S | ¾ñÆVªo | 2´ö°Í | ||
¡@ | ¶À¦â¸q¤j§Q¥Ê | ½½S | ¬õ°s | ½ªM | ||
¡@ | ºñ¦â¸q¤j§Q¥Ê | ½½S | ¤ûªo | ½´ö°Í | ||
¡@ | ¿»XÅøÀY(¤Á¤Bª¬ªº) | 2Åø | Á¡²ü¸ | 1´ö°Í | ||
¡@ | ¸q¤j§Q²ÓÄÑ | 1¥](16 oz) | Oregano | 1´ö°Í | ||
¡@ | ¯À°ª´ö | 1ªM | ¤E¼h¶ð(Basil) | 1´ö°Í | ||
·Ç ³Æ¡G |
¡@ | ||||
°µ ªk¡G |
¥÷ ¶q¡G | 6¤H¥÷ |
Ingredients: | Onion | 1 | Mint | 1 Tbsp | ||
Green summer squash | ½ lb | Tomatoes (Canned Ready Cut diced) | 2 (13oz) | |||
Eggplant | 1 lb | Salt | ½ tsp | |||
Yellow summer squash | ½ lb | Vegetable stock (any kind) | 1 cup | |||
Minced Garlic | 2 tsp | Olive oil | 2 Tbsp | |||
Angel Hair | 1 (16oz) | Red wine | ½ cup | |||
Brown sugar | 2 tsp | Butter | ½ Tbsp | |||
Oregano | 1 Tbsp | Basil | 1 Tbsp | |||
Preparation: ¡@ |
Procedure: ¡@ |
Serving: | 6 persons |