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( Chinese version, by Dr. Hung-Ying Shih, was published on EHVA Newsletter (10), June, 2000 )
Why does a woman need special care and nourishment in the month after childbirth?
Although methods may differ slightly from region to region, they all emphasize ¡§hot nourishment¡¨ or ¡§warm nourishment¡¨ to the body aiming to supplement nutrients and to strengthen the body functions.
According to our ancestors' experiences, postpartum women need rest to avoid the following diseases: headaches, body ache, physical weakness, pregnancy marks, hemorrhoids, and etc. If they are not careful during this time, they might suffer permanent illness in the future. Therefore, there are many taboos:
In another word, women are not allowed to do anything during this period after childbirth. Many Chinese women grow up under the shadow of these taboos.
Yet, the practices in the United States are very different for postpartum women. They can wash their hair, take showers, drink cold milk, eat fresh fruits, start exercising, and go back to work sooner.
Why are the approaches so different? It is caused by the differences in life styles, physical constitutions and cultures.
According to medical research, the base temperature of a woman during pregnancy is higher than normal. The closer to the due date, the higher the temperature is. At the final stage, she will experience thirst, dry tongue and sensitivity to heat. This is caused by the increased metabolism rate. The pregnant woman has to assist the metabolism of the fetus. The faster the fetus grows, the more workload the mother's body takes on and the body temperature becomes higher. This causes the mother to feel irritated by heat.
The following phenomena are observed at the later stage of the pregnancy. (1) The symptom of the allergic nasal disease (caused by coldness of the body) will disappear due to increased circulation. (2) Some women will develop gestation hyperthyroidism or gestation diabetes resulting from the body's adjustment to the accelerated functions.
During pregnancy, the woman experiences a series of interrelated physical changes: (a) the body's micro circulation increases; (b) the body temperature keeps at a slightly higher level for a long period of time; (c) pores open naturally; (d) the resistance ability of the skin decreases and (e) related tissues change accordingly.
After the child is born, the woman's body changes from two metabolic systems to one, and the body temperature begins to drop. Organs and tissues cannot adjust to the change immediately. In general, it takes about a month for the body to adjust the change. The woman will become sensitive to wind and cold if her body temperature drops too fast. This is because the degree of contraction of pores and outer skin tissues cannot match the rate of the drop of the body temperature. If she was born with weak physical constitution, lacks physical exercises, lives in an environment with insufficient heating, or has an imbalanced vegetarian diet, her body will become cold/damp type. On the other hand, if she eats a lot of meat without considering the balance in the food, her body will become damp/heat type. Taking special care for the woman after childbirth will be very helpful in correcting the body constitution.
If the woman has been doing exercise regularly, has paid attention to have a balanced diet and lived in a modern house with quality heating system, she might be doing fine without following our ancestor's rules.
There is no right or wrong to the different approaches. The key is to understand the rationale and to choose the approach that accommodates the person.
¡§Warm nourishment¡¨ and ¡§hot nourishment¡¨ are two basic healthcare methods for the postpartum women. Both methods are based on prevention. They supply the nutrition, maintain the vitality of body functions, and further improve the body constitution. According to our ancestors' observation, only the postpartum women can benefit the most from rest and nourishment. This is due to their greatly improved ability to absorb and assimilate nutrients. After this period, the effects will decrease gradually.
It is better to extend the period from one month to ninety days for easy assessment since the clinical results of any changes won't show until a quarter later. For example, change of physical constitution will become noticeable in the autumn if the ninety-day nourishment is completed in the spring.
In the beginning of this period, we suggest hot nourishment for the women so that her body temperature will decrease gradually. Her internal organs will adapt to the change of the body temperature to avoid any side effects caused by abrupt changes. Later, we can decide whether to continue hot nourishment or switch to warm nourishment in order to improve the individual's body constitution.
In choosing hot nourishment or warm nourishment, the objective factors like sweating, heartbeat, blood pressure need to be first considered. Subjective factors such as sensitivity (to cold weather), cold extremities and frequent urination should be evaluated with objective consequences in order to make the right choice.
From the nutritional point of view, protein content should be increased in the diet during this period. Protein content is high in animal based proteins, eggs and milk products. As for vegetarians, the source of protein comes mainly from peas and beans, with limited varieties and tastes. Brewer's yeast or spirulina can be used as alternatives. The protein in spirulina is twenty times more than that of soybean. It can be easily digested and is less likely to cause allergy. Nuts can also be considered for their high contents in both protein and fat. However, they might cause allergic reactions or indigestion problems. For easy digestion, nuts should be cooked in boiling water first and then mashed.
Sesame oil and fermented glutinous rice products can be added to the diet for slowing down the drop rate of the body temperature. However, excessive amounts will hinder the process of reshaping the body figure and reducing pregnancy wrinkles.
Herbs are used to improve the body functions. The different selection of herbs depends on their ability to revitalize, balance and sustain the body. Hot and spicy seasonings like peppercorn, chili pepper and mustard, which improve the circulation of upper body, are not recommended. Although the woman will feel heat instantly after taking these seasonings, the phenomenon lasts only for a short period of time. She then gets tired afterwards due to the loss of her Qi (life force).
Other herbs such as Pao Fu Zi (processed aconiti), Rou Gui (cassia) and Gui Pi (cinnamon) have great heat-producing ability and sustainability. They can balance the organs of the lower body part. However, excessive amount of these herbs will cause overheat and over dryness of the body.
Ren Shen (ginseng), Dang Gui (angelicae sinensis), Chuan Qiong (rhizoma ligustici), and Huang Qi (astragalus membranaceus), Gui Yuan (longanae arillus), Hong Zao ( red jujube), Gou Ji Zi (lycium), Dang Sen (codonopsis pilosular) are warm and considered mainstream ingredients for nourishment. For example, the ¡§Eight treasures Concoction¡¨ is made of the famous ¡§Four ingredients Decoction¡¨: Dang Qui (angelicae sinensis), Chuan Qiong (rhizoma ligustici), Bai Shao (paeoniae alba), Shou Di (rehmanniae praeparata) and the ¡§Four gentlemen Concoction¡¨: Dang Sen (codonopsis pilosulae), Bai Shu (rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae), Fu Ling (poria), Gan Cao (liquorice). The ¡§Eight treasures Concoction¡¨ provides warm and hot nourishments and nurtures both Qi and blood.
version by Dr. Hung-Ying Shih was published in EHVA Newsletter (10), June,
The sweet and sour taste of ¡§shan yu rou¡q¤sµã¦×¡r¡¨ drink is much like the favorite traditional summer drink, ¡§sour plum drink¡q»Ä±ö´ö¡r¡¨, but a lot healthier. Not only does it taste good, ¡§shan yu rou¡¨ drink is a functional food that tonifies the kidney, increases the essence of body fluids and arrests spontaneous emission and sweat.
¡§Shan yu rou¡¨ (dogwood fruit) is the fruit of the deciduous tree shan zhu yu¡q¤s¯üµã¡r. It is rich in nutrients such as vitamin A, gallic acid, maleic acid and tartric acid. It is also rich in ¡§shan zhu yu¡¨ essence, which research found can promote diuresis and can lower blood pressure. ¡§Shan yu rou¡¨ is one of the six ingredients used in the famous kidney strengthening herbal formula ¡§lui wei di huang wan¡q¤»¨ý¦a¶À¤Y¡r¡¨.
¡§Shan yu rou¡¨ | 3 1/3 oz. |
¡§Guei hua¡¨ paste¡q®ÛªáÂæ¡r | 2 Tbsp. |
Honey | 3 Tbsp. |
Licorice¡q¥Ì¯ó¡r | 1 slice |
Water | 10 cups |
Put all the ingredients into a large pot, and bring to boil over high heat. Reduce to low heat, and simmer for one minute. Turn off heat. Serve cold.Å
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¦pªG¨xÀËÅçµ²ªG²§±`,°È¥²½ÐÂå¥Í«·sÀˬd¡Cn¬O¦³¤U¦C±¡ªp¡R(1)«À˵²ªG²§±`,¦Ó§AªºÂå¥Í¤£¶i¤@¨B°µ²Ä¤G¼h¦¸ªº°lÂÜÀˬd¡C(2)ÀËÅçµ²ªGªº²§±`¥i¯à¬O¥Ñ©ó¬YºØÄY«ªº¯e¯f©Î¬O¯f¯g¤v¸g©ì©µ¤F¤T¦Ü¤»Ó¤ë¡C±z¥²¶·½Ð±ÐG¸z¬ì©Î¨x¬ìÂå¥Í¡C¨x¬ìÂå¥Í¥i¯à·|«Øij¨x¤Á¤ù¡C¨x¤Á¤ùªº¤â³N¶·n§½³¡³Â¾K, ±N°w´¡¤J¨â¦Ø°©¶¡¡C³oÓ¤â³N¦³»´·L¬y¦å©Îµoª¢ªº¦MÀI©Ê,
P©Rªº¥i¯à©Ê«h«D±`¤p¡C¦pªG¬OºC©ÊÂo¹L©Ê¯f¬r¨xª¢, °sºë¨x¯f©Î¨xÀù¡M¨x¤Á¤ù¥i¥HÀ°§UÂå¥Í§@¥¿½Tªº¶EÂ_¡Q¨M©w³Ì¦nªºªvÀø¤èªk¡Q¤Î±±¨î¯e¯fªº½¯©µ¡C
ªí¤@: «Â¯Ù¨xŦªºÃĪ«¤Î¯óÃĤUªí¦C¥XªºÃĪ«·|¼vÅT¨xŦ,ªø´ÁªA¥ÎªÌ¶·°µ©w´Áªº¨xÀËÅç¡C¦pªGÀËÅçµ²ªG²§±`, À³¸Ó½Ð±ÐÂå¥Í¬O§_±o°±¤îªA¥Î¸ÓÃĪ«, ´«¥t¤@ºØÃĩδî¤Ö¾¯¶q, ¥t¥~¤]¦C¥X¤@¨Ç¥i¯à¶Ë®`¨xŦªºÀç¾i¸É¥R¾¯¡C |
ÃĪ«»P¸É¥R¾¯ |
·N¨£ |
«DÃþ©T¾Jªº®øª¢ÃĪ« (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) |
Ibuprofen (Advil) |
¨C¤ÑªA¥ÎªÌ, «Øij¨C¤T, ¥|Ӥ밵¨xÀËÅç¡CªA¥Î¹L¶qªº Tylenol·|¶Ë®`¨xŦ¡CªA¥Î´¶³q¾¯¶qªºTylenol, ¥[¤W¤TªM°s¤]·|¶Ë®`¨xŦ¡C |
Ketoprofen (Orudus KT) |
Naproxen (Aleve,Naprosyn) |
Celecoxib (Celebrex) |
Rofecoxib (Vioxx) |
°Áx©T¾JªºÃĪ«(Cholesterol-lowing drugs) |
Atorvastatin (Lipitor) |
ªA¥ÎÃĪ««á, ¥|¦Ü¤»¬P´Á¶·°µ¨xÀËÅç, ¥H«án°µ©w´ÁÀˬd¡C |
Fluvastatin (Lescol) |
Lovastatin (Mevacorl) |
Pravastatin (Pravachol) |
Simvastatin (Zocor) |
Niacin (Niaspan, Nicolar) |
§Ü¿}§¿¯fÃĪ«(Antidiabetic drugs) |
Pioglitazone (Actos) |
¦]¬°¥i¯à·|¶Ë®`¨xŦ, Rezulin ¤w¸g³Q¸T¥Î, ¨ä¥LÃĪ«¥Ø«eÁÙºâ¦w¥þ¡C¤£¹L²Ä¤@¦~¨C¨âӤ붷°µ¨xÀËÅç,¥H«á°µ©w´ÁÀˬd¡C |
Rosligliazone (Avandia) |
°¤T¥Ìªo¯×ªºÃĪ«(Triglycerde-lowering drugs) |
Fenofibrate (Tricor) |
¨C¥|Ӥ밵¨xÀËÅç |
Gemfibrizol (Lopid, Gen-Fibro) |
§ÜµjÅ˪ºÃĪ« (Anticonvulsants) |
Carbamazepine (Carbetrol,Tegretol) |
¨C¤T, ¥|Ӥ밵¨xÀËÅç |
Phenytoin (Dilantin) |
Valproic acid (Depakote) |
ªvÀø¦Ñ¤Hè§b¯gªºÃĪ« |
Tacrine (Cognex) |
¨C¤T, ¥|Ӥ밵¨xÀËÅç |
²üº¸»X (Hormones) |
»Û¿E¯À(¥Î¥H¨¾¤î°©½è²¨ÃP¤ÎªvÀø§ó¦~´Á¯gª¬ªºOgen,Premarin¤ÎÁ×¥¥ÃÄ Lo/Ovral,Triphasil) |
»Û¿E¯À¦³®É·|¼vÅTÁx¥Ä¬y°Ê¦Ó¤Þ°_¶À¯n, tamoxifen ·|¤Þ°_¯×ªÕ¨x¡C«Øij¨C¦~°µ¤@¦¸©Î¨â¦¸¨xÀˬd |
Tamoxifen (¥Î¥H¹w¨¾¨ÅÀùNolvadex) |
Methhotrexate (Folex,Rheumatrex) |
ªvÀø¥Ö½§¯f,··Ã¤ÎÀù¯g |
¦pªG²Ö¿nªA¥Î¾¯¶q¶W¹L1.5¤½§J,«Øij°µ¨x¤Á¤ù,¦]¬°³o¨ÇÃĪ«·|¶Ë®`¨xŦ,¦ýµLªk±qÅç¦å¤¤Àˬd¥X¨Ó¡C |
Àç¾i¸É¥R¾¯ |
²Ä¤@Ãþ: Chapparal, comfrey, germander, pennyroyal, °ª¾¯¶qªººû¥Í¯ÀA (¨C¤ÑªA¥Î10,000 IUS ¥H¤W)¤ÎÃþ©T¾J (anabolic steroids). |
¨CÓ¤H³£±oÁקK²Ä¤@ÃþªºÀç¾i¸É¥R¾¯¡M¨xÀˬd¦³²§±`µ²ªGªÌ¥²¶·ÁקK²Ä¤GÃþÀç¾i¸É¥R¾¯¡C |
²Ä¤GÃþ: ³Â¶À,gentian, senna, shark cartilage, scutellaria (skull cap) valerian. |
¦pªGÅç¦åµ²ªG,«ü¼Æª@°ª,¦ý¤SµLªk¥Ñ°lÂÜÀˬd±o¨ì¸ÑÄÀ,³q±`¤]¥²¶·°µ¨x¤Á¤ù¡C²{¦bÂå¥Í̪º¦@ÃѬO: «ü¼Æ¥²¶·°ª¥X¥¿±`¨â¿¥H¤W, ¤~°µ¨x¤Á¤ù¡C¨ä¥L¥u¶·°µ¶g´Á©ÊªºÀˬd¡C«Øij½Ð±Ð¥t¤@¦ìÂå¥Íªº·N¨£, ¥H½T©w¬O§_¦³¨x¤Á¤ùªº»Ýn¡C
§÷ ®Æ¡G | ·N¤j§Q¥Ê (Zucchini) | 12 oz | ¥ÖÂįó(Oregano) | 2 ¯ù°Í |
¡@ | ¶À«n¥Ê (Yellow squash) | 8 oz | ÆQ | ½ ¯ù°Í |
¡@ | ¬vÛ£ | 4 oz | ¤ô | 2 ´ö°Í |
¡@ | ²¢¬õ´Ô | 1/4Ó | »[ | 2 ä |
¡@ | ¾ñÆVªo | 1´ö°Í | ·sÂA¶ÂJ´Ô¯» | ¼ ¯ù°Í |
·Ç ³Æ¡G |
°µ ªk¡G |
¥÷ ¶q¡G | 6¤H¥÷ |
Ingredients: | Zucchini | 12 oz. | Oregano | 2 tsp. | |
¡@ | Yellow squash | 8 oz. | Salt | 1/2 tsp. | |
¡@ | Mushroom | 4 oz. | Water | 2 Tbsp. | |
¡@ | Red bell pepper | 1/4 piece | Garlic | 2 cloves | |
¡@ | Olive oil | 1 Tbsp. | Fresh ground black pepper | 1/4 tsp. | |
Preparation: |
Procedures: |
Servings: | 6 persons |
§÷ ®Æ¡G | °®Û£porcini | ½ oz | ¬víõ¤¯ | 1 ªM | |
¡@ | ¤ûªo(µLÆQ) | 2 ´ö°Í | Madeira wine | 1 ªM | |
¡@ | ¬v½µ | 2 Ó (¤p) | ¥h¥Ö¿»X | 1 Åø (28 oz) | |
¡@ | ·sÂA¦Ê¨½»(thyme) | 1¯ù°Í | ¯À°ª´ö | 3 quart | |
¡@ | ¶ÂJ´Ô¯» | 1 ¯ù°Í | «n¥ÊButternut Squash | 2Ó (¨CÓ¬ù1 ¼ ½S) | |
¡@ | ÆQ (Kosher salt) | 1 ¯ù°Í | Swiss chard | ½ §â (¬ù12 oz) | |
·Ç ³Æ¡G
°µ ªk¡G |
¥÷ ¶q¡G | 14-16¤H¥÷ |
§÷ ®Æ¡G | ¤ûªo(µLÆQ) | 1 ´ö°Í | ªàµæ | 1 ®Ú | |
¡@ | ¾ñÆVªo | 1 ´ö°Í | Swiss chard | 1 §â (¥b½S) | |
¡@ | ¬v½µ | 1 Ó (¤j) | ·sÂA¦Ê¨½»(thyme) | ¼Æ¸ | |
¡@ | JÅÚ½³ | 1 Ó (¤j) | Parsley (flat leaf type) | ¼Æ¸ | |
¡@ | ¨¾·¯ó®Ú parsnip | 1 Ó | Bay leaf | 1 ¤ù | |
·Ç ³Æ¡G |
°µ ªk¡G |
Ingredients: | Dried porcini mushrooms | ½ oz | Barley | 1 cup | ||
¡@ | Unsalted butter | 2 Tbsp. | Madeira wine | 1 cup | ||
¡@ | Onions | 2 (small) | Whole peeled tomatoes | one 28 oz. can | ||
¡@ | Fresh thyme leaves | 1 tsp. | Vegetable Stock | 3 quart | ||
¡@ | Black pepper | 1 tsp. | Butternut Squash | 2 large (1 1/4 lb. Each) | ||
¡@ | Kosher salt | 1 tsp. | Swiss chard | 1/2 bunch (12 oz.) | ||
Preparation: |
Procedures: ¡@ |
Servings: | 14-16 persons | |||||
Ingredients: | Unsalted butter | 1Tbsp. | Celery | 1 stalk | |
¡@ | Olive oil | 1Tbsp. | Swiss chard | 1 bunch (about 1/2 lb.) | |
¡@ | Onions | 1 (large) | Fresh thyme | Several sprigs | |
¡@ | Carrot | 1 (large) | Fresh flat-leaf parsley | Several sprigs | |
¡@ | Parsnip | 1 | Dry bay leaf | 1 piece | |
Preparation: |
Procedures: ¡@¡@ |