ªA°È¤Î¤u§@¶µ¥Ø | ªA°È¤H¦¸ | ¸q¤u¤H¦¸ | ¸q¤u®É¼Æ |
¤@¯ë¾i¥Í»P¹ÀøÁ¿®y | 200 | 8 | 40 |
¦Ñ¤H¤¤¤ßºtÁ¿»P«~À| | 350 | 18 | 90 |
°·±d¯À¹¹Ãпý¼v | 200 | 5 | 50 |
¤¦~¦^ÅU¯S¥Z | 1000 | 20 | 1200 |
°·±d¯À¹¹ÃЬãµo | 0 | 10 | 300 |
¤½¦@±Ð¨|»P«Å¾É | 3000 | 45 | 400 |
³Ì®e©ö¥X²{´³ÂIªº²{¶H¡A©¹©¹µo¥Í¦bÃh¥¥«á´Áªº°ü¤k¡C¦Ó¥BÀHµÛ¦~ÄÖ¼W¥[¦Ó¤W¤É¾÷²v¡C¦bù¯°©ªº¨âÃä¡A¹ïºÙ¯B²{¦â¯À¨I¾ý¡]mask of pregnancy¡^¡Cµo¥Íªºì¦]«Ü¦h¡A¦ý¬O¥¦©MÃh¥¥«á´Á¥À¿Ëªº°ò¦Åé·Å¡A¦]Å餺¥²¶·©Ó¨ü¥À¿Ë©ML¨à©ô²±·s³¯¥NÁ©Ҳ£¥Íªº¬Û¹ï°ª¼ö¨ë¿E¦³Ãö¡C³¡¤Àªº¥À¿Ë²£«á´³ÂI¡A¤]´N¬O©Ò¿×ªº¨x´³¡A·|¦Û°ÊºCºC®ø¥¢¡A¤]¦³ªº¥À¿Ë¡A¦â¯À¨I¾ý¡A¦]¦¹ªø¾n¡C
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For thousands of years, Mulberry leaves have been used to feed silk worms.
Mulberry leaves taste a bit sweet and sour, with a hint of a pungent flavor. ¡§Mulberry Chrysanthemum Drink¡¨ is a commonly used herbal formula to combat fall dryness and cold. It utilizes the ability of mulberry leaves in expelling wind and clearing away heat, removing heat from the blood and improving eyesight. Besides these common usages, mulberry leaves can also be used to cleanse blood. Deer horn is a very good herb for replenishing vital essence and blood. Unfortunately, some people are allergic to deer horn. Chinese doctors have found a way to solve this problem; they feed the deer mulberry leaves for a month before their horns are harvested. Very few people are allergic to deer horn prepared this way because of the wonderful blood cleansing effect of mulberry leaves.
Mulberry trees also produce an edible
fruit, mulberry fruit. As a functional food, mulberry fruits are preferred over
mulberry leaves. Over the years, Chinese herbalists have identified these
functions of mulberry fruits: they strengthen the liver, benefit the kidney,
cleanse blood, stabilize hyper-neuro- transmission and nourish the essence of
body fluid. Also, they help ease thirst caused by diabetes, constipation,
blurry eyes, tinnitus, and discomfort in the joints. For best results, eat the
fruit ripe (when its color is dark purple). If you can't get fresh mulberry
fruits, dried mulberry fruits are still nutritious and beneficial to your
Dried mulberry fruit | 1 oz | American Ginseng | 3 gm. |
Dried fig | 2 pieces | Water | 5 cups |
ºû¥Í¯À§t¶q¸û°ª¾A¦Xº^¥Äªº½ªG¤@§tºû¥Í¯ÀE¦h: Īµ«¡B«¢»e¥Ê¡B©_²§ªG¡BJÅÚ½³¡BµÔµæ¡B¿»X¡C§tºû¥Í¯ÀC¦h:«Cªáµæ(Broccoli)¡B«C´Ô¡B¥ÌÂÅ(Kale)¡B»µæ(Parsley)¡BCollard Green¡C
Äqª«½è§t¶q¸û°ª¾A¦Xº^¥Äªº½ªG¤@§t¶t(Calcium)¦h:²¢µæ¸(Beet green)¡B»Z¤½^(Dandelion)¡A¥ÌÂÅ(Kale)¡B»µæ(Parsley)¡B Collard Green¡B¿¾«Cµæ( Turnip green)¡B¦è¬vµæ(Watercress)¡C§tÁâ(Magnesium)¦h:²¢µæ¸(Beet green)¡BJÅÚ½³(Carrot,¤]§tÅK¡B¥i¸É¦å)¡B¥ÌÂÅ(Kale)¡B»µæ(Parsley)¡B»[(Garlic)¡B¸²µå(Grape)¡B¬h¤B(Orange)¡B¿¾«Cµæ( Turnip green)¡C§t¹[(Potassium)¦h:«¢»e¥Ê¡BJÅÚ½³¡Bªàµæ(Celery)¡B»[¡A¥ÌÂŵæ¡A»µæ¡C³oÃþ½ªG´¦¥Ü±jºë¾¯¤]´N¬O¥i¥H¼W±jÅé¯àªº¡C
JÅÚ½³¯À b-carotene |
ºû¥Í¯ÀE Vit E |
ºû¥Í¯ÀB1 Thiamine |
ºû¥Í¯ÀB2 Riboflavin |
ºû¥Í¯ÀB3 Niacin |
ªx»Ä Panthothenic acid |
ºû¥Í¯ÀB6 Vitamin B6 |
Áx¥Ä¯À Choline |
ºû¥Í¯ÀC Vit C |
Biofla vonoid |
¸»Ä Folic acid |
ºû¥Í¯ÀK Vit K |
¶t Ca |
»Ì Cr |
ȃ Cu |
ëã Ge |
ÅK Fe |
Áâ Mg |
à» Mo |
¹[ K |
¶u Na |
Ö´ Se |
²¸ S |
¾N Zn |
AppleÄ«ªG |
AsparagusĪµ« |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Apricot§ö¤l |
+ |
Beet green²¢µæ¸ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Beet²¢µæ |
+ |
BlueberryÂŲù |
+ |
Broccoli«Cªáµæ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Brussels sproutÀs²´¥]¤ßµæ |
+ |
CarrotJÅÚ½³ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Collard green |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Cantaloupe«¢»e¥Ê |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Cabbage°ªÄRµæ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Cauliflowerªá·¦µæ |
+ |
+ |
Celeryªàµæ |
+ |
+ |
CherryÄå®ç |
+ |
Garlic»[ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Grape¸²µå |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Grapefruit¸²µå¬c |
+ |
GingerÁ¤ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Green bean¥|©u¨§ |
+ |
Green pea«C¨§ |
+ |
Green pepper«C´Ô |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Kale¥ÌÂÅ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Kiwi©_²§ªG |
+ |
LemonÂfÂc |
+ |
Lettuce¥Íµæ |
+ |
Orange¬h¤B |
+ |
+ |
Onion¬v½µ |
+ |
Parsley»µæ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Papayaµf¤ì¥Ê |
+ |
Pea½Ü¨§ |
+ |
Plum§õ¤l |
+ |
Prune¶Â´Ç |
+ |
Potato°¨¹aÁ¦ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
RadishÅÚ½³ |
+ |
Swiss chard®¥µæ |
+ |
+ |
SpinachµÔµæ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
(+) |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Sweet pepper²¢´Ô |
+ |
+ |
Tomato¿»X |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Turnip green¿¾µ×¸ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
+ |
Turnip¿¾µ× |
Watercress¦è¬vµæ |
+ |
( Chinese version, by Dr. Hung-Ying Shih, was published on EHVA Newsletter (10), June, 2000 )
Is it better to eat raw food or cooked food? Some say raw food is better because the nutrients are intact and can be completely absorbed. Now that we understand the yin-yang and cold-hot aspects of food (for details please refer to EHVA newsletter (11), September, 2000), we can analyze this statement. Most raw foods are cold by nature. If we eat only raw food every day, our stomach will become cold, thus decrease the digestive ability. In order to keep cold and hot in balance, we should eat both raw and cooked food.
What about eating ginger in the summer? There is an ancient saying: ¡§Eat more radish (daikon) in the winter and more ginger in the summer.¡¨ This is the insight our ancestors have gained regarding the proper diet. Because it is hot in the summer, people like to eat cold food. Cold food slows down the movement of the stomach. Ginger is hot by nature and will balance the coldness caused by the cold food. Therefore it is good to eat ginger in the summer. In the winter, people like to eat hot stew. Too much hot food is not good either. Chinese radish (daikon) is cold by nature. For balance purposes, eating Chinese radish (daikon) in the winter becomes necessary. In order to have a proper diet, one must pay attention to the big picture, small details, customs and seasons.
Vegetarian foods are best when bought fresh. Canned or preserved vegetables should be used only for seasoning. These types of vegetables might be tasteful but do not contain much nutrition. They are called ¡§ancient vegetables¡¨ because of their long shelf lives. In fact, the longer the vegetable is preserved, the less nutritious it is. The key in any vegetarian diet is to use fresh ingredients.
We will discuss some of the diseases often associated with a vegetarian diet. Can a strict vegetarian diet lead to diseases? The answer is yes.
Cholesterol is a fatty substance found in animal tissues. Our body produces cholesterol, but this substance also enters the body via food. In vegetarian diets, egg yolks contain the most cholesterol. Most dairy products don't really have that much cholesterol. However, high cholesterol level can occur in people whose diets are high in cholesterol or in saturated fats. Although saturated fats are derived primarily from animal products, a few plant products ¡V coconut, peanut, cottonseed, and palm kernel also contain substantial amounts. Therefore, people with vegetarian diets could still be susceptible to high cholesterol if they are not careful about their intake of saturated fats.
Another problem encountered with a vegetarian diet is gout. Gout is a disease that can produce severe swelling of the joints. There are two causes for developing gout. One is due to excess uric acid, resulted from a defect in the body's natural action of breaking down nitrogen-containing compounds called purines. Crystal of uric acid is deposited in tissues around the joints. Since the shape of the crystal is pointy, it will cause sudden attacks of swelling and severe pain. The following foods contain great amount of purines: asparagus, beans, lentils, mushrooms (all kinds of mushrooms including shitake, enoki, etc. except fungus), peas and spinach.
The other cause is due to excess oxalic acid that reacts with calcium in our body to form calcium oxalate crystal whose shape is also very pointy. Foods containing great amount of oxalic acid are as follows: asparagus, spinach, dandelion, cranberries, figs, plums, tea (black, oolong, kuanyin and green), chocolate, cocoa, and coffee. The followings are foods containing medium amount of oxalic acid and can be eaten in moderation: oranges, pineapples, strawberries, beans, potatoes, tomatoes, beet greens and Brussels sprouts. Taking Brussels sprout juice is a very effective way to control diabetes. Since asparagus and spinach contain both oxalic acid and uric acid in great amount, people with arthritis or gout should avoid these two items.
Some people develop rashes on their skin or some other symptoms after eating vegetarian foods. Often times, however, doctors cannot find any irregularities. In the meantime, the patients still feel extreme discomfort. What we have found is that these reactions are related to the diet. Among plant products, corn, wheat and rye are allergens. Wheat contains the most gluten. Gluten is the tough elastic protein in wheat, rye, barley and sweet rice. For vegetarians, gluten is sometimes regarded as protein supplement. However, it is possible that among millions of people, who are allergic to wheat, many suffer from an inability to digest the gluten. For people who are allergic to wheat, gluten-based foods should be completely avoided.
A myth about oranges: people think that eating oranges will provide them a lot of vitamin C, an important antioxidant. In fact, vitamin C is mostly found in the inner skin (white portion) of the orange and very little in the orange flesh. Besides, orange itself could be a strong allergen. Other allergenic foods include strawberries, grapes, soybeans, peanuts, peanut butter, walnuts, almonds, pistachios, tomatoes, green pepper, taros, yam, eggplant, squash, pumpkin, green chives, zucchini and cucumber. Chocolate is also known to cause asthma and skin reactions.
Some people have difficulty digesting certain foods and develop gas. In healthy intestines, enzymes are present to break down the special kind of sugar contained in these foods. When the enzymes are not present, the bacteria in the intestines will do the work, which is similar to fermentation. As the movement of our stomach and intestines slows down, gas is produced. Gas was not a common problem in the past. But as the modern body has changed with our diet, our small intestine immediately reacts to such foods. Examples of these foods are: kidney beans, lima beans, navy beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, corn, cucumber, green chives, lentil beans, onions, black-eyed peas, green pepper, radish, soy beans, Chinese radish (daikon), yam, potatoes, taro roots, dairy products such as cheese or milk, apples, avocados, and honey dew melons. Amongst fruits, the gas-producing reaction is the strongest in response to Avocado. ¡V To be continued ¡V
³Ìªñ¦³±j¯P°Æ§@¥Îªº¿³¾Ä¾¯¦¨¤F³\¦hÀY±ø·s»D¡C¥h¦~¤E¤ë¤@¦ì¶øªL¤Ç§J¤k¤lÅé¾Þª÷µP±o¥D³Q¨ú®øª÷µP¡A¦]¬°Àˬd³ø§i¤¤Åã¥Ü¦oÅ餺¦³«Ü¦h·P«_ÃĤù³£§t¦³ªº Pseudoephedrine¡C
ÁöµM pseudoephedrine ¬Ý°_¨ÓÁÙºâ¬Û·í¦w¥þ¡A¨ä¥¦ªº¿³¾Ä¾¯«h¤£µM¡C¥h¦~¡Ï¤@¤ë¡A¬ü°ê¹«~ÃĪ«ºÞ²z§½(FDA)±N©Ò¦³§t Phenylpropanolamine (PPA) ªº·P«_ÃÄ¡A´îªÎÃĦC¬°¸TÃÄ¡C³o¬O¦]¬°PPA·|¤Þ°_°ª¦åÀ£¤Î¤¤·ªº¥i¯à©Ê¡C¤µ¦~¤@¤ë¡AFDA¥¿¥´ºâ¹ï¥t¤@ºØ¦³®`ªº¿³¾Ä¾¯¡©³Â¶À¡ª±Ä¨ú¦æ°Ê¡C³Â¶À¬O¤@ºØ¥«±¤W¥i¥H¶R¨ìªºÀç¾i¸É¥R¾¯¡C¦Ü©ó³Ì´¶³qªº¿³¾Ä¾¯¡©©@°Ø¦]¡ªË¬O¨S³y¦¨¤°»ò¤j·s»D¡A¤£¹L¦b³\¦h¹«~©Î¶¼®Æ¤¤§t¦³¥O¤H·N·Q¤£¨ìªº©@°Ø¦]¡q¨£¹Ïªí¡r¡A¥i¯à¥H«á¤]·|¤Þ°_¤@¨Ç°ÝÃD¡C
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¹ï¤@¨Ç¯S§O±Ó·Pªº±Ú¸s¡A©@°Ø¦]·|¨Ï¤U¦C¯f±¡´c¤Æ¡A¨Ò¦p¥¢¯v¡B¸g´Á«eªº±¡ºüÀ£¤O¡B¦Õ»ï¡B§ó¦~´Áªº¼ö¼é¡A¦pªG³o¨Ç¤HÄᶼ¹L¦hªº©@°Ø¦]¡q¥÷¶q¦]¤H¦Ó²§¡r©Î¬O¦Y¤F¬YºØ§í¨î¨Åé±Æ°£©@°Ø¦]ªºÃĪ«¡X¨Ò¦pÁ×¥¥ÃÄ¡B¤ßŦÃÄverapamil (Calan¡AVerelan)¡BªvÀø¼ìºÅ¤Î¯Ý¤f¨`¼öªºÃĪ«cimetidine (Tagamet¡ATagamet HB) ªº¸Ü¡A¤Wz¯f±¡§ó®e©öµo¥Í¡C
©@°Ø¦]§t¶q | ||
¹ª«©Î¶¼®Æ | ©@°Ø¦]§t¶q(mg) | |
©@°Ø | ||
Regular,brewed, 6oz. | 103 | |
Instant,6oz. | 57 | |
¯ù | ||
Mate'Latte, Republic of Tea, 8oz. | 100(M) | |
Black (¬õ¯ù), 6oz | 53 | |
Green(ºñ¯ù) , 6oz | 32 | |
Ĭ¥´¶¼®Æ 12oz | ||
Mountain Dew | 55 | |
CoCa-Cola Classic | 47 | |
Sunkist Orange | 41 | |
§t©@°Ø¦]ªº¤ô | ||
Water Joe, 17oz | 65 | |
§t©@°Ø¦]ªº¶¼®Æ | ||
Guarana Blast, 15oz | 30(G) | |
SoBe Energy, 20oz | 195(G) | |
Spire Energy, 11oz | 40-45(G) | |
¥©§J¤O | ||
Hershey Special Dark bar 1.45oz | 31 | |
Nestle Nesquik powder, 2 tbsp. | 20 | |
°ª¯à¶q¹«~ | ||
Clif Shot Energy Gel, Peanut Buzz | 40(k) | |
Cold Fusion Energizing Juice Bar | 4(K,G) | |
¥[¤jª÷¤s¤À®Õ¬ã¨sûµo²{¦b¤@¦Ê¥|¤QÓ»P³Â¶À¦³Ãö³sªº¶Ë®`³ø§i¤¤¡A¦Ü¤Ö¦³¤T¤À¤§¤@µ´¹ï©Î«Ü¥i¯à¬O¦]¬°³Â¶À¤Þ°_ªº¡C®`³B¥]¬A°ª¦åÀ£¡B¤ß±ª¡B¸£¥X¦å¡B¤ßŦµo§@¡B¤¤·¡BµjÅˤΤ߫ߤ£¾ã¡C¾ãÅé¦Ó¨¥¡A³ø§i¤¤ªºµ²½×¬O¦³¤QÓ¦º¤`¤Î¤Q¤Tӥä[¶Ë®`ªºÓ®×³£»P§t¦³³Â¶Àªº²£«~¬ÛÃö¡C¨Ò¦p¡G Ripped Fuel ©M¨â¥ó¤ß«ß¤£¾ãӮצ³Ãö¡BUltimate Orange ¶¼®Æ»P¨âÓ¤¤·®×¦³Ãö¡C
¹«~¸É¥R¾¯¤u·~¹ï¤Wzµ²½×´£¥X½èºÃ¡C¬ü°ê¹«~ÃĪ«ºÞ²z§½¥¿¦b¬ã¨s¤Wz³ø§i¡A¦Ó®ø¶OªÌ¤½·|«h±j¯P«Øij®ø¶OªÌÁקK¨Ï¥Î§t¦³³Â¶À©Î ephedrine ªº´îªÎÃĤδ£°ª¯à¶qªº²£«~¡C
PPA»PEphedrine¦³·¥Ãþ¦üªº¤Æ¾Ç©Ê½è¡C«Ü¦h¥«±¤W¥i¥H¶R¨ìªº·P«_ÃÄ¡B¤î«y¾¯¡B³q»ó¾¯¡B¹¼¤§í¨î¾¯¦p Triaminic-DM Cough Relief¡ADimetapp-DM¡APropagest¡AContac 12-hour¡ATavist-D¤Î Acutrim³£§t¦³ PPA¡Cªø¤[¥H¨Ó¡A¬ã¨s¤Hû´NÃhºÃ PPA ·|¼W°ª¦åÀ£¡C¥h¦~¤Q¤@¤ë¡A¦bC¾|¤j¾Ç¬ã¨s³ø§iµý©ú PPA ·|¼W¥[¤¤·ªº¦MÀI©Ê«á¡AFDA ¤w¸T¤î©Ò¦³§tPPA ²£«~ªº¾P°â¡C¬°¦w¥þ°_¨£¡A¥i¥H¨Ï¥Î§t Pseudoephedrine ªº¤fªAÃĩΧt Oxymetazoline ªº¼Q»ó¾¯¡C¡ò
¦b¤TÀ\ªº¶¼¹²ßºD¤¤¡A§ÚÌÀ³¸Ó¿í¦u¡u¦À\¦Y±o¹¡¡A¤ÈÀ\¦Y±o¦n¡A±ßÀ\¦Y±o¤Ö¡vªºì«h¡C¤]´N¬O»¡¡G¦À\¥i¥H¦Y±o¦h¡A¤°»ò³£¦Y¡F¤¤À\«h¦Y±oºë½o¡A¥Dn¦Y¥H¤@ºØ³J¥Õ¬°¥Dªº¹ª«¡F±ßÀ\«h¾¨¶q²M²H¡A¦Ó¥B¶qn¤Ö¡Aì«h¤W¥H¯À¹¬°¥D¡C ¦b¿ï¾Ü¹ª«®É¡A¤@¯ë¦Ó¨¥¡A§ÚÌ¥H¤ÑµMªº¹ª«¬°¥D¡A¦h¦Yì¨ý¡A¾¨¶qÁקK¥[¤u¡C¥i¬O¤ÑµM¹ª«¨Ã¤£ªí¥Ü¥¦¤@©w¦w¥þ¡A¨Ò¦p§ÚÌnª`·N¹ª«ªº·sÂA«×¡Aª`·N½µæ¤ôªG²M¬~ì«h¡AÁקK´Ý¾l¹AÃĪº¦Ã¬V¡C¦³¨Ç¹ª«¡A¦p¨§Ãþµ¥¤]¥²¶·¤[µN¤~¤£·|³y¦¨®ø¤Æ°ÝÃD¡C§ó«nªº¬O§Ú̧Ʊæ¿ï¾Üªº¹ª«¯à³Q¦Û¤vªº¨Åé©Ò»{¦P¡A¦Ó¥[¥H§l¦¬¡B§Q¥Î¡A¤£nÅý¹ª«Åܦ¨¨Å骺¤@ºØt¾á¡A¬Æ¦ÜÅý¥¦°±¯d¦bÅ餺¤À¸Ñ¬r¯À¡A³y¦¨¹L±Ó¡Bµh·¡BPÀùªº¯f¦]¡C¦]¦¹¡A§Ú̦b¿ï¾Ü¹ª«®Én°Ñ¦Ò¦Û¤vªºÅé½è»P¨Å骬ªp¡A¨Ã¥BÁקK¤Ó´H²Dªº¹ª«¡A¥H±j¤Æ¨Åé®ø¤Æ§l¦¬ªº¥\¯à¡C
§÷ ®Æ¡G | ¤j¥Õµæ | 12¤ù | ¾ñÆVªo | 1´ö°Í |
»Û£ | 4¦· | ÆQ | 1/2¯ù°Í | |
¬e§û¤l | 1´ö°Í | Á¤ | 4¤ù | |
AminoÂæªo(Liquid Amino) | 1¯ù°Í | ¤Ó¥Õ¯» | 2¯ù°Í | |
¥þ¯×¤û¥¤ | 1ªM | |||
·Ç ³Æ¡G
°µ ªk¡G
¥÷ ¶q¡G | 4¤H¥÷ | |||
½Õ ®Æ¡G | ¶uÆQ¡G350²@§J/¥÷ ªo¡G5.75²@¤É/¥÷ ¿}¡G0¤½§J/¥÷ | |||
®Ä ¥Î¡G | ©ú¥Ø¡B´þ¨xµÇ¡C |
Ingredients: | Napa Cabbage | 12 leaves | Olive oil | 1 Tbsp. | |
Dry Shitake Mushroom | 4 | Salt | 1/2 tsp. | ||
Gou Qi | 1 Tbsp. | Ginger | 4 slices | ||
Liquid Amino | 1 tsp. | Corn starch | 2 tsp. | ||
Milk | 1 cup | ||||
¡@ ¡@ |
Procedures: |
Servings: | 4 persons | ||||
Seasoning: | Sodium 350 mg/serv. Oil 5.75 ml/serv Sugar 0 gm/serv |
§÷ ®Æ¡G | ®ü±a | 1ªø±ø(¤W¦nªº) | »µæ | ¤Ö³\ |
¤ô | 10ªM | Á¤ | 2¤ù | |
»Û£ | 3¦·(¤¤¡B¤j) | °s | 1¯ù°Í | |
º^µæµ· | 1½´ö°Í | ¾ñÆVªo | 1½´ö°Í | |
¨§³a | 1´ö°Í | Âæªo | 1´ö°Í | |
¾vµæ | 1´ö°Í | ¯Q¾L | 1½´ö°Í | |
¤j¥Õµæ | 3¤ù | ¦B¿} | 1½¯ù°Í | |
¦Ë²Æ | 3®Ú | ¤Ó¥Õ¯» | 1 ´ö°Í | |
ª÷°wÛ£ | 1/2¥] | ³Âªo(»ªo) | 1¯ù°Í | |
¬õÅÚ½³ | 1/2®Ú | ¥ÕJ´Ô¯» | ¤Ö³\ | |
·Ç ³Æ¡G
°µ ªk¡G
¥÷ ¶q¡G | 6¤H¥÷ | |||
½Õ ®Æ¡G | ¶uÆQ¡G82.5²@§J/¥÷ ªo¡G2.8²@¤É/¥÷ ¿}¡G1.8¤½§J/¥÷ |
Ingredients: | Kelp (seaweed) | 1 long stripe | Ginger | 2 slices |
Water | 10 cups | Cooking Wine | 1 tsp. | |
Dry Shitake Mushroom | 3 | Olive Oil | 1 1/2 Tbsp. | |
Szechuan preserved vegetable | 1 1/2 Tbsp. (shredded) | Black Vinegar | 1 1/2 Tbsp. | |
Preserved black bean | 1 Tbsp. | Rock Sugar | 1 1/2 tsp. | |
Fa Cai | 1/2 oz. | Corn Starch | 1 1/2 Tbsp. | |
Napa Cabbage | 3 leaves | Sesame Oil | 1 tsp. | |
Bamboo fungus (Zhu Sheng) | 3 pieces | White grounded pepper corn | pinch | |
Enoki (golden needle) mushroom | 1/2 pack | Cilantro | a little | |
Carrot | 1/2 | |||
¡@ ¡@ ¡@ ¡@ ¡@ ¡@ ¡@ |
Procedures: |
Servings: | 8 persons | |||
Seasoning: | Sodium 82.5 mg/serv. Oil 2.8 mg/serv Sugar 1.8 gm/serv |
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Please send your tax-deductible donation to Evergreen Healthy Vegetarian Association (EHVA). Thank you!
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