Vegetarian Expo
2000 The EHVA will be holding a vegetarian expo to demonstrate how to practically apply the concepts of a healthy vegetarian diet through emphasis on low-salt, low-sugar and low-oil cooking. This year’s event will focus especially on “Senior Health” activities. This will feature a sampling of vegetarian main dishes and snacks available for purchase. Information on the fundamentals of maintaining one’s well-being as well as games and entertainment will also be provided. Flyer
10/8/00 (Sunday) 11:00AM ~ 2:00PM Napredak Hall, 770
Montague Expressway,
San Jose. (between Interstate 880 and Trimble Rd.)
The Ticket is free for Seniors: Call (408) 282-8669 Ms. Ma (Morning) (speak both English and Mandarin)
NEW INFO:Floor Plan Pictures of Napredak Hall , info page1, page2 |