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石鴻英大夫講述 陳介川整理
二)、「尿酸鈣結晶」的說法倒可配合一般痛風病人的病情來考慮。根據一般的了解,尿酸鈣結晶對人體是很具刺激性的。痛風病人在尿酸鈣結晶沉積的患區,通常都有一定的發作次序-由下往上:從大腳趾的最後大關節開始發生,而後上踝關節、膝關節。痛處不但紅腫,往往是不碰都痛;而且尿酸鈣結晶通常是有稜有角,加壓會讓相關的軟組織受更大的傷害。如果強調非得用力按壓才有效,在實際情況下是不可能的,除非別 有其他病因。在此提出這些討論,供作參考。
一)、『水療法〈Hydro-Therapy〉』原流傳於歐洲,主要是利用「濃海鹽」或「瀉鹽〈Epsom salt〉」撒在潮溼的腳背及腳足心上,然後用力摩擦,再用溫水沖洗乾淨,等水乾了以後,最後再按摩一次足部組織即可〈此時用的按摩方法是一般性的方法,以放鬆肌肉為主,刺激性不大〉。如果不用溫水沖淨,直接將腳泡在溫水,在水中進行一般性按摩,等水涼了以後再將腳擦乾也可以。對於行動不便的人,直接將腳泡在含有鹽份的溫水,用自己的雙腳互相按摩,等水涼了取出擦乾,這也是不得已的變通辦法。
子,再混合中藥粉〈將一般風溼藥材打粉,這類藥材有:川木瓜、獨活、羌活、劉寄奴、蘇木、當歸尾、桂枝… 等〉。在踩完石頭後,將腳踏入沙中,一直等到沙涼了即可。
Translated by Jeff Hsu, Tina Hsu and Jack Chen
Chinese version『石大夫談養生:「腳底按摩」是怎麼一回事?』by Dr. Hung-Ying Shih excerpted by Jei Chen (published in EHVA Newsletter 51, November of 2014)
Foot reflexology massage is a method of massage application, but it is quite different from a regular massage. A regular massage focuses on groups of soft tissue muscles rather than specific points. A foot reflexology massage focuses on inducing strong stimulation to a small area or specific points on the foot, which, in addition to releasing tension on the foot, improves circulation and has therapeutic effects on the corresponding organs of the body.
"General massage", on the other hand, is focused on working on "soft tissue" of the muscles tissues. As for treating the connection joints and nearby tendons and ligaments, in addition to massage, it also incorporates with the "joint-functional According to the basic concept of overall health theory, traditional Chinese medicine has a set of therapeutic techniques (call "massage" collectively). whose main focus is not to elicit a reflex reaction with strong stimulation. Instead, the most basic purpose is to promote soft tissue relaxation. This is the basic and important difference.
Is there truth to the legend that foot reflexology massage can cure all diseases? Why does reflexology massage attract people's attention? The reason is very simple—proper foot massage has proven health benefits, whether locally at the areas of contact or for the body as a whole.
Why is foot massage popular today?
Although foot reflexology massage originated in ancient times, it becomes very popular today. The lack of strength in our feet and related muscles are due to the lack of physical exercise in modern industrial societies. Since they do not receive normal and sufficient stimuli, they are not strong. On the contrary, they become weaker and weaker such that more and more problems occur. Secondly, as improvements in the footwear industry and the development of flat roads, both have provided excessive protection to our foot. So, the special structure and function of the foot cannot play their roles. Thus, the opportunities for foot muscle strengthening are diminishing. The chances of getting a foot injury increase and more problems are likely to arise when the muscles are weak.
Foot reflexology massages in relation to anatomy and body mechanics
Why does foot reflexology massage focus so much pressure on a particular point or small area of the feet? In general, almost everyone is afraid of the pain induced with that. That "Stabbing pain is beneficial" seems to be the slogan of the foot reflexology technique as if it is "no pain, no gain". During a foot reflexology massage, the massager uses either his or her hands, knuckles or a stick tool to manipulate the foot. Is there no other way to replace this approach and must it be performed by hand forcefully?
There are other methods people use to try to achieve similar results, such as stepping on stones or a foot reflexology board, but do these methods really work? From the viewpoint of human body's structure, what is the best way to do it that can develop positive results for our health? How much of this activity is required to be effective? This series of questions can be answered by taking a look at our foot structure.
The structure of our feet.
According to the anatomical drawings (see drawings), we can clearly see that only our heel and toes of the foot are on the ground, while the middle forms an arch. It is important to note that the arc itself is tilted. The arch is most prominent on the center of the foot and gradually decreases as it approaches the outside of the foot towards the pinky toe. This is fully in line with ergonomic needs since our body's center of gravity is located in the middle area of the foot. What happens if the feet are not in this area (a symptom commonly known as "duck feet" or "flat feet")? It would be more difficult for a person to jump because of the lack of cushion. Therefore, those with flat feet is more prone to injury than those with a normal foot arch.
Also, the structure of the foot is used to bear the weight of the body. So, when people neglect lower body exercise, their foot muscles become weak and cannot bear the weight or stress for long periods of time. Therefore, their bodies are forced to constantly change the position i.e. changing the stress areas where their feet bear their body weight. "Having weak foot muscles" is the reason why people nowadays are unable to stand or walk for a long time and are more prone to suffer foot pain or soreness.
Using "Stepping on stones" to obtain the effect of a strong stimulus
As to the question of "why do we need strong stimulus", it is also easy to be answered. That is: "Comparing to the total body mass, if the stimulus is not strong enough, it is not effective". Thus, comparing massaging with hands with "stepping on stone", the former is less effective. This is based on the applied force point of view. However, from the point of targeting on specific pain area of the foot, "stepping on stone" is not as effective as hand massage with concentrated force .
Pain area is produced mainly owing to the extra "pressure" (force per unit area) placed on the areas. To aleviate this problem, we can do local adjustment i.e. foot reflexology massage by hand or make whole body adjustment by "stepping on stones". Either one is effective if performed long enough. Foot reflexology massage with hand is just a local treatment. Whereas, "stepping on stone" is whole body exercise.
Based on the comparisons above, "stepping on stone" is recommended because of the whole body movement. (To be continued…)
(Excerpt from Mr. Shi Hongying's speech on "the work stress and health. Diet") ⊕
(The structure of our feet)
Consumer Reports on Health, Vol.27, No 4, April 2015
當你的背部突然出毛病,你可能覺得你需要馬上去急診。首先,連絡醫生〈Albany Medical college 的神經科學系的Charles E. Argoff 教授如此建議〉,特別是已經痛到無法做正常活動,如開車及上下樓梯。你的醫師應該根據你的描述來判斷你是否需要緊急醫療協助,以及那種治療比較適合你目前狀況。當然,如果你之前已經受傷,或有癌症、虛弱、耳鳴、一腳沒有知覺、不明原因暴瘦,或是大小便失禁等情況,你必須馬上就醫。
除了處方止痛劑外,病人可嘗試一般藥局的非處方止痛藥。學術調查建議非處方止痛藥的確可以減低疼痛。背痛治療指南也推薦使用常見止痛藥如:acetaminophen 〈Tylenol 及 generic〉,ibuprofen〈Advil 及 generic〉,或是 naproxen 〈Aleve 及 generic〉。 Acetaminophen 是好的選擇,特別是針對心臟病,胃潰瘍及胃炎病人。但是其缺點是只要使用稍微超過每日限量〈4000毫克 或 12顆 325毫克的藥丸〉就會造成肝臟損害。〈我們專家更建議每日不要使用超過3250毫克〉。為什麼呢?因為 acetaminophen 也常被加入到上百種成藥中?從咳嗽藥,感冒藥到強力止痛藥。所以請病人務必核對用藥中的成份是否含有acetaminophen ,並且確認日總量沒有超過每日最大限量。尤其是酒癮大,有肝硬化、肝炎的人更需要小心acetaminophen 的使用量。還有,不要被自稱專門治療背痛的OTC 藥品,如 Doan's pills 所愚。Doan's pills 所含的成分通常和其他OTC止痛藥類似,但價錢較貴。為了節省荷包,只需使用generic acetaminophen, ibuprofen , 或是naproxen 即可。
雖然聽起來很合理-大部分的病人都會要求做影像檢查,如X 光檢查〈X-Rays〉,電腦斷層掃描〈CT scans〉,或是核磁共振〈MRIs 〉;但是我們的專家則不建議如此做。因為這些檢查對病人療效沒有較快,卻可能多花錢。掃描通常顯示出不重要或無關背痛的異常問題,卻可能導致不必要的治療。有些病人甚至會因為擔心身上其他異常狀況而不敢積極活動。持續活動是痊癒的關鍵,唯有在一般自助型式及保守型的治療,如復建或是按摩長達一,二個月皆不奏效時,掃描檢查才合理。
當你有背痛時,你一定很想躺在床上休息。可是根據獨立醫學合作組織〈Cochrane Collaboration〉 在2010年針對10篇論文所寫的1篇評論,發現較積極活動的背痛病人其實比只躺著的病人較快痊癒。因此,現在的治療指南建議醫師讓病人儘快在幾天內就回復正常生活,包括回去工作,即使身體仍然不舒服。
肌肉鬆弛劑如carisoprodol〈Soma 及 generic〉,cyclonbenzaprine 〈Amrix及 generic〉,及 metaxalone 〈Skelaxin及 generic〉都有上癮及鎮定作用,並且可能導致昏沈、口乾、虛弱無力等症狀。一般來說,對病人並無多大好處。
約有1/3的背痛病人拿到含有強力麻醉成分的藥物如oxycodone 〈在OxyContin 及 Percocet 發現〉,和hydrocodone 〈在Lortab 及 Vicodin 中發現〉。這些藥物其實減緩疼痛效果不大,卻可能讓病人情況變糟。報導顯示吃過這些藥物的病人在六個月後發生殘疾的機會比沒有吃這些藥的病人高。嗎啡可能會上癮,背痛患者尤其容易因為不當服用而受害。
本中心為非營利組織,目的在宣導正確的健康素食理念以提昇生活品質。本中心工作人員均屬不支薪的義工,各項推廣活動均靠大家在人力、物力上的支持與捐助。竭誠歡迎您慷慨解囊,一切捐贈皆可依個人所得狀況抵稅,捐贈股票還可節省capital gain的稅。凡捐款$500以上者為本中心年度榮譽董事。捐款支票抬頭請寫Evergreen Healthy Vegetarian Association 或EHVA,並寄到本中心,謝謝!Please send your tax-deductible donation to Evergreen Healthy Vegetarian Association (EHVA). Thank you!
如何正確地治療背痛 王寶慧 摘譯
長青素食譜 椒鹽脆餅卷
材 料: 1. 麵粉 500 公克 2. 鹽 1 ½ 茶匙
3. 酵母 10公克 4. malt extract 1 茶匙
5. 奶油 (soft) 2 湯匙 6. 牛奶+水 150 ml + 150 ml
7. 水 1 公升 8. 鹽 1 湯匙
9. 小蘇打粉 80 -100公克 10.粗鹽 適量
做 法:
份 量: 14
EHVA Recipe: Laugenbrotchen (German Pretzel Rolls)
Ingredients: 1. flour 500 g 2. salt 1 ½ teas
3. yeast 10 g 4. malt extract 1 teas
5. butter (soft) 2 tabs 6. milk, mixed with water 150 ml + 150 ml
7. water 1 liter 8. salt 1 tabs
9. bicarbonate of soda 80 -100 g 10. coarse salt Procedure:
Servings: 14
日期 時間 地點 活動內容 7月/2015 Sun. 1:30-4:30 pm 長青健康素食推廣中心 3071 Lawrence Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95051 長青秋季身體調養班〈中文〉供應點心
每週二 10:00-11:00 am Palo Alto Avenidas Senior Center 推拿講座
Kwik Kopy Printing (TEL: 408-725-0243)