長青通訊 第五十期 EHVA Newsletter No. 50

長青健康素食推廣中心 發行 二O一四年四月



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長青健康素食中心於2013/9/8在聖荷西Napredak Hall舉辦中秋節敬老餐會,感謝四百五十位耆老與會,更感恩五十位義工的幫忙,讓餐會圓滿成功。 長青健康素食中心全體工作同仁敬上


2014春季身體調養班即將於五月初連續三周,在週日下午1:30-4:30 免費開課,有興趣者請儘早電話陳小姐〈408-729-5628〉。

石大夫談養生 長青身體調養班課程講記〈八〉







這個手有一個常見的問題,叫作「腕管綜合症〈Carpal-Tunnel Syndrome〉」,對電腦族來說是一個很嚴重的問題。根據聖荷西水星報〈San Jose Mercury News〉的報導:某些職業的人,包括牙醫、軟體工程師、音樂家、園藝工人、生產線工人…,這些需要不停地動手的人,都很容易得到「腕管綜合症」的毛病。





現在每次只拿十磅的東西,每個相關的肌肉只是輕輕地動,久而久之產生的勞損,自己根本就不知道已經受傷了?這就叫作「重覆傷害綜合症〈Repetitive Injury Syndrome〉」。由於手腕受傷的結果,就使得我們的肩膀、往上到頸子,都造成連鎖性的傷害。






鬆 弛 手 部 摘 要
1. 兩手十指交叉互搓。
2. 兩手腕互互搓。
3. 搓手腕背。
4. 揉手臂內側肘橫紋區。
5. 按摩肱三頭肌。

Health talk at Evergreen Health & Wellness class (7)

Translated by Frank Fang and Jack Chen
Chinese version『石大夫談養生:長青身體調養班課程講記〈七〉』by Dr. Hung-Ying Shih excerpted by Jei Chen (published in EHVA Newsletter 49, July of 2013)

Protection of the Cervical Spine

【Cervical spine affects the head, shoulder and upper limb】
By nature, we will move our head around when our shoulders become stiff from sitting for a long time. But does turning our head from side to side have anything to do with the shoulder stiffness? Turning our head will relax our shoulders. "Figure 1" shows the side view of a human's neck; there are seven cervical vertebrae: C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, and C7. The cervical spine is not straight and it has a curve. The cervical vertebras C1, C2, and C3 affect the entire head. The remaining four vertebras, C4, C5, C6, and C7, relate to the front of shoulders, the back of shoulders, and the arms. The arm "Sensation" picture in Figure 1 illustrates the relationship of the straight arm and corresponding cervical vertebras. When a muscle in forearm section feels uncomfortable, it means that one of the cervical vertebras has problem. For example, if the thumb and the outer forearm area feel numb, we know that there are problems in the sixth cervical vertebra. This mapping of the arm to vertebras can give us an idea of where the problem stems from. If a shoulder is uncomfortable, it may not be the shoulder itself, but the cervical vertebras. That is why many people who have been injured from a car accident may not be able to properly hold a rice bowl during a meal. They may even drop the bowl from loss of control since there is no strength in the hand due to pressure on the cervical vertebras. People can also wake up during the night from arm or hand numbness due to problems with cervical vertebras.

For example, people often suffer deltoid muscle pain after they use the computer for a while. They ask, "What does using the computer have to do with this deltoid muscle pain?" We have found that when deltoid muscle pain occurs, the real problem is actually from the fifth and sixth cervical vertebras.

Thus, it is clear that our neck is very important! How do we protect our neck then?

<Fig 1>

【Passive treatment: Chiropractic】
In the U.S., there is a method of therapy called "chiropractic", which can sometimes yield good results. However, we don't recommend doing it often! Why? Because the treatment applies a violent impact between bones that creates a "bi-ya" sound during the treatment. Frequent chiropractic treatment can cause loosening of the ligaments. You will hear the sound very often when ligaments become loose. Hyperosteogeny is a result of cervical spine degeneration. When a person ages, hyperosteogeny will occur between vertebrae and joints. By that time, it is too late to take preventative action. Therefore, this kind of chiropractic cervical spine manipulation is called passive treatment.

【Positive treatment: Pillow therapy】

What is positive treatment? This is taking advantage of our eight hours of sleep every day to do an automatic adjustment of our cervical spine.

When talking about this topic, we should admire our ancestors. When we watch Qing Dynasty TV series or look at early Taiwanese culture, it seems that the pillows were not the same as the ones we use nowadays. In Qing Dynasty TV, the pillows are tall and big. In early Taiwan, they use a bamboo cage pillow. What is the key takeaway of those pillows? Those pillows are hard! Our head is at least eight or nine pounds. If we sleep on a soft pillow, our heads will press the pillow down and result in the head bending backwards. In other words, the posture when sleeping during the night is the same as the posture when using the computer during the day; the only difference is that gravity has been reduced. Our cervical spine cannot get good rest in this position.

【what kind of pillows can protect our cervical spine?】
For that reason, someone had invented a method to insert something under the back of the neck to hold it up. However, after falling asleep, the head will move around unintentionally and roll off the right position. Thus, this approach becomes ineffective.

Later on, someone made a new kind of pillow with one side raised and the other side flat. It also suffers the same problem! Recently, there is another kind of pillow from Sharper Image that is priced more than $100. The ad says: "It will adjust according to your circumstances when you lie down." Is that possible? Our head is about eight or nine pounds. The pillow will eventually cave in. Therefore, the "positive treatment method" is to go back to old days, using relatively hard pillows.

There are many students asking how to make hard pillows. Can it be made of tea leaves or mung bean shells? My personal opinion is to use the "tatami pillow" for now! Tatami is very hard, so it is very effective in protecting the cervical spine. However, it is not suitable for the winter because Tatami is made from straw mats. It dissipates heat very quickly and becomes too cold in the middle of the night. As for mung bean shells or tea leaves pillows, they exhibit cold attributes in nature and are not suitable for physically weak or older people.

The ideal pillow is still under research and development. Since our body temperature and blood pressure varies with seasons, the pillow should also be designed with Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter in mind. When selecting materials to make the pillow, the weather has to be considered because of the different amounts of heat dissipation needed each season. Right now there is no healthy and ideal pillow. We will temporarily use the tatami pillow, or a relatively hard material, such as a thick book or "Yellow Pages". We wrap the hard material in a cotton towel to soften it, and then place it under the neck to hold up the cervical spine. This should be very effective because when the cervical spine is well rested, it is less likely to be groggy the next day. By nature, our body degenerates day by day and the process cannot be avoided. However, we can sleep on a hard pillow to protect our cervical spine, slowing its deterioration. This method seems very passive, but it is in fact a positive treatment!

【Q】Where should the hard pillow be placed and how high should it be?
【A】In general, the tatami pillow height should be about three inches, where our occipital bone can be directly placed on it. This way, the head is well supported and will not be bent backwards, and there is no pressure on the cervical spine. ⊕

健康新知 《了解蛋白質的力量》

衛京華 摘譯


蛋白質是人體必需的營養素,一直被吹捧為一個包治百病的萬靈丹:蛋白質的廣告常說使用蛋白質可以提高你的能量,增強體力,減輕體重,或提高你的運動表現。大多數在美國的成年人已經得到足夠的蛋白質來應付自身的需求,但是不特別清楚蛋白質帶來的好處。 賓夕法尼亞州立大學Helen A. Guthrie營養科學中心主任,芭芭拉羅爾斯博士說“大多數人並沒有蛋白質攝取不足的風險”。有一個重要的例外:70歲以上的女性可能無法攝取足夠的蛋白質,部分原因是食物攝取量隨著年齡下降。事實上,營養學院期刊指出她們有高達24%的人蛋白質不足,可能會因此損害她們的整體健康。對於我們是否應該擔心蛋白質的攝取還沒有最終的定論。



羅爾斯博士說“這是一個非常大的範圍,如果你的總熱量下降,那麼無論你吃多少,來自蛋白質的熱量百分比都會上升。關鍵在於您實際消耗多少蛋白質”。下面是對不到65歲成年人一個很好的基本目標:一個120磅的人,目標應該是每天 至少48克的蛋白質,一個180磅的人的目標應是每天至少72克的蛋白質。65歲以上成人的蛋白質攝入量應該略高。要弄清楚你自己的蛋白質目標, 請參閱如下的“什麼是您的蛋白質需要量”。路易斯安那州立大學Pennington生物醫學研究中心的肥胖治療和新陳代謝部門主任喬治布雷醫生說“相對於他們的體型,老人們需要更多的蛋白質以保持並防止肌肉因老化而損壞。對老年人同樣重要的是要每日攝取蛋白質以減少他們的肌肉損失。然而有個好消息是每曰攝取足夠的蛋白質要比您想的容易”




高蛋白質飲食會使腎臟疾病患者的腎功能檢查報告變差。別以為這個警告對您不適用。因為高蛋白質飲食對腎臟造成的損害非常緩慢, 所以大多數的腎臟疾病患者並不知道。克利夫蘭診所的研究人員推測,五分之一超重的成年人患有至少一種溫和形式的腎臟病。




【 您每天所需的蛋白質】
一般男人和女人每一天分別要消耗至少56和46克蛋白質,幾乎98 %的美國人,很容易從吃一些富含蛋白質的食物達到這個目標。譬如一個雞肉卷,外加兩個煎雞蛋和半杯全杏仁就可達到男人對蛋白質的每日最低要求。女人可以少吃一個雞蛋就可達到配額。至於更多富含蛋白質的食物,請參閱下面所列的“高蛋白質食物”



牛奶〈1% , 1杯〉蛋白質8克
脫脂希臘酸奶〈原味, 6盎司〉蛋白質17克
Quinoa〈煮熟的,1杯〉 蛋白質8克
杏仁乳〈香草味, 1杯〉蛋白質1克

長青素食譜 咖哩南瓜

材料: 日本南瓜1顆〈中型〉洋蔥半顆〈白或黃〉
調味料:薑黃粉1 湯匙咖哩粉2 湯匙
1 杯橄欖油1 湯匙
薑末1/4湯匙 1/4 茶匙
  1. 洋蔥切丁。南瓜皮洗淨。
  2. 蒸籠水開以後,放進南瓜,蒸12分鐘,燜10分鐘。待涼之後,南瓜對切去籽,再切成薄片。
  3. 鍋熱後先放入橄欖油,再爆香薑末,然後加入洋蔥丁續炒。
  4. 炒到洋蔥半透明後,加入薑黃粉和咖哩粉拌炒至有咖哩香味,加入水煮滾。
  5. 再加入南瓜片、鹽和糖,用小火燜煮到熟〈約10分鐘〉。
份量: 6人份

EHVA Recipe Banana Cake

Ingredients: Japanese Pumpkin1 medium sizeOnion (Yellow or white)½ onion
Turmeric powder1 tbspCurry powder2 tbsp
Water1 cupOlive oil1 tbsp
Fresh ginger, minced1/4 tbspSugar1/4 tsp
Salt1 tsp
  1. Cut the onion into small pieces. Clean and wash the whole pumpkin.
  2. Use a steam pot, fill water and to boil. Put pumpkin in and steam 12 minutes, Sit 10 minutes, let it cool down, cut pumpkin open, remove the seeds, and slice the pumpkin into thin pieces.
  3. Heat the fry pan with olive oil, then add minced fresh ginger, stir it, then add onion.
  4. When the onion looks transparent add Turmeric powder, curry powder, and stir. When smell curry, add water until boil.
  5. Add sliced pumpkin, salt, and sugar, simmer for about 10 minutes.
Servings: 6 people



日期 時間 地點 活動內容
5月/2014 Sun. 1:30-4:30 pm 長青健康素食推廣中心 3071 Lawrence Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95051    長青秋季身體調養班〈中文〉供應點心
每週二 10:00-11:00 am Palo Alto Avenidas Senior Center 推拿講座


本中心為非營利組織,目的在宣導正確的健康素食理念以提昇生活品質。本中心工作人員均屬不支薪的義工,各項推廣活動均靠大家在人力、物力上的支持與捐助。竭誠歡迎您慷慨解囊,一切捐贈皆可依個人所得狀況抵稅,捐贈股票還可節省capital gain的稅。凡捐款$500以上者為本中心年度榮譽董事。捐款支票抬頭請寫Evergreen Healthy Vegetarian Association 或EHVA,並寄到本中心,謝謝!Please send your tax-deductible donation to Evergreen Healthy Vegetarian Association (EHVA). Thank you!



李載湲、呂錞銀、王寶慧、 程寶慧、程寶慶、Anita Ho、 The Chang’s family、無名氏1、 無名氏2。



發行: 長青健康素食推廣中心
打字: 高淑玲、劉雪清、徐鴛鴦
編輯: 劉雪清、呂錞銀、尹明潭、高淑玲、陳慧珊、徐鴛鴦、梅文琴
美工: 高淑玲
印刷: Kwik Kopy Printing (TEL: 408-725-0243)
郵寄: 程俊豪

長青健康素食推廣中心 Evergreen Healthy Vegetarian Association
3071 Lawrence Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95051-0713
洛杉磯連絡處: 8513 Elm Circle, City of Buena Park, CA 90620
新竹連絡處: 新竹縣竹北市華興街79號,Taiwan, ROC
台北連絡處: P. O. Box 94-35, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC