長青通訊 第四十八期 EHVA Newsletter No. 48

長青健康素食推廣中心 發行 二O一二年十月



服務及工作項目 服務人次 義工人次 義工時數
長青健康素食養身講座 30 10 100
長青養生保健每週共修 340 20 60
母親節敬老餐會 800 80 640
公共教育與宣導 3600 25 200


長青健康素食母親節敬老餐會於 2012五月二十曰在聖荷西舉辦,感謝八百位耆老與會,更感謝八十位義工的幫忙,讓餐會圓滿成功。


長青身體調養班…歡迎報名 2012秋季身體調養班即將於十一底連續三周,在週日下午1:30-4:30免費開課,有興趣者請儘早電話吳素真〈408-252-0397〉


自2012 年起,” 長青健康素食推廣中心” 將免費贈送媽媽幢,並有義工協助安裝。有興趣者,請電陳小姐408-729-5628, 或每週六2:30-4:30pm 到長青會所 3071 Lawrence Expressway, Santa Clara 試用。

石大夫談養生 長青身體調養班課程講記〈六〉















我們的臉部有兩個很重要的組織:一個是「表情組織」〈眼睛部位〉,另一個是「咀嚼組織」〈嘴巴部位〉。如果我們有很多話罵不出口,會把壓力隱藏在這個「咀嚼組織」,到三更半夜的時候就咬牙、磨牙、說夢話,這時候「咀嚼組織」不再順利;日積月累的結果就發生偏頭痛、耳鳴、肩背痛,而自己完全不知道。這些毛病在牙醫叫作「顳下頷關節綜合症〈TMJ Syndrome〉」。














Health talk at Evergreen Health & Wellness class (5)

Translated by Ann Chen

Chinese version『石大夫談養生:長青身體調養班課程講記〈五〉』by Dr. Hung-Ying Shih excerpted by Jei Chen (published in EHVA Newsletter 47, April of 2012)

Physical fitness and food nutrition <3>

§ 5. Allergens problem

Common allergic reactions

There are many types of allergens. The two most common allergens are related to "air allergies" and "food allergies".

An air allergy diagnosis is relatively easy. Usually, a physician will test over one hundred types of suspected allergens on the patient's back, and, therefore, can quickly determine the relevant allergens from the reactions on the patient's skin.
Food allergies, on the other hand, cannot necessarily be immediately determined. Food allergies affect a very high percentage of the population. According to statistics, around 25 to 50 million people suffer from food allergies in the U.S. Among those, only about 20% can be diagnosed as allergies when the symptoms are acute. Other people just have to suffer without knowing their allergies. With food allergy-related symptoms and diseases, including the so-called "facial features and a variety of common symptoms," almost all problems are related to food allergy!

Chronic food allergies are most formidable

Food allergies are divided into two types - "acute" and "chronic".

For example: There are those who cannot eat seafood and such consumption of seafood will cause hives. The attack of these acute allergic are quickly known, so those individuals understand that they should not eat seafood. However, some people cannot eat tomatoes, and eating them could trigger reactions like heart attacks. These chronic allergies usually take three to five days to attack, and the speed of the attack is determined by the allergen concentration in the blood. Therefore, although the symptoms are slow, it continues for a long time, and could create very scary situations!

Many patients with chronic food allergies are unable to determine the cause even with the help of many doctors. When they come to me, I would clearly explain the concept of diet control and how to avoid eating allergen products. By doing so, patients often slowly get better.

【Diet therapy]

Most doctors often overlook "Food control" and, instead, would rather discuss: "You have this disease! Or likely that disease!" Then, when the patients get better, they do not understand why the patient was cured! What actually happens is that the allergen concentration slowly decreases to a certain extent, and the allergic reaction will reduce. Once the organs recover, many symptoms will disappear completely.

We have dealt with some cases of lupus erythematosus. We don't prescribe medicine and just recommend the method of not eating allergies-causing products such that the concentration of allergens decreases to a certain degree and the disease slowly fades away.

Basically, this disease is caused by chronic allergies and is a long fight. Because patients often do not know when the disease occurs and what it is, usually when realize that they have the disease, the allergen concentration in the body is already too high. It weakens the organ capabilities and the body needs a long time to adjust and recover.

[Animal allergens in food]

Chronic allergy-related foods include: "dairy products" such as milk, cheese, pizza, cream butter. Followed by "fish” - catfish, eel, and milkfish (these fish basically have no scales, and they mainly consume waste). Then "shellfish" that include: shrimp, crab, oysters, scallops, abalone; shrimp paste, fish sauce, and even oyster sauce seasonings are counted. Finally, certain "proteins" are also allergens.

【Vegetable allergens in food]

Plant foods associated with chronic allergies include:
Grains: corn, wheat, rye.
Citrus: oranges, mandarin oranges, grapefruit, pomelo.

Legumes: soybeans, peanuts, and peanut butter.
Nuts: cashews, walnuts, almonds, pistachios.
Vegetables: tomatoes, green peppers, taro, sweet potatoes, eggplant, pumpkin, leeks, Italian melon, cucumber.
Even everyone's favorite "chocolate", is an allergen!

[Metal canned food is allergen]

Also, when one's body is not in good condition, it is not wise to eat canned goods – whether it's canned vegetables, canned fruit, or canned tuna. The reason is because canned foods contain nickel, which is extremely allergic to those who do not feel well!

A lot of people will ask: "With so many restrictions, the things we can eat are very limited. So how do we change our body's constitution?" The answer is that it is best not abuse our body; otherwise the body will take a long time to recover! However, do not be too nervous about the foods you eat either. Not everyone should comprehensively ban all those foods. Moreover, people are different and not everyone has the same allergy problems with the same products.

The best way to figure out what one should and should not eat is to try more and to observe more such that we can find out the real impact of allergens.

§ 6. The problem of gas production

[Reasons of Gas production]

What causes gas production? The production of gas is basically due to certain foods containing a type of sugar that our bodies cannot break down. The sugar is decomposed by intestinal bacterial and produces gas. However, the production of gas is not important. The important issue is whether the gas smells or not. If the gas smells, it is necessary to pay special attention – because it indicates a hot and humid constitution (濕熱性的體質) !

A hot and humid constitution is bad for your health. In summary, gas production means certain foods can't be used by our body. They reside in our bodies for a long time, and are used by bacteria. These metabolites produced go through the portal vein into the liver. They can damage our livers and have a bad effect on our constitution.

[Gas production food]

Common products that produce gas include: corn, cucumber, leek, green peppers, soybeans, dairy products. Many of these products are in common with products that cause allergies. So, when our constitution is not very good, we should not eat

these products. We can avoid the problem of gas production at the same time.

As to so-called anti-cancer foods such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, the best way to prepare them is to smash and cook it. One can avoid digestive and gas production problems caused by the crude fiber.

§ 7. Trypsin inhibitors (胰蛋白抑制劑)

Beans, barley and other cereals contain “trypsin inhibitors." Due to these inhibitors, it is suggested that store-bought soy bean milk need to be boiled for 15 minutes prior to consumption.

Function of trypsin inhibitor

Why are “Trypsin inhibitors” so important? Our pancreas secretes an enzyme that breaks down proteins called trypsin. If one consumes “trypsin inhibitors," those inhibitors will cause the enzyme to not function; subsequently, the enzyme will not be able to break down the proteins and one will not be able to take advantage of these proteins. Instead, the proteins will be decomposed by bacteria, which produce toxins and cause damage to the liver.

Heat can destroy trypsin inhibitors]

Generally, those with lactose intolerance purchase commercial soymilk from supermarkets expecting soymilk to be healthy and provide the necessary nutrients for the body. However, that is often not the case because, oftentimes, the cooking time of store-bought soymilk is not enough! Therefore, store-bought soymilk needs to be cooked for an additional fifteen minutes to destroy the trypsin inhibitors.

Similarly, when we make “black soybean and brown rice milk," we have to boil the milk for over 30 minutes. If one does not continuously boil the milk for 30 minutes, the drink not only misses its purpose of being a supplementary protein, but it may also cause further digestive problems!

For many, it is surprising to find out that the "cooking time” for soybeans is actually 3 hours! In addition, it is best to cook mung beans for one to two hours. Further, since red beans are especially difficult to cook, we suggest to cook them for about one and a half to two hours! The reason all of these products need to be cooked for a long time is to solve the trypsin inhibitor problem.

Barley is something worthy of praise. The constitution of modern people is relatively "wet", and barley's diuresis-promoting property (利濕) can remove the “wet” syndromes of us modern people. Barley belongs in the cereals category and also contains trypsin inhibitors. Therefore, if barley is not cooked for more than an hour, it will be consumed in vain! Moreover, barley (薏仁) needs to be cook together with gorgon (芡實), so that it will not hurt the body.

§ 8. Other issues

[Moderation in consuming spicy food]

Some foods that may affect the stomach should be consumed with caution. For example, eating chili is good; however, it is suggested to not eat too much, because chili irritates the stomach.

[Vegetarian problem]

For many people, when they become vegetarian, they feel very comfortable in the beginning. However, after some time, they find that their stomachs become more irritated than when they were eating meat. This is because a vegetarian diet typically contains a lot of high-fiber foods; foods that will scrape stomach!

Also, most of the vegetarian foods are cold (寒性) and the cold changes our constitution and makes it more difficult for our stomachs to digest. Moreover, if vegetarians eat fried food, those foods will cause additional injury to the stomach. In fact, Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (長庚醫院) found that the proportion of vegetarians with gastroenterological diseases may be more than the average non-vegetarian population. Therefore, if one wants to become a vegetarian, one must be smart. One must have a good understanding his or her own physical constitution and choose suitable foods to protect oneself and will achieve the purpose of improving the body. Do not blindly follow the opinions of others that argue that as long as one is a vegetarian, that person must be healthier. In fact,

your stomach and intestines could be suffering, but you do not know!

§ 9. Beverages

[Tea and coffee]

Caffeine is coffee's main ingredient and tea also contains a smaller amount of it. Caffeine increases contractions of the stomach. Therefore, if one consumes a cup of coffee or tea after dinner, it may help digestion. However, drinking those refreshments with an empty stomach may be bad.

The main ingredient of tea is Tannic acid. Tannic acid makes the stomach stiff and immovable. When coffee beans or tea leaves are soaked in water, caffeine is quickly released, however, the tea leaves need to be soaked a little longer before tannins are released. Since ancient times, the elders said "do not drink overnight tea.” It comes from the idea that the longer tea leaves are soaked, the more tannic acid is released and causing more injury to the stomach. Therefore, when one drinks tea, dip a tea bag into a cup of hot water twice, then taken out. Why? We want caffeine to be released, but not the tannic acid.

In conclusion, we must grasp key points to be able to enjoy the benefits of these two drinks: the fragrance and the helping in digestion, and avoid the tannic acid!

[Fending off the cold with stomach warning drinks (驅寒、暖胃)]

In cold weather, one may wish to drink "longan tea or jujube tea" and adding a pinch of cinnamon or cloves. It tastes good and balances our cold bodies. In addition, "ginger jujube tea” is also a delicious warm-stomach drink the can also change one's constitution. To prepare "ginger jujube tea,” one needs to make "ginger jujube paste” in advance.

The recipe of "ginger jujube paste" (薑棗泥) is as follows:

First, wash and soak jujubes and remove the pit (jujube's pit is cold). Cut ginger into cubes; ground the ginger in a blender with some water.
Boil the ground ginger and squeeze out the ginger juice. Mix the ginger together with the jujubes (Note: one pound jujube with about with one pound of ginger). Use low heat to boil the ginger and jujubes until soft. Put the concoction into a juicer (juice extractor) to separate out the jujube peel because the jujube skin is bad for digestion. Finally, use medium heat and simmer the jujube paste. Continuously and slowly stir the jujube paste to remove the water content. The consistency of the jujube paste should end up to be the same as the consistency of red bean paste.

Once the "Ginger JuJube Paste (薑棗泥)" is done, put the paste into a container and refrigerate. One can scoop out a little bit of the paste at a time and mix it with hot water for drinking. Of course, you can also mix in a little clove, cinnamon, or longan!

健康新知精選 健康新知

呂錞銀 摘譯自 Consumer Reports On Health


美國食品藥物管理局〈FDA〉 於2012年二月正式宣佈:服用降膽固醇的藥物Statin,會增加得II 型糖尿病機率並可能影響記憶力。 Statin這類藥物包括atorvastatin Lipitor and generic〉,lovastatin 〈Mevacor and generic〉及simvastatin〈Zocor and generic〉。

很多臨床研究發現服用Statin的一組比起控制組,前者血糖升高的危險性增加。其中有項大規模的Jupiter試驗〈用Statin作為預防性治療藥物的試驗〉:研究員發現服用Rosuvastatin 〈Crestor〉組與控制組相比,前者得II型糖尿病的比率比後者高百分之二十五。 一些研究報告指出參與試驗者〈年齡超過五十歲〉在服用Statin後有記憶衰退的問題;停藥後問題消失。

FDA在Statin 的藥物說明書中本來建議服用者要定期作肝功能檢查。這項建議已被去除,因為定期檢查並不能即早發現或預防肝損傷。〈在開始服用Statin 前,還是應該要做肝檢查。〉

對降低膽固醇,我們一向是建議先改變生活方式―健康飲食及運動。FDA 對Statin的新警告更強調我們建議的重要性。即使還是得服藥,生活方式的改變可減少藥量或將副作用降到最低。《摘譯自Consumer Reports on Health, June, 2012 Volume 24 Number 6》



一項發表在心臟期刊(Journal Heart)的營養與癌症危險性的研究:針對二萬三千九百八十德國成人的資料整理〈平均十一年的追蹤〉,發現每天飲食中含820毫克鈣者比飲食中都不含鈣者得心臟病機率較低。但是超過1100毫克者卻不能減少得心臟病危險性。此外,研究員發現那些按時服用鈣補充劑者,得心臟病的危險性,比不服用任何鈣補充劑者高出百分之八十六。最明顯的是那些服用單純的鈣補充劑族群。意味著補充劑本身,而非鈣攝取量提高得心臟病危險性。這項研究報告作者猜測: 相對於從食物中攝取鈣的緩慢過程;服用鈣補充劑時,血中鈣突然大幅度上升可能是造成心臟病發作的原因。

重點:我們還須要有更多的研究確定鈣補充劑與心臟病有關。但上述這項研究與之前的一些研究結果吻合;鈣補充劑與心臟病發作有關。這就提醒我們從食物中攝取營養素是比較優質及安全。目前美國預防工作小組〈U.S. Preventive Task Force〉的立場是:對大多數人,鈣補充劑可能不會減少骨折危險性。如果您還在服用鈣補充劑,請教醫生是否還要繼續服用。 《摘譯自Consumer Reports on Health, September, 2012, Volume 24 Number 9》


根據2006年約翰霍普金斯大學的一項研究: 超過百分之四十的預防性常規檢查及檢驗並不能幫助病人。過度檢驗浪費時間與金錢。有些還是弊多於利。下表列的是最常被過度檢查的項目(取自最近發表在內科文獻的分析)。










21歲以下或非癌症(譬如肌瘤) 子宮摘除者(連子宮頸也一併去除)不須做宮頸檢驗。超過六十五歲的婦女若在過去十年,有三次以上宮頸檢驗結果都正常,也無子宮頸癌者可不必做宮頸檢驗。






75歲以上或存活期低於十年者不必做。其他人應該考慮做此檢驗的利弊。檢驗不準確 〈假陽性反應〉,可能導致無謂的更多檢查及治療。







《摘譯自Consumer Reports on Health    July 2012, Volume 24 Number 7》






Bepridil (Vascor)*


Clarithromycin (Biaxin)

Erythromycin (Erythrocin)*

Moxifloxacin (Avelox)

Sparfloxacin (Zagam)


Citalopram (Celexa)


Chlorpromazine (Thorazine)

Haloperidol (Haldol)

Mesoridazine (Serentil)

Pimozide (Orap)*

Thioridazine (Mellaril)


Disopyramide (Norpace)*

Dofetilide (Tikosyn)

Flecainide (Tambocor)

Ibutilide (Corvert)*

Procainamide (Pronestyl)

Quinidine (Cardioquin)*

Sotalol (Betapace)*


Arsenic trioxide (Trisenox)

Vandetanib (Caprelsa)



Chloroquine (Aralen)

Halofantrine (Halfan)*


Droperidol (Inapsine)


Methadone (Dolophine)*



*女性比男性危險性高。資料來源: Critical Path Institute〈qtdrugs.org

《摘譯自Consumer Reports on Health, May 2012, Volume 24 Number 5》


以下是訪問肯薩斯大學醫學院,心臟醫學副教授 Dhanunjaya Lekkireddy, MD的內容。

什麼是心房顫動Atrial Fibrillation 簡稱AFAF是心房不正常的跳動,通常是非常快。它不會威脅生命,可是會引起以下症狀:呼吸短促,疲倦,甚至胸痛。造成AF 的原因包括:遺傳,糖尿病,高血壓,甲狀腺疾病,嚴重壓力,飲酒,心肌炎,心臟瓣膜疾病。




我們考量一群病人,在三個月中發生心房顫動次數,焦慮,憂鬱程度及生活品質。再讓這全群病人做三個月瑜伽―包括呼吸,放鬆,asanas 姿勢。第一階段研究發現瑜伽對心律調整,情緒穩定有顯著效果。


我們試驗的是Iyengar 瑜伽,其他只要包含呼吸,放鬆,asanas的瑜伽應該有類似效果。要記住:瑜伽並不能治好心房顫動。它只能緩和症狀。病人還是得服藥。在嘗試瑜伽前,請先與醫生商量。

《摘譯自Consumer Reports on Health, May 2012, Volume 24 Number 5》


材料: 麵粉2 1/4抔牛奶2/3杯
雞蛋3個香蕉〈切碎〉1 1/4杯
調味料: 1/2杯泡打粉2 1/4茶匙
蘇打粉1 茶匙1 茶匙
  1. 先將麵粉篩過,置大碗中,再依次加入蘇打粉、泡打粉及鹽,攪拌均勻。
  2. 另備一容器,加入牛奶、蛋、糖及牛油〈橄欖油〉並調勻,再加入香蕉拌勻。最後加入備好的麵粉,再攪拌均勻,倒入抹上油的蛋糕盤中。
  3. 先將烤箱加熱至 350 F°。將蛋糕盤放至烤箱中層。烤45-50分鐘即可。
  4. 出爐以叉子刺入蛋糕中央,見不粘叉子時,就表示熟了。
份量: 可做成直徑九吋的蛋糕兩個

EHVA Recipe: Banana Cake

Ingredients: Flour2 1/4 CupMilk2/3 Cup
Eggs3Banana (Cut into small piece)1 1/4 Cup
Seasoning: Sugar1/2 CupBaking power2 1/4 Teaspoon
Baking Soda1 TeaspoonSalt1 Teaspoon
Butter(Oliver oil)2/3 Cup
  1. Sift flour into a big bowl; add baking soda, baking powder, and salt. Mix it well.
  2. Use another big container, add milk, sugar, eggs, butter (Oliver oil) and stir it well with hand mixer. Add bananas and mix it again. Finally add ready mixed flour into it and stir it well. Pour the mixture into oiled pans.
  3. Pre-heat the oven to 350 F°. Put the pans in the middle level of the oven and bake about 45-50 minutes.
  4. The cake is done when inserting a chopstick into the middle of the cake and coming out clean.
Servings: two 5”x4.5”x2.5” size cakes


材料: 白木耳絲 (乾)一把
  1. 黑白木耳絲洗淨泡軟。
  2. 海帶片剪成絲洗淨泡軟〈注意不能把黏液洗掉〉。
  3. 所有材料加水及薑片煮開後轉中小火煮軟煮熟放涼。
  4. 放入果汁機中攪碎,依個人喜好加蜂蜜即可。
備註: 此甜品可熱飲可冷飲可口又營養

EHVA Recipe: Kelp Drink

Ingredients: Dried shredded white fungus one handful
Dried shredded black fungus one handful
Kelp2-3 pieces (10 cm long)
Ginger 2-3 Slices
Water one gallon
Honey various amount
  1. Rinse and soak shredded fungus in water until softened.
  2. Rinse and soak kelp. Shred the softened kelp.
  3. Put the above ingredients and ginger in one gallon of water. Bring it to boil with medium high heat. Turn to medium low heat until all the ingredients are well cooked and soft. Set aside and let it cool.
  4. Liquefy Liquify the above in a blender. Add honey according to one's taste. Ready to serve.
Note: This tasty and nutritious drink can be make hot or cold.



日期 時間 地點 活動內容
11/2012 1:30-4:30 pm 長青健康素食推廣中心 3071 Lawrence Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95051 長青秋季身體調養班 〈中文〉供應點心
每週二 10:00-11:00 am Palo Alto Avenidas Senior Center 推拿講習


本中心為非營利組織,目的在宣導正確的健康素食理念以提昇生活品質。本中心工作人員均屬不支薪的義工,各項推廣活動均靠大家在人力、物力上的支持與捐助。竭誠歡迎您慷慨解囊,一切捐贈皆可依個人所得狀況抵稅,捐贈股票還可節省capital gain的稅。凡捐款$500以上者為本中心年度榮譽董事。捐款支票抬頭請寫Evergreen Healthy Vegetarian Association 或EHVA,並寄到本中心,謝謝!
Please send your tax-deductible donation to Evergreen Healthy Vegetarian Association (EHVA). Thank you!





發行: 長青健康素食推廣中心
打字: 高淑玲、劉雪清
編輯: 劉雪清、呂錞銀、尹明潭、高淑玲、陳慧珊
美工: 高淑玲
印刷: Kwik Kopy Printing (TEL: 408-725-0243)
郵寄: 程俊豪

長青健康素食推廣中心 Evergreen Healthy Vegetarian Association
3071 Lawrence Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95051-0713
洛杉磯連絡處: 8513 Elm Circle, City of Buena Park, CA 90620
新竹連絡處: 新竹縣竹北市華興街79號,Taiwan, ROC
台北連絡處: P. O. Box 94-35, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC