長青通訊 第四十七期 EHVA Newsletter No. 47

長青健康素食推廣中心 發行 二O一二年四月



服務及工作項目 服務人次 義工人次 義工時數
長青健康素食養身講座〈特殊兒童之友/老人中心〉 45 10 100
長青養生保健每週共修 105 20 60
敬老餐會籌備 0 20 60
公共教育與宣導 3600 25 200


長青健康素食中心將於2012/5/20 〈週曰〉11:00am-2:00pm 在Napredak Hall 〈770 Montague Expressway, San Jose, CA 95131〉舉行2012 母親節敬老餐會,屆時歡迎耆老蒞臨同樂。有興趣者,請電話 (408)729-5628 陳小姐。




自2012 年起,” 長青健康素食推廣中心” 將免費贈送媽媽幢,並有義工協助安裝。有興趣者,請電陳小姐408-729-5628, 或每週六2:30-4:30pm 到長青會所 3071 Lawrence Expressway, Santa Clara 試用。


石鴻英大夫講述 陳介川整理


































豆類跟大麥等穀類裡面含有一種叫「胰蛋白酶抑制劑〈trypsin inhibitor〉」的東西。因此到外面買的豆漿,買回來以後,請再煮沸15分鐘。







薏仁米〈Pearl barley〉是值得推崇的東西,因為現代人的體質比較「濕」,薏仁可以「利濕」。但是薏仁米屬於穀類,也含有胰蛋白酶抑制劑,如果沒有煮一個鐘頭的話,可能也是白吃!而且薏仁要跟芡實同時吃,才不會傷身體。










茶的主要成份是「鞣質素或叫單寧酸〈Tanninic acid〉」,這個東西最討厭,因為它會讓胃僵在那邊不能動。咖啡或茶葉泡水大概一分鐘以後,咖啡因很快地就全部溶解出來;可是茶裡面的單寧酸需要泡久一點才會慢慢地溶解。自古以來長輩說「隔夜茶不能喝」,因為泡越久,單寧酸溶解出來的越多,傷胃越厲害,所以我們喝茶要有技巧。什麼技巧呢?茶包放到一杯熱水裡浸兩下就可取出。為什麼呢?因為咖啡因溶解出來就算了,總不希望單寧酸也跟著出來吧?老人茶的喝法跟這個也很類似。






先把紅棗洗淨、泡軟、去核〈因為核是寒性的〉。再把薑切塊,加水,用果汁機打碎,熬煮後過濾成薑汁。然後把薑汁跟去核的紅棗〈一磅紅棗大約配一磅薑〉一起用小火熬煮,煮爛成泥漿以後,放到果菜榨汁機〈juice extractor〉讓棗泥跟棗皮分開,因為紅棗皮不好消化;最後再用中小火煮棗泥,而且要不停地攪拌,讓它慢慢收水到像豆沙一樣的程度。


Health talk at Evergreen Health & Wellness class (4)

Translated by Frank Fang and Jack Chen

Chinese version『石大夫談養生:長青身體調養班課程講記〈四〉』by Dr. Hung-Ying Shih excerpted by Jei Chen (published in EHVA Newsletter 46, September of 2011)

§ 3. Cold and hot nature of food (食物的寒熱性)

[Cold and hot nature of food]

It's divided in physical nature and chemical nature. From physical nature point of view the difference is temperature, hot water is hot and cold water is cold.

Next is chemical nature. Except for Chinese rape (油菜), all vegetables are cold in nature. The reason is that all the vegetables have a special substance that suppresses intestinal absorption, so we call it cold in nature.

Another way to define cold and hot nature is based upon how much the energy it produced. This method can explain why most meat is hot in nature, since meat is high in protein and fat. The heat generated by one gram of fat is equal to that of two grams of carbohydrates, or two grams of protein.

There is a traditional Taiwanese food: braised pork on rice 滷肉飯. Braised pork on rice is the favorite food of working class people doing hard labor work. The lard in the rice provides high energy. By the same token, they don't like to eat vegetable dishes without oil. They taste bad without oil. Oil provides high energy! It is one kind of hot-natured of food.

[Cold and hot of stomach]

It actually relates to the development phases of the stomach disease. Initially the stomach disease begins from nervousness. It affects stomach contraction. The person will feel better if he drinks some warm water. This is the first phase called "cold stomach phase"(胃寒期). At this phase, drinking some warm liquid will help improve constitution, or at least improve stomach digestion.

If the person is careless and continue to eat a lot of seafood and meat, the stomach disease will worsen to the second phase called "hot stomach phase" or "gastritis phase"(胃熱期或胃炎期). The stomach needs peristalsis while digesting. Especially for protein food, it needs to be ground to the state similar to mashed potato before passing to duodenum. The extra work results in stomach expansion and inflammation, i.e., the "hot stomach phase".

At the "hot stomach phase", the person feels comfortable to drink cold water than hot water. However the cold food is even worse. It is easily worsen to the third phase, called the ulcer phase (潰瘍期).

At the ulcer phase, the mucosal cells at stomach surface continue to be damaged by the gastric acid and the stomach starts atrophy. It finally enters fourth phase, called gastric cancer phase (胃癌期).

From the development of stomach disease, it clearly tells us one thing: to improve digestion, one should only drinks warm/hot liquid and avoid drinking cold liquid, this is so-called "avoiding cold and adopting warmth principle" (忌寒保暖). As long as there is a poor digestion condition, we must avoid any cold food or drink. This is a very important concept! We cannot follow our own feelings. We need to follow our consciousness relating to stomach pathology: don't eat or drink cold stuff as long as there is stomach upset.

[Hot-natured food I: stomachic aromatic (健胃芳香劑)]

Examples are: Thyme, cinnamon, cloves, green onion, leek, ginger, garlic, pepper, star anise, cumin, curry, onion, Chinese parsley, etc. One should put more of these things in one's cooking. Sometimes you can make "Nuanwei tea (暖胃茶)" to drink. If one puts a little cinnamon or cloves in water and boils and drinks it, the result will be beneficial. The garlic, onion, green onions belongs to the category "Wu Xin" (五辛) by Buddhists to avoid eating! However, it allows the body to warm up. The Szechuan pepper (川椒) is an essential ingredient of the spicy hot pot. Long time ago, people use pepper to salted meat, since it can kill the germs. Szechuan pepper and star anise (八角) are found to be carcinogenic.

Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (長庚醫院) did a study and found vegetarian populations prone to liver cancer. People add a lot of anise to improve the taste of vegetarian dishes. If they eat too much for a long time, it may cause liver cancer.

If just for the flavor, we suggest to use chili pepper, cumin, cloves, and cinnamon. Pharmacologically speaking they are anti-cancer (防癌). But do not eat too much. Eating too much will cause loss of energy. Some people eat a lot of spicy food. At first it is very exciting. After two to three days the opposite effect appears. People began to feel tired. Therefore add those things moderately. Excessiveness is not good for your body.

[Hot-natured food II: Chinese jujube, longan, peanuts, nuts, and canola]

Chinese jujube(紅棗) is rich in vitamins, just like natural Centrum. Most of the jujube on the market may be smoked with sulfur for preservation and we cannot tell the difference. For safety, we wash it clean, boil it with water, remove the water and dry it (if you do not use it right the way). The first step is to remove the sulfur. The second step is put it in the freezer. If left outside, it may grow with insects or mildew. The third step is to remove the jujube seed before cooking since it is cold in nature.

As for longan(龍眼), drink some longan tea to adjust and warm your body during winter cold weather. Next is about peanuts and nuts. Nuts include walnuts, cashews, almonds, pistachios, etc. Those things are high in fat, high in proteins, and difficult to digest. If they are fried, the problem is even worst. If you directly put it into your mouth and chew, it is hard to digest. So a lot of people with stomach disease feel stomach upset after eating a few peanuts. So what shall we do? First, we need to use water to boil the peanuts, nuts, etc. then put it into a blender to blend it. Now it is easy to digest and can improve our constitution. Since ancient times, Taoism thinks that the walnut looks like human brain and is very nutritious. The peanuts, including peanut butter need to be cooked in order for easy digestion. One should also avoid cashew chicken dish. The last item is Chinese rape (油菜), it is a rare hot-natured vegetable.

[Hot-natured food III: mutton and venison]

Then let us talk about mutton and venison. Their hot nature is stronger than pork because they contain a special kind of stimulant 興奮原, which can increase blood circulation after eating it.

Famous Chinese doctor Zhang ZhongJing (醫聖張仲景) of Han Dynasty has a recipe called angelica mutton soup (當歸羊肉湯) in his book 金匱要略. When you eat the mutton cooked with a little bit of angelica, a little of Chinese jujube, and a little ginger, it will help to keep body warm. It's OK to replace mutton with venison.

You need to select a good mutton. Don't buy lamb. It has very strong smell. Only buy grass-fed sheep or goat meat since it has less smell. So if you like to eat angelica mutton soup during winter time, buy the meat at a Chinese super market instead an American one.

§4. Texture Problem (質地的問題) [Coarse-textured vegetables, fruits, and nuts]

Coarse-textured food will hinder our digestion. For example, broccoli and cauliflower can prevent cancer, but its texture is coarse. It is better to cook broccoli and cauliflower and blend them for the elderly or who has chronic enteritis. Otherwise, broccoli and cauliflower are not easy to digest due to its coarse texture; it can scratch intestines.

Fresh, frozen, or preserved bamboo shoots are not a suitable food to eat. It can hurt stomach. Canned bamboo shoots are OK because the fiber of canned bamboo shoots is softened after high-temperature sterilization. The fiber of pea shoots is coarse and is not suitable for those whose stomach is not good. Coarse-textured fruits including peach, plum, apricots, persimmon, and mango. Whoever has upset stomach cannot eat coarse-textured fruits. It can hurt stomach. Fresh pineapple can scratch stomach and is not suitable to eat.

All nuts are not easy to digest. Whoever has upset stomach should eat cooked and blended nuts. Do not eat nuts without cooking and blending.

[Sticky Rice Products]

Whoever has digestive disorder should not eat sushi, mochi (麻糬), and glutinous rice balls (湯圓) because they are made of sticky rice which is not easy to digest and would make stomach bloated. Therefore people should only eat long grain rice.

The most famous Japanese food is Sushi. It is part of the reasons why incidence of gastric cancer in Japan is the highest in the world.

[Solidified meat stuffing foods]

We also need to consider the composition of food.

The composition of these foods like ba-won (肉圓), wonton, dumpling, and fried dumpling are too complex. Do not eat them. It would cause "fecal impaction" problem. Some people think the stool probably only stay in the body for a while and will be discharged soon. There was a young man whose stool stayed in his transverse colon for half a year. Therefore everyone should pay special attention to foods which have hard texture. Why "Ba-Won" and "wonton" have so much magic? It's very simple! They were made of ground meat, vegetable, and cornstarch and shaped like a meatball.

It's similar to concrete which is a composite construction material composed primarily of sand, cement and water. Its composition is very tight when mixed.

However, the ingredients are easier to digest if separated. That is the secret of foods. One might asked: Can we eat vegetarian dumpling? The answer is "Yes" because the protein in vegetarian dumpling is not sticky at all. That is why it is less likely to create digestion and excretion problem.

[Hard texture of artificial food]

It's better not to eat artificial foods because they also have the hard texture problem. The ingredients of food such as gluten, yuba, and todu skin (麵筋、腐竹、豆皮) include "gluten", which is difficult to digest.

There is a very common vegetarian ingredient named "konjak" (蒟蒻). It is a saturated absorbent product. Although it has no nutritional, you can consider it as one types of "laxative". It will be discharged soon after eat. Artificial food is not the same as konjak. Artificial food remains in your body for a long time due to difference in texture. Hope everyone pay attention to this.

[Frying will change the texture of food]

Moreover, food processing and cooking method will also cause texture problem: e.g. fried food is not easy for digestion due to its texture changed after frying. Those who has stomach problem will get stomach upset after eat fried food.

One may ask if there is any difference between tofu and dry tofu. They are not the same. It is safe to eat tofu, but eating dry tofu may cause stomach upset. The dry tofu is processed from tofu. After processing, the texture of dry tofu is changed, that is why it is not easy for digestion. ⊕

健康新知精選 被推翻的健康“真理”


摘譯自 Consumer Reports On Health, Vol 24, No1, Jan 2012



為什麼醫學建議會被推翻?因為有很多以為會延長生命的儀器、藥物、手術程序,在尚未做完整設計研究之前就已經上市。一篇登在2011年內科文獻〈Archives of Internal Medicine〉的研究指出:有百分之十三刊登在2009年新英格蘭醫學期刊〈The New England Journal of Medicine〉的研究報告推翻了以前有關藥物篩檢及侵入性程序的研究發現。另一篇發表在美國醫學協會期刊〈Journal of American Medical Association〉提到,在一些以為是有效果的醫學手術中,有三分之一後來實驗證明有反效果或無效。一家評估治療效果的國際研究網─柯格蘭〈Cochran Library〉的主編,托飛醫生說“對新的治療方法,早期研究過分的樂觀並非不尋常”。


1. 攝取綜合維他命有助健康〈錯〉



2. 受寒時吃東西,發燒時餓肚子;或是受寒時餓肚子,發燒時吃東西〈皆錯〉



3. 運動前後做伸展動作可預防受傷 〈錯〉

一項針對2729位賽跑者的研究發現,跑前做小腿、大腿肌肉伸展與否與受傷率無關。受傷者常是過重、年紀較大、長跑、過去四個月曾經受傷過、或改變跑前習慣的人〈譬如以前跑前都做伸展而被要求不做伸展者〉。另外兩篇系統性評論總結運動前後做伸展動作不能減少肌肉酸痛或受傷的危險性。倒是運動前五分鐘暖身可增加 活動度 〈Range of Motion〉。

4. 有關體重問題,BMI是最佳指標〈錯〉


5. 每個人每年都需要做牙齒X光片〈錯〉

為了減少幅射,美國牙醫協會建議牙醫應該要先做檢查,再決定病人是否需要照X光。如果你沒有牙齦或蛀牙問題,Bitewing X光只需要2-3年做一次。在照牙齒X光時,蓋上鉛做的圍裙及保護甲狀腺的頸套可以減少幅射。如果你換了牙醫,可將舊的X光片轉交新牙醫,不必重照X光,以減少不必要的幅射。

6. 每天至少喝8杯水〈錯〉

雖然沒有科學根據,還是很多人相信每天至少要喝8杯水。有些人為了減肥而多喝水。但實際上多喝水是否有助減肥也是不確定的。有項研究發現喝湯〈食物加水合煮〉比單獨吃同樣食物和水更有飽足感。還有一項沒被證實的說法,當你口渴時,你已經脫水。醫學學會〈The Institute of Medicine〉 的報告指出,大部份健康者根據口渴與否攝取所需水分,包括水、湯其他飲料。

7. 習慣性的將關節弄得喀喀做響會導致關節炎〈錯〉

發表在2011年家庭醫學期刊,一項針對215位 〈50歲至89歲〉患者手部X光片的研究發現,關節炎與拉手指關節並沒有關連。以上這項研究結果與1990年的另一項研究結果吻合。不過常將指關節弄得喀喀做響,手容易腫且可能握力感減退。〈譯者加註:正確運動指關節的方法是用一手固定另一手的手指,一次只運動一個關節。〉

8. 每個人每年都需要做健康檢查〈錯〉

2011年美國預防服務工作小組建議大多數人在做常規檢查時省略以下兩項:〈1〉對健康的男性不要做 PSA〈攝護腺特定抗原〉血液檢查。〈2〉沒有症狀的人不要做心電圖檢查。傳統的從頭到腳的檢查並不能對健康有幫助,最好是和你的醫生商討多久做一次血壓、膽固醇檢查。

既然所謂的健康” 真理”有時也會被推翻,有些藥物、篩檢或醫學程序可能無效或有反效果。作為患者我們應該問醫生以下四個問題,也許醫生需要花點時間去研究,但確是值得的。


材料: 百合(新鮮)1包 蘆筍5枝
乾黑木耳¼ 杯 枸杞子1湯匙
調味料: 1湯匙 ¼ 茶匙
¼ 茶匙 1湯匙
  1. 新鮮百合清洗後每瓣分開。
  2. 蘆筍頭部切去,斜切橢圓形小片備用。
  3. 枸杞子泡溫水後,用清水洗幾次去硫磺。
  4. 泡乾黑木耳,洗淨數次備用。
  5. 將油倒入鍋中微熱後,放入蘆筍黑木耳,用大火炒3分鐘。
  6. 加入百合,一起拌炒到百合成透明狀時,再加入枸杞子, 加鹽、水、糖,稍滾後即可關火盛起。
份量: 5人份

EHVA Recipe: Lily root with asparagus and wolfberry

Ingredients: Lily root (fresh) 1 package Asparagus 5 strips
Dried black fungus ¼ cup Wolfberry 1 tablespoon
Seasoning: Oil 1 tablespoon Salt ¼ teaspoon
Sugar ¼ teaspoon Water 1 tablespoon
  1. Clean fresh lily root and separate each petal.
  2. Cut off asparagus head, oblique cut into oval pieces and place aside for later use.
  3. Soak wolfberry in warm water, rinse with clean water several times to remove sulfur.
  4. Soak dried black fungus, rinse several times and place aside for later use.
  5. Add oil into a pot at low heat, add asparagus, black fungus, and stir fry at high heat for 3 minutes.
  6. Add the lily root and stir-fry until the lily root turns transparent, and then add the wolfberry, salt, water, sugar, let boil. Finally, take the stir fry off heat and you're done.
Servings: 5 servings

長青素食譜: 豆腐炒甜豆

材料: 甜豆 6 oz (約1½杯) 紅蘿蔔 1 根(小)
老豆腐 1/3塊 (4oz)
調味料: 杏仁泥 2 茶匙 檸檬汁 1 茶匙
薑末 ½ 茶匙 蒜末 ½ 茶匙
1 湯匙 ¼ 茶匙
2 茶匙
  1. 甜豆洗淨,去兩端粗絲備用。
  2. 紅蘿蔔削皮後對切再切片成半月型。
  3. 老豆腐切丁〈2X1.5公分〉備用。
  4. 杏仁泥、檸檬汁、薑末、蒜末,加水一起攪拌,放置一邊。
  5. 開大火,鍋熱後加油,放入豆腐丁,轉中火炒3分鐘至微黃,加入紅蘿蔔、甜豆及鹽和少許的水,約炒3分鐘,關火,盛起。
  6. 放入盤中,吃時再加入杏仁醬攪拌。
份量: 4人份
備註: 杏仁泥〈Roasted Almond Butter〉可以在Trader Joe's買到

EHVA Recipe: Stir Fried Tofu and Sugar Snap Peas

Ingredients: Sugar snap peas 6 oz (about 1½ cups) Carrot one stick (small)
Tofu (Firm) 1/3
Seasoning: Roasted Almond Butter 2 tsp Lemon juice 1 tsp
Minced Ginger ½ tsp Minced garlic ½ tsp
Oil 1 tbsp Salt ¼ tsp
Water 2 tsp
  1. De-string both ends of the Sugar Snap Peas and Rinse.
  2. Peel Carrots and Slice into crescent shapes.
  3. Dice Firm Tofu (2X1.5 cm) set aside for later use.
  4. Mix and Stir together, Almond butter, lemon juice, ginger, garlic, and water, set aside for later use.
  5. Add oil after pan is hot. Then turn to medium heat, add tofu and fry for 3 minutes until tofu turns yellowish. Add sugar snap peas, salt and a little water fry for about 3 minutes. Turn off heat.
  6. Plate stir fry and mix in the marinated almond sauce from Step 4 .
Servings: 4 servings
Note: (Roasted Almond Butter) can be bought at Trader Joe's.



日期 時間 地點 活動內容
四月/2012 Sun. 1:30-4:30 pm 長青健康素食推廣中心 3071 Lawrence Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95051 長青春季身體調養班〈中文〉供應點心
5/20/2012 Sun. 11:00 am-2:30 pm Napredak Hall 770 Montague Expressway, San Jose, CA 95131 長青健康素食母親節敬老餐會
每週二 10:00-11:00 am Palo Alto Avenidas Senior Center 推拿講座


本中心為非營利組織,目的在宣導正確的健康素食理念以提昇生活品質。本中心工作人員均屬不支薪的義工,各項推廣活動均靠大家在人力、物力上的支持與捐助。竭誠歡迎您慷慨解囊,一切捐贈皆可依個人所得狀況抵稅,捐贈股票還可節省capital gain的稅。凡捐款$500以上者為本中心年度榮譽董事。捐款支票抬頭請寫Evergreen Healthy Vegetarian Association 或EHVA,並寄到本中心,謝謝!
Please send your tax-deductible donation to Evergreen Healthy Vegetarian Association (EHVA). Thank you!


梅文琴; 陳玠&許文蓉

發行: 長青健康素食推廣中心
打字: 高淑玲、劉雪清
編輯: 劉雪清、呂錞銀、尹明潭、高淑玲、陳慧珊
美工: 高淑玲
印刷: Kwik Kopy Printing (TEL: 408-725-0243)
郵寄: 程俊豪

長青健康素食推廣中心 Evergreen Healthy Vegetarian Association
3071 Lawrence Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95051-0713
洛杉磯連絡處: 8513 Elm Circle, City of Buena Park, CA 90620
新竹連絡處: 新竹縣竹北市華興街79號,Taiwan, ROC
台北連絡處: P. O. Box 94-35, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC