長青通訊 第四十六期 EHVA Newsletter No. 46

長青健康素食推廣中心 發行 二O一一年九月



服務及工作項目 服務人次 義工人次 義工時數
長青健康素食端午敬老餐會 200 30 300
長青健康素食養身講座〈華嚴蓮社/老人中心〉 45 10 100
長青養生保健每週共修 266 20 60
敬老餐會籌備 0 20 60
公共教育與宣導 3600 25 200




石鴻英大夫講述 陳介川整理


通常分為─「物理性寒熱」「化學性寒熱」兩 種。從「物理」的觀念來看寒熱,就是「溫度的 差異性」─熱水就是熱,冷水就是寒。第二種是「化學性」的寒熱─在蔬菜裡面,除了油菜以外,幾乎全部都是寒性。因為它有一種特殊的物質,可以抑制腸胃的吸收,所以我們在分類上認為它是寒性。
如果不去注意它,繼續吃很多大魚大肉,胃一定要蠕動才能夠消化,尤其是蛋白性的東西必須磨到像馬鈴薯泥〈mashed potato〉的程度,才能夠交到十二指腸往下走;否則,胃就要繼續不停地做工來消化它,結果胃就開始膨脹、開始發炎,從「寒性」轉為「熱性」,這是胃病第二期,叫「胃熱期」「胃炎期」



活動報導 長青健康素食與沙加緬度耆英共慶端午節

二十多位長青健康素食義工,於六月十二日星期天一大早就分批搭乘七、八輛的箱旅車,上面載滿著前一天準備好的一箱箱素食材料─酸辣湯、白木耳紅棗甜湯、豆腐派、綠豆椪和“北美藝文協會”特地調配的普洱茶,開了二個多小時,浩浩蕩蕩地遠征沙加緬度。到了沙加緬度,義工們借用了小金龍〈Little Dragon〉餐廳老板 Mr. Yu 提供的廚房,在很有限的時間內做好茶油麵線、 醬爆香丁、淮山翠珍、皮蛋豆腐、和地中海沙拉等,並裝好便當送到黃氏大廈老人中心。

Health talk at Evergreen Health & Wellness class (3) 〈石大夫談養生:長青身體調養班課程講記(三)〉英譯

by Dr. Hung-Ying Shih excerpted by Jei Chen (published in EHVA Newsletter 45, January of 2011)
Translated by Jei Chen, Frank Fang, and Jack Chen

(I) constitution and issues on digestion and absorption

[Improve constitution should start with Stomach]

We must be aware of the fact that "constitution" represents the "internal (in vivo)" phenomenon; and food passing from the mouth to the anus undergoing the sequence of digestive and excretory functions, is a kind of "in vitro" process.
After digestion of food through the stomach and intestines, nutrients get into the body through the blood to form constitution. Armed with the “constitution" concept, the first task to improve
your constitution is to take care of your stomach! If the stomach cannot digest these foods, cannot take advantage of these nutrients, your health cannot be improved!

[Drinking fruit and vegetables smoothie for different constitutions]

Each person's "constitution" (體質) is different, For example, different people will have different reactions from drinking fruit and vegetable smoothie for a month. The various reactions are: "diarrhea", "constipation", "first diarrhea, then stopped", "first constipation, then stopped", and "After drinking fruit and vegetables mix, it created a lot of gas." What does that mean? The simplest explanation is that everyone has different "constitution"! People with "Diarrhea" has "cold-dampness type"(寒濕型) constitution; People with "constipation" does not have strong enough bowel movement.

For people producing "gas", the most important thing to observe is how the gas smells? If it smells, then it is damp-heat type (濕熱型) constitution; If it does not smell, then it is OK. Therefore, a simple example of drinking fruit and vegetable smoothie shows that different constitutions results in different reactions.

Some people said: "If I simply eat fruits and vegetables one by one, there is no diarrhea and no constipation." So, he was very surprised and asked: "Why eating them together will have such a big effect?" This is what we discussed last time, "synergy" When you break up the whole cells, its effect is quite powerful as compared to slowly chewing, which cannot break down cells and has no complete effect. Therefore, a simple matter has something more profound behind it. This is a very interesting experience.

Some people tend to belch a lot during breathing exercises. What would the cause be? "Belching" is a "gas vomiting phenomenon" caused by the clogging of the connection between the stomach and the duodenum. Why the breathing exercises will cause belching? We need to adjust the spine first to activate the spine and its associated nerves in the breathing exercises. During the activation process, if our body is clogged somewhere, it will create a "gas vomiting phenomenon" to clear it out. So belching is often very helpful; when the stomach is bloated, belching will help to relieve the pressure. In fact, these phenomena represent the constitution at that time!

[Dampness-Heat constitution (濕熱體質) is a product of affluent society]

The reason for dampness-heat constitution is the result of the affluent society. In the old agricultural society, people rarely have meat to eat. People are glad to have chicken to eat only in the Chinese New Year. In current affluent society, eggs, milk, poultry products, and livestock products have ample supply. Those products have high-protein and high fat. Eating too much protein causes the dampness-heat constitution.

The dampness-heat constitution is allergic, acidic, and prone to cancer and inflammation.

(II) Selection of healthy food

The principle of selecting healthy food is based on the U.S. Department of Agriculture indicators of food pyramid. It suggests that people eat less oil and meat, and eat more grains.

2.1 Acidity and Alkalinity

[The acidity/alkalinity of food]

What is the acidity/alkalinity of food? We know oranges taste sour and acidic; however, its pH value is actually alkaline.

So, how do we determine what pH means? There is a principle that foods containing sulfur and phosphorus, which would create sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid metabolites, are all high in acidity.

Acidic foods include all meat, poultry, aquatic products as well as eggs, milk, certain beans and whole grains such as rice and flour.

On the other hand, foods containing potassium, sodium, calcium, or magnesium, which after metabolism become potassium hydroxide, calcium hydroxide, magnesium hydroxide, are considered basic or high in alkalinity. Alkaline foods include most vegetables, fruits, and certain beans such as black beans.

Foods with no sulfur, phosphorus or potassium, sodium, calcium, or magnesium are considered "neutral" such as ordinary cooking oils.

Furthermore, many people enjoy eating cranberries and blueberries because they are believed to cure urethritis or vaginitis. However, there have been no conclusive results in connection with berries and those diseases. Yet, due to the acidity of those berries, if a person eats too many berries, their bodies will turn more acidic – which in turn may cause cancers, certain allergies, inflammations, etc.

[pH value of the body]

The pH of the human arterial blood is 8.42, slightly alkaline. Therefore, acidity is harmful to the human body. In addition to the acidity/alkalinity of food that one eats, other psychological states may also change the acidity/alkalinity of one's body.

When we talked about adjusting one's breathing, we mentioned that the deep tissue in the lung is incapable of exchanging gases. Due to its incapability to exchange gases, the oxygen content of that part of the lung is very low; in other words, its content of carbon dioxide is relatively high.

What happens when carbon dioxide dissolves in water? It's carbonate. Carbonic acid in the blood causes acidity in the body. Therefore, we suggest breathing adjustments and other deep breathing methods to increase the oxygen content of the lungs. By doing so, the blood can be better maintained at a healthy alkaline state and further improve one's overall physical health.

2.2 Concerns about Balanced Nutrition

[Complementarity of vegetable proteins]

The so-call "Complete Protein" includes eight essential amino acids. They are necessary for human body, yet can not be produced by the human body. The foods which include those eight amino acids are named as "Complete Protein". In animal kingdom, eggs, meat, or chicken soup are categorized as "Complete Protein". In vegetable kingdom, most foods contain only incomplete protein.

Beans are alkaline because they don't have sulfur-containing essential amino acids. Whole grains are acidic because their lack of alkaline amino acids. You need to eat both beans and whole grains. These two combined can achieve the objective of "complete protein". This is the principle of complementarity of vegetable proteins (植物蛋白互補). It is a very important concept for vegetarians.

Why do we add long grain brown rice when we make "black bean milk(黑豆奶)"? Because the requirements of "complete protein" can be achieved by combining two portions of green skin black
bean(青仁黑豆) and one portion of long grain brown rice. Therefore, this is a typical example of an application of "protein complementarity" principle to create complete vegetable protein.

Comparing "vegetable protein" and "animal protein", which one is better? Generally speaking, from the compatibility standpoint, animal protein is better because people are animals too. This is why essence of chicken (雞精) is more effective than black bean milk.

[Food Selections to Maintain Alkaline Body]

How to maintain our body in an alkaline condition? Its basic principle is "to eat more vegetables, more fruits, and more grains; eat less sugar, less meat, less oil." Why? When eat less meat, less sulfur and phosphorus derivatives will be produced, resulting less acid in our body. Although grains are acidic, their acidity is not as much as that of animals. We suggest eating eat coarse grains because they are important source of energy. Based on this principle, we should eat brown rice; instead of white rice. We should eat whole wheat instead of wheat flour. Thus, we can maintain our blood in alkaline condition.

[Protein Deficiency and Nutritional Imbalance]

What's wrong with modern nutrition? It's malnutrition. That's due to too much carbohydrates and fat, and too little proteins in the body.

Why is protein lacking in the body? Because protein is not easy to be digested and absorbed comparing with that of oil and sugar. If we use slow cooker to cook beef for 5 days, the beef's muscle fibers are still not disintegrated. Protein must be decomposed to peptide chain and then to amino acid before it can be absorbed by the body. All these processes need lots of energy. It is not easy for your body to decompose protein when you are fatigued and in poor physical condition. Under this condition your body can only absorb sugars and oils, which are the contents of junk foods. Good protein sources can increase immunity and endurance. Malnutrition condition can cause weak physical and chronic fatigue.

With these basic concepts, it is easier for us to discuss and understand some of the properties of foods including cold & heat, texture factor, and allergen, trypsin inhibitor, etc.⊕

健康新知精選 如何對治 “疾病前期”的診斷

呂錞銀 摘譯自 Consumer Reports On Health, June 2011



1. 我會得到此種病的可能性有多少?
2. 和我情況相同的人,如果長期使用藥物,有何利弊?
3. 有什麼可以證明藥物可預防心臟病或骨折?
4. 何種生活方式的改變可以減低我得病的危險性?




一般血壓記錄是收縮壓/舒張壓。高血壓前期是指收縮壓在120-139毫米汞柱,或/和舒張壓在80-89 毫米汞柱之間。危險因子包括過重,不愛運動或有高血壓家族史。
如何避免過度治療:每年檢查一次血壓,目標為將血壓控制在 140/90 mmHg (毫米汞柱)以下,超過140/90 mmHg即屬高血壓。如果有糖尿病或腎病,則最好控制在 130/80 mmHg 以下。如果生活方式改變仍無法控制血壓在適當範圍,才可考慮藥物。

肥胖前期定義:BMI( body mass index) 在25-29.9的人屬於過重。〈對肌肉強壯或很矮的人,BMI不太適用〉。
BMI的算法:體重〈以公斤為單位〉/{ [ 身高〈公尺為單位〉] 平方}
英制BMI算法:體重〈磅〉乘以703 / {[ 身高〈英吋〉] 平方}
如何降低危險性:避免增加體重,如果您有與肥胖有關的危險因子 〈包括男人腰圍超過40英吋,女人腰圍超過35英吋〉,試著經由適當的節食和運動減少百分之五至十的體重。

一開始有” 糖尿病前期” 定義,製造 Avandia〈治療II型糖尿病的藥〉的藥廠做了一項研究,發現 Avandia可以降低血糖在臨界值者得糖尿病的危險性。有些醫生也開始開處方給尚未有糖尿病而血糖偏高的人。FDA去年限制Avandia的使用,因其可能會引發心臟病或中風。
如何降低危險性:經由飲食節制及適度運動 –譬如每星期五天,每次快走30分鐘。
如何避免過度治療:美國糖尿病學會〈ADA, American Diabetes Association〉建議屬於糖尿病前期的人,每一兩年要做糖尿病檢查,目標是將血糖控制在110mg/dl 以下。對糖尿病前期或預防II型糖尿病,FDA尚未核准任何藥物。ADA說對於糖尿病高危險性族群–BMI超過35而且年紀在60歲以下,Metformin可能可以用來預防II型糖尿病。其他可以延緩II型糖尿病發作的藥物,長期效果不佳或有副作用。


屬於骨質疏鬆前期的族群:骨質密度檢查的 T score 如果低於負2.5屬於骨質疏鬆。T score 在負1和負2.5之間者屬低骨密度。對健康的30歲女性正常的骨密度範圍由負2至正2,所以 T score在負1和負2之間還算正常。
嚴重性:愈接近骨質疏鬆,骨質流失愈快者骨折的危險性會較大。一般在更年期時,骨質流失加快,過了更年期,骨流失速度會減緩。抽煙、大量飲酒、類固醇使用者、類風濕患者會加速骨質流失。在計算 FRAX 時,會考慮以上因素。
如何降低危險性:攝取足夠的維生素 D 及鈣,多走路,禁煙,限制酒、鹽及咖啡因,室內設計要注意安全,降低跌倒可能性。
如何避免過度治療:一般而言,女性65歲,男性70歲,才需要骨質密度檢查。你的醫生可將資料輸入www.shef.ac.uk/frax 即可計算臀部骨折及十年內大骨折的危險性。如果你屬於低骨密度,臀部骨折機率大於百分之三,或十年內大骨折機率超過百分之二十,通常可能會建議藥物治療。


材料: 罐頭南瓜泥 5 OZ 嫩豆腐 1塊〈16 OZ〉
派底 1個
調味料: 楓漿 1/3 杯 植物油 1/3 杯
薑汁 1 茶匙 香草精 2 茶匙
檸檬汁 2 茶匙 太白粉 2 湯匙
葛粉 1 湯匙
  1. 罐頭南瓜泥,倒出備用。
  2. 嫩豆腐放入果汁機內打成泥,再加入所有調味料一起混和打。
  3. 最後加入南瓜泥,混和均勻後倒入派底;然後輕敲幾下,讓氣泡跑出。
  4. 烤箱先預溫熱375度,將派放進烤箱中層,烤約1小時後取出。
  5. 置涼後放入冰箱,涼後食用。
份量: 12人份

EHVA Recipe: Pumpkin Pie

Ingredients: Pumpkin (can) 5 Oz Soft tofu 1 piece (16 Oz)
Pie crust 1
Seasoning: Maple syrup 1/3 cup Vegetable oil 1/3 cup
Ginger juice 1 tsp Vanilla extract 2 tsp
Lemon juice 2 tsp Cornstarch 2 Tbsp
Starch of pueraria root 1 Tbsp
  1. Pour out the pumpkin.
  2. Put soft tofu into the blender and mash it first. Then add all the seasonings into blender and mash all together.
  3. Add pumpkin into blender and mix it well. Then pour the mix into pie crust.
  4. Pre-heat the oven to 375 F°. Put the pie in the middle level of the oven and bake about 1 hour.
  5. Take the pie out of oven and let it cool to room temperature, then put it into refrigerator. After it is cold, it can be served.
Servings: 12 people


材料: 燕麥 〈原味〉 3杯 蓮藕粉 1杯
紅蔗糖 1杯 亞麻仁子 2湯匙
  1. 燕麥泡水三小時,亞麻仁子磨成粉。
  2. 倒掉泡燕麥的水,加入3 杯水,再加上其他所有的材料,放入果汁機打勻。
  3. 倒入內鍋,外鍋加二杯水,覆蓋,蒸熟。

EHVA Recipe:Oat Cake

Ingredients: Oatmeal 3 cups Lotus root flour 1 cup
Brown sugar 1 cup Flaxseed 2 Tbsp
  1. Soak the oatmeal for three hours
  2. Remove the water from oatmeal, add three cups water, and put all the ingredients into a blender. Set blender to high power and blend
  3. Use rice cooker with inner cooking pan, put the mixed oatmeal into the inner pan, add two cups of water outside, cover with lid, and cook.


材料: 百葉豆腐 十塊 豆酥醬 一罐
新鮮香菇 一盒〈 1 lb〉
調味料: 2 tsp〈少許〉
  1. 澆滾一鍋熱水,放入百葉豆腐 十塊,等水再滾後,轉小火,煮五分鐘即熄火。
  2. 三十分鐘後撈出百葉豆腐,一塊百葉豆腐可切成 10 - 12片,依喜好厚度決定。
  3. 新鮮香菇去蒂洗淨,切碎〈或者可用food processor代工〉。
  4. 香菇放入不沾鍋用小火炒乾,再加入豆酥醬和少許糖,用中火一起炒至豆酥變酥。
備註: 上菜方式 可隨自己喜好加以變化:可用小盤 依個人喜好裝飾點青菜,再放上一/兩片百葉豆腐,淋上豆酥醬即可食用。

EHVA Recipe:Venetian Bean Curd Cakes

Ingredients: Venetian tofu 10 pieces Fried crispy soy bean sauce 1 jar
Fresh mushrooms 1 box (1 lb)
Seasoning: Brown sugar 2 tsp
  1. Prepare a pot with half-filled water and heat to boiling. Put tofu into the pot and reheat it until re-boil again then simmer with low heat for 5 minutes.
  2. Leave the tofu in the pot for 30 minutes then remove tofu from the pot. The cooked tofu can be sliced to 10 – 12 pieces for each brick; it is based on preference of thickness.
  3. Remove mushroom stems and wash completely. Chopped fresh mushrooms into tiny dices (or use food processor instead).
  4. Stir fry mushrooms in the non-stick pan with low heat until mushrooms dried out. Add bean sauce and brown sugar, continue stir-fry until little crunchy for bean nuts.
Notes: To serve, add some of lettuce on the bottom or arrange colorful vegetable around a small platter. Place one/two piece of tofu in the center of platter. Spread the bean sauce on the top of tofu.



日期 時間 地點 活動內容
12/04/2011 1:30-4:30 pm 長青健康素食推廣中心 3071 Lawrence Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95051 長青秋季身體調養班第一講 〈中文〉供應點心
12/11/2011 1:30-4:30 pm 長青健康素食推廣中心 3071 Lawrence Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95051 長青秋季身體調養班第二講 〈中文〉供應點心
12/18/2011 1:30-4:30 pm 長青健康素食推廣中心 3071 Lawrence Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95051 長青秋季身體調養班第三講 〈中文〉供應點心
每週二 10:00-11:00 am Palo Alto Avenidas Senior Center 推拿講習


本中心為非營利組織,目的在宣導正確的健康素食理念以提昇生活品質。本中心工作人員均屬不支薪的義工,各項推廣活動均靠大家在人力、物力上的支持與捐助。竭誠歡迎您慷慨解囊,一切捐贈皆可依個人所得狀況抵稅,捐贈股票還可節省capital gain的稅。凡捐款$500以上者為本中心年度榮譽董事。捐款支票抬頭請寫Evergreen Healthy Vegetarian Association 或EHVA,並寄到本中心,謝謝!
Please send your tax-deductible donation to Evergreen Healthy Vegetarian Association (EHVA). Thank you!


Family Foundation, Inc、陳玠 & 許文蓉



發行: 長青健康素食推廣中心
打字: 高淑玲、劉雪清
編輯: 劉雪清、呂錞銀、尹明潭、高淑玲、陳慧珊
美工: 高淑玲
印刷: Kwik Kopy Printing (TEL: 408-725-0243)
郵寄: 程俊豪

長青健康素食推廣中心 Evergreen Healthy Vegetarian Association
3071 Lawrence Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95051-0713
洛杉磯連絡處: 8513 Elm Circle, City of Buena Park, CA 90620
新竹連絡處: 新竹縣竹北市華興街79號,Taiwan, ROC
台北連絡處: P. O. Box 94-35, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC