長青通訊 第四十五期 EHVA Newsletter No. 45

長青健康素食推廣中心 發行 二O一一年一月



服務及工作項目 服務人次 義工人次 義工時數
長青健康素食中秋敬老餐會 800 200 1000
長青健康素食養身講座〈聞思修居士林/老人中心〉 45 20 80
長青養生保健每週共修 105 20 60
長輩免費烘洗棉被服務 5 3 15
公共教育與宣導 3600 25 200


2011春季身體調養班即將於二月底和三月,在週日下午1:30-4:30免費開課,有興趣者請儘早電話 吳素真〈408-252-0397〉。



自2011年起,『長青健康素食推廣中心』將免費贈送『媽媽幢』,並有義工協助裝置。有興趣者,請電陳小姐408-729-5628;或每週六2:30-4:30pm 到會所3071 Lawrence Expressway, Santa Clara,CA95051 試用。




石大夫談養生 長青身體調養班課程講記〈三〉





(一) 體質與消化、吸收的問題










(二) 選擇健康的食物


























為什麼蛋白質會特別少?因為蛋白質比油和糖還不容易被消化、吸收,例如:牛肉在慢鍋裡煮了五天五夜以後,它的肌肉纖維還不爛。蛋白質必須先被分解成多肽鏈,再分解為氨基酸,才能夠被吸收,這些過程都需要比較多的能量。所以當身體疲勞、體力不好的時候,不容易分解蛋白質,只會吸收糖和油這類所謂的「垃圾食物〈junk food〉」,因為它們比較容易被分解、吸收。

可是,好的蛋白源能夠增加免疫能力和耐力;所以,當營養不平衡的時候,會造成虛弱跟長期的疲勞〈chronic fatigue〉。

有了這些基本觀念以後,再來討論食物本身的一些特性,包括:食物的寒熱、質地的粗細〈Texture factor〉、過敏原、產氣、胰蛋白酵素抑制劑…等等,就比較容易瞭解。⊕

Health talk at Evergreen Health & Wellness class (2) 〈石大夫談養生:長青身體調養班課程講記(二)〉英譯

by Dr. Hung-Ying Shih excerpted by Jei Chen (published in EHVA Newsletter 44, September of 2010)

Translated by Ming Yang and Thomas Yin

The Breathing Exercises

Preparation 【Why are spinal nerves toning activities necessary before the breathing exercises? And how they are related】

Let me illustrate: We wake up in the morning, measure our height. During the course of the day, we occupy ourselves by numerous physical activities; after the day is done, then measure it again, we may find it slightly shorter than the measurement performed earlier, why is this? We know that "intervertebral discs" between vertebrae consist mostly water. The weight of our head and body compresses against it causing the space between the vertebrae to shrink. Therefore the more strenuous the physical activity, the more water displacement takes place. Hence, our height shrinks throughout the course of the day.

Our sleeping cycle can be separated into halves, the first half of which is less beneficial than the second. We can only profit from the second half because our basal body's temperature declines during deep sleep. When in deep sleep, the temperature of our hands and feet also begin to drop as more blood circulates into our internal organs. In this scenario, the water of our intervertebral discs will have the opportunity to replenish itself. Once replenished, the spinal nerves can then become active once again and with this activation comes anabolism. If we take this phenomenon into account, the first half of the sleeping cycle simply replenishes 80% of the water loss during the day and a sound sleep in the second half recharges our body.

This fact tells us: the spinal nerves must be toned first before soothing the breathing. Poor nerve condition follows if this routine is not followed.

Basic methods of the Coarse Breathing

coarse breathing are divided into the three postures of “Standing Chest Breathing", "Sitting Abdominal Breathing", and the "Lying Down Abdominal Breathing". Each breathing method must begin with "Massaging", "Exercising", "Taking Deep Breaths", and finally, "The Conclusive Pose".

Coarse Breathing A: Standing Chest Breathing

Sequences of “Standing Chest Breathing"

The chest breathing is intended to extend the chest and revolves two basic areas: behind your armpits and pectorals major muscles. Massage these two places is key to relaxation. In terms of the Chinese medicine, the armpit is considered the part where the pathogen is gathered from the lungs. The posture used by computer workers tends to gather pathogen, which we'd like to get rid of. If the armpit area can not be relaxed while coughing, your illness will be difficult to cure. Note: It would be beneficial to scrape this area when we are disturbed and consumed with anger. Experience tells us that scraping against this area sometimes causes discomfort. However, be reminded that this kind of soreness is different from muscle soreness.

Avoid using too much force when massaging the "pectorals major muscles 【胸大肌】". Simply find the place and use the Laogong Point 【勞宮穴】 to massage it gently. Pectorals have three muscle pieces and they all gather here. They are "upper”,” middle" and "lower" and all must be relaxed first before we commence with the deep breathing exercises.

“Opening the Tanzhong Point 【膻中穴】: Standing upright, stretching your arms with palms toward ceiling, this will activate your Tanzhong Point. The purpose for finishing this exercise, the Conclusive pose, (收功) is to enhance the Tanzhong Point to its optimum function and follow by a gentle massage. (Massaging it when you come out of the posture will make your breathe smoother and steadier. Be mindful that it would take a long time for your breathe to return to normal if the conclusive pose (收功) is not done properly.

Coarse Breathing B: Sitting Thoracic/Abdominal Breathing

Sequences of Sitting Thoracic/Abdominal Breathing

Tips to aid a skillful chest and abdomen massage: The vital area is on both sides of the sternum. The right liver leaf is behind the right ribs, whereas your left liver leaf, the stomach, and the spleen are behind the left ribs. These organs are directly related to your digestive system. Hence, the muscles in this area must be relaxed before we commence with the Thoracic/abdominal breathing exercises.

The second important point is the Zhangmen Points【章門穴】.Because the chest breathing is to extend the chest, which involves two basic areas: the hind side under armpits (area A) and "pectoralis major (area B)." We need to massage these two places and make them relax. Speaking in terms of Chinese medicine, area A is where the pathogen is gathered from the livers. We will feel the warmth from massaging up and down the midaxillary line.

“Opening the ZhongWan Point”: With your torso tilting forward by 45°, Stretch arms upward with palms toward the ceiling to open the ZhongWan Point.

When we do this posture, your ZhongWan Point 【中脘穴】 will feel presured. The stress will be gone right after you straighten the back. Through these exercises, we not only straighten the middle of the spine, and also activate this acupuncture point. Do deep thoracic/abdominal breathing five times and see if your whole body is rejuvenated and extended.

The Conclusive Pose: Finish the exercise again with the ZhongWan Point: find this point; overlap your palms, using the Laogong Point to massage it gently for about one minute. This is a very important step to avoid injury. With a regular practice of these steps above, it will effectively alleviate the digestive disorders.

Coarse breathing C: Abdominal breathing

"Abdominal breathing" exercise is a bit more complicated. This is the most effective method and you are asked to do it exactly right, practicing with the greatest sincerity and precision. Otherwise it would have some serious consequences.

【Prerequisite: Make abdominal pressure to become zero】

Many people can not sleep when lying in a supine position with legs straight on the bed. The reason is that it would cause the back pain. Here are the solutions: lying in the same position with the knees bent (may put a pillow underneath) or lying on the side with the legs touching together and knees bent (may put a cushion in between).This will reduce the abdominal pressure to be near zero and with these tips it should help you to alleviate your back pain.

If we do abdominal breathing ignoring these requirements, we tend to induce two diseases: one is at the external genitalia - the urethra, urethritis, vaginitis, and this disease is not easy to cure; the other is the anal disease (prolapse), hemorrhoids.

So, when doing the abdominal breathing, do it with caution: remember, the first thing we should do is to ensure our "abdominal pressure nears zero". Otherwise there will be troubles!

Sequences of the supine abdominal breathing:

Prerequisite: Bend your knees to make abdominal pressure to become zero

Notes on Massaging the JiZhong Point 【臍中穴】

Before the breathing exercise, we must relax the muscles around the JiZhong Point 【臍中穴】.

There are three different levels of rubbing pressures: "light", "moderate" and "heavy"; that is, gently touching, slightly applying with force, and then with a stronger force until your lower abdomen feeling pressured.

Abdominal breathing needs to guard carefully, so, we need to totally relaxing all the abdominal muscles. By gently put your palm on your navel is the most effective way of massaging the JiZhong Point 【臍中穴】, though, it is the most difficult practice to do! This is because the surface of our skin has nerves connected to visceral nerves. The "solar plexus", the part which lies between the outer skin and the innermost soul, is in the "navel" (JiZhong Point【臍中穴】) where mother supplies us with nutrients through the umbilical cord. When we massage, simply touching this part, your entire lower abdomen will be activated. However, for those who has not reached this skillful level yet, practice with the following steps by using the level of forces mentioned above: "light" and "moderate" and "heavy". This is very important! The first five rounds must be very gentle; the middle five rounds a little heavier; the last five rounds the heaviest until your lower abdomen begins to feel the pressure.

Why should we do this rotational massage? In Chinese medicine, we believe that "to cure the stomach we need to first healing the intestines"「健胃先要整腸」, only when the intestines move, the stomach movement will follow. This is the first priority. The second point is the so-called "source of the divine energy within every human being" 「先天生化的來源」resides here. That is why this serves as a therapeutic origin point to cure all chronic diseases.

Notes on【Movement I: Strengthening the lower abdominal muscles, gluteus maximus, and gluteus muscles】

From the structural viewpoint of our human body, it is not useful if you only do one side at a time. So the cycle of a complete exercising is usually done with one side for five times, then change side for another five times.

Notes on 【Movement II: Stretch and Tone The Spine (調脊柱)】

It would help to correct the spine by opening the naval (JiZhong) point. Why is that? Only through these adjustments, the inner chamber of the lower abdomen will form a spherical shape. Because a sphere allows the pressure to spread evenly, we want to make the lower abdomen to take a shape of a sphere, and then follow the practice with the abdominal breathing.

Notes on【Abdominal Breathing and Deep Breathing】

Before doing the abdominal breathing, be sure to have a "zero abdominal pressure" position.

How to do the "Abdominal breathing"? Contract the lower abdomen to exhale , exhale ... exhale ... exhale until the lower abdomen is flat and empty; and then just gently relaxing it, your belly will gradually inhaling the air back. Standard practice is: use force in exhalation and avoid using it in inhalation. In other words - do not use the muscles around the nose to inhale. This is the "regular (or front) abdominal breathing"(正腹式呼吸). Our belly is like a rubber ball. As long as the elasticity of the ball is still functioning, it would exhale out the air when depressed, and the air will flow back when released. It is as simple as that!

Let's practice exhaling: exhale out all the air in the body until the belly touches the back. Then relax to let the air to come back naturally. One approach to test our progress is to measure how long we can sustain the exhalation. Because the longer the

exhalation, the more chance to allow the oxygen reaching the most remote parts of our lungs. Taking deep abdominal breathings can reduce the toxins in our system as the replenish rate of the lower abdomen is the core and it affects the whole body's well-being.

In doing the "Abdominal breathing", the most important part is "exhalation." I will demonstrate it with the sounds of : "A - Mi - Tuo - Fo"【阿—彌—陀—佛—】. These four sounds are pronounced in one exhaling breath. Then relax the belly to let the air all comes in. If we exhale only a little bit of air, we will only get a little bit of air coming in. It is as simple as that! The longer you last the breathing, the more clarity your abdominal breathing can be reached. Note: this demonstration does not open the mouth. The so called "JinGong chanting" (金剛唸誦) utilizes this "abdominal breathing" exercises completely.

When we do "Chest breathing", we apply too much of the external forces to inhale and exhale. This "abdominal breathing" emphasizes exhaling hard with an effortless inhale. It's useful to the elderly who have physical discomfort as it's difficult to ask them to inhale and exhale hard. Hence, it would be more effective to ask them to exhale a little harder when pressing the lower abdomen and then relax to let the air in naturally.

The more air you exhale, the more you can inhale. To what extent shall we do the exercise so that our body is truly receptive and sensitive in the movement? It would be best if we can achieve "the elevated state of oneness with self" (「心息相依」). This means to achieve a degree of abdominal breathing such that you feel like there is a snake in the lower abdomen and it moves upwards with the wave-like sounds of “hissing”(Or hom, hom, hom)), while doing it, the movement and your breathe synchronize in one . We call this phenomenon the "fetus breathing" (胎息). How do we incorporate it into our daily life? First, put his hand on the lower abdomen, pressing it with pressure while exhaling till the entire air empty out. Then the air will come back by it own. It is enough to do this breathing exercise five to ten times a day. Don't do too many because it is a powerful exercise and should be attempted with caution! ⊕

健康新知精選 停藥須知

呂錞銀 摘譯自 Consumer Reports On Health, Vol. 23, No1, Jan 2011



〈1〉 不要自行停藥
除非你對藥物有嚴重過敏反應,或有其他 生命危險的副作用。
〈2〉 檢查所服藥物

〈3〉 作停藥的計畫

〈4〉 了解藥物長期使用所引起的危險性,


藥物 長期使用造成的危險性 突然停藥產生的症狀
依賴性〈上癮〉,性功能障礙,體重改變 躁動不安,焦慮,思想混淆,失眠,作惡夢,噁心作嘔,更嚴重的憂鬱
依賴性〈上癮〉,頭昏,失憶,性功能障礙,運動功能失調,體重改變 焦躁,焦慮,心跳加快,幻覺,失眠,癲癇,出汗,發抖,噁心作嘔
白內障,肝腎功能受損,肌肉受傷 膽固醇反跳升高,心臟病發作
類固醇藥物(Corticosteroids) ,如: Beclomethasone(Beconase AQ, QVAR)
Fluticasone(Flonase, Flovent) ,
骨質流失,白內障,青光眼,葡萄糖升高,感染,月經失調,腎上腺功能障礙 疲勞,低血壓,肌肉痛,噁心作嘔,體重減輕
治灼心熱(Heart burn)藥物
Esomeprazole(Nexium) ,
Omeprazole (Prilosec)
骨折,胃腸道感染,肺炎 灼心熱反彈加重
雌激素加類似黃體激素Estrogen with progestin,(Prefest, Prempro)
血栓,心臟病發作,中風,乳癌,子宮內膜癌 更年期症狀,潮熱,臉驟然發紅,出汗
Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatories(NSAIDS)
Ibuprofen (Advil)
腸胃出血,心臟病發,中風 頭痛
便祕,依賴性,頭暈,情緒變化,噁心 焦躁,發冷,肚子痛,腹瀉,敵對態度,失眠,肌肉痛,嘔吐
安眠藥(Sleep Aids)
依賴性,失憶,頭暈,作惡夢,不自覺地開車〈sleep driving〉,睡得更不好 焦慮,肌肉痙攣,噁心作嘔,癲癇

長青素食譜 咖哩馬鈴薯花椰菜

材料: 馬鈴薯 3個〈約1磅〉 花椰菜 1/4個〈約半磅〉
洋蔥 1/2個〈1杯〉 冷凍青豆 1杯
調味料: 橄欖油 1湯匙 1/2茶匙
適量 4片
咖哩粉 1茶匙 薑黃粉 1/3茶匙
茴香粉 1/3茶匙
  1. 將花椰菜洗淨,切成一吋大小。馬鈴薯削皮,切成一吋大小,泡冷水,瀝乾,可防變黑。洋蔥切丁,冷凍青豆用沸水燙過。
  2. 用中火加入1湯匙橄欖油,先爆香洋蔥、薑片,加入咖哩粉、薑黃粉、茴香粉拌勻,同時加入馬鈴薯,炒約三分鐘,再加入白菜花及少許的水及鹽,拌勻後加蓋,直到馬鈴薯變軟,即可關火起鍋。
  3. 將白菜花馬鈴薯放入盤中,加上燙好青豆拌勻即可。
份量: 六人份

EHVA Recipe: Curried Potatoes with Cauliflower and Peas

Ingredients: Potatoes 1 lb Head Cauliflower 1/2 lb
Onion 1/2 cup chopped Frozen peas 1 cup
Seasoning: Olive Oil 1tbsp. Salt 1/2 tsp
Water Some Ginger 4 Slice
Curry powder 1 tsp Ground turmeric 1/3 tsp
Ground cumin 1/3 tsp
  1. Wash cauliflower and cut into inch size. Peel potatoes, cut into inch size, soak in cold water, drain. Chop onions into inch size. Thaw frozen peas with boiling water.
  2. Heat wok over medium heat, add oil, then stir fry chopped onions and ginger 2 minutes, add potatoes, curry powder, turmeric, cumin. Sauté about 3 minutes then add cauliflower, salt, water. Cover until potatoes are soft.
  3. Stir peas into cauliflower and potatoes' mixture, Serve hot or at room temperature.
Servings: 6 people

長青素食譜 越橘乾核桃芥蘭

材料: 芥蘭花 1/2磅 核桃 1/3 杯
越橘乾 1/4 杯 紅洋蔥切丁 1/4 杯
調味料: 橄欖油 1茶匙 1/6茶匙
  1. 將芥蘭花洗淨切成小朵。烤箱預熱300度,烤核桃到金黃色〈可加少許蜂蜜〉。
  2. 中火,以橄欖油先爆香紅洋蔥丁,放進芥蘭花,並加入所有調味料,拌勻後加蓋,直到芥蘭變微軟。
  3. 將芥蘭花放入盤中,加上越橘乾及核桃即可。
份量: 四人份

EHVA Recipe: Broccoli with Dried Cranberries and Walnuts

Ingredients: Broccoli florets 1/2 lb. Walnuts 1/3 cup
Dry cranberries 1/4 cup Chopped red onion 1/4 cup
Seasoning: Olive Oil 1 tsp Salt 1/6 tsp
water some
  1. Wash broccoli florets. Preheat oven to 300 degrees, roast walnuts add some honey, bake until walnuts turn gold.
  2. Heat wok over medium heat, add oil then red onion, stir fry 2 minutes, and add broccoli florets, salt, water. Cover until broccoli is just tender.
  3. Transfer to serving bowl. Stir with dried cranberries and walnuts.
Servings: 4 people



日期 時間 地點 活動內容
每週二 10:00-11:00 am Palo Alto Avenidas Senior Center 推拿講習


本中心為非營利組織,目的在宣導正確的健康素食理念以提昇生活品質。本中心工作人員均屬不支薪的義工,各項推廣活動均靠大家在人力、物力上的支持與捐助。竭誠歡迎您慷慨解囊,一切捐贈皆可依個人所得狀況抵稅,捐贈股票還可節省capital gain的稅。凡捐款$500以上者為本中心年度榮譽董事。捐款支票抬頭請寫Evergreen Healthy Vegetarian Association 或EHVA,並寄到本中心,謝謝!
Please send your tax-deductible donation to Evergreen Healthy Vegetarian Association (EHVA). Thank you!





發行: 長青健康素食推廣中心
打字: 高淑玲、劉雪清
編輯: 劉雪清、呂錞銀、尹明潭、高淑玲、陳慧珊
美工: 高淑玲
印刷: Kwik Kopy Printing (TEL: 408-725-0243)
郵寄: 程俊豪

長青健康素食推廣中心 Evergreen Healthy Vegetarian Association
3071 Lawrence Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95051-0713
洛杉磯連絡處: 8513 Elm Circle, City of Buena Park, CA 90620
新竹連絡處: 新竹縣竹北市華興街79號,Taiwan, ROC
台北連絡處: P. O. Box 94-35, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC