長青通訊 第四十期 EHVA Newsletter No. 40

長青健康素食推廣中心 發行 二OO八年六月



長青健康素食養生講座50 35
公共教育與宣導 3600 50 400

活動報導 長青身心健康素食推廣餐會


一年一度的敬老餐會於五月十八日在Cupertino的Odd Fellow Temple舉辦。今年由於場地的限制,我們僅能招待250位的耆老,長青租了兩部遊覽車分別到San Jose 和San Mateo接送耆老來參與這次的活動。













1 棉被有濕氣 保暖功效不良,棉被變硬,降低心情穩定,睡眠品質變差,增加高血壓的危險。 用攝氏50度以上之高溫烘乾燥,除濕可避免微生物的繁殖。
2 棉被有不好的氣味 降低心情穩定,睡眠品質變差, 增加高血壓的危險。 用烘乾機的抽氣,可去除不好的氣味。


塵蹣會使人過敏、氣喘。其代謝物會傷人。 用攝氏50度以上之高溫烘30至45分鐘,可除塵蹣。


上期〈長青通訊〉我們介紹過為什麼烘棉被,其中主要就是要除掉棉被裡暗藏的塵蹣,因此這期我們進一步來了解塵蹣。 Text Box:




四季食療 夏季食療






Summer Functional Food

Translated by Parkson Wong
( Chinese version, by Dr. Hong-Ying Shih, was published on EHVA Newsletter (6), June, 1999)

We don't have much of an appetite in summer because it is hot and humid. As a result, we like to eat cold dishes on hot days. BBQ'ed and spicy food is more appealing in the summer. Consuming a lot of cold food and drinks, as well as eating a lot of BBQ food results in digestive problems. Bacteria grow very fast in the summer so food can spoil very easily. If we are not careful with our food, we can get food poisoning. Especially, if our digestive system is weakened by all the cold food and BBQ'ed food we ate.

There is an old Chinese saying, “Eat turnip in winter and ginger in summer, and you will live a long life.” It implies that what we eat cannot be too “hot” nor too “cold”, and it needs to compliment the season. Eating BBQ'ed food in summer is too “hot” which disrupts the balance of the body. Summer functional food should clear heat, notify through mild chilling nourishment, and eliminate dampness

活動報導 心靈素食





心得分享 學習心得分享(下)




  1. 隨時心存善念:時時去發現周遭人的優點,永遠要有利他的想法。
  2. 要時時注意自己的缺點,不要太在乎自己的感覺,要將感覺昇華。我深信只要按照老師教的方法,腳踏實地地力行就對了。

Hypertension (4) How to improve peripheral circulation in the extremities (limbs).

Translated by Parkson Wong
(Chinese version『高血壓〈四〉』by Dr. Hung-Ying Shihwas published on EHVA Newsletter 35, Sept. 2006)


(1) Walking

Walking for an hour or strolling slowly is suitable for the elderly or frail people. Shopping or walking in a mall is not a good substitute. The benefit of walking is that it is an aerobic exercise. One should try to keep the heart beat and breathing rate at a relatively slow and steady pace.

(2) Massage

Hand massage

Foot Massage

  1. Massage the 2 acupressure points one on the outside of the leg (懸鍾穴, GB 39) and the other on the inside of the leg (三陰交穴, SP 6); both 3 inches above the ankle. Press the acupressure point with the middle finger, rubbing it turning counter clockwise for 60 times, then clockwise for 60 times.
  2. Pull the 8 “wind” regions (these are the webbed area between the toes) with technique similar to pulling the hand 4 winds region.
  3. Stimulate the foot 12 “well” point (井穴) regions. (See figure for the six regions on each foot)
    • Yin Bai (隱白, SP 1) region: 0.1 inch from the bottom of the nail of the big toe, on the inside.
    • Da Dun(大敦, LR 1) region:0.1 inch from the bottom of the nail of the big toe, on the outside close to the second toe
    • Li Dui (厲兌, ST 45) region: 0.1 inch from the bottom of the nail of the second toe, on the outside close to the third toe.
    • Qiao Yin (竅陰, GB 44) region: 0.1 inch from the bottom of the nail of the fourth toe, on the outside close to the little toe.
    • Zhi Yin (至陰, BL region: 0.1 inch from the bottom of the nail of the little toe, on the outside.
    • Yong Quan (湧泉, KI 1) region: on the sole of the foot. Clawing the toes, the point where the creases meet, between the metatarsus bone of the second and the third toe.

    Press each well point with the rounded end of a blunt tooth pick for one minute.
Text Box:

(3) Chinese breathing Exercise

  1. Throwing the hands with slight knee bending
    • Position 1: Stand up, feet about shoulder-width apart, bend knees slightly, claw toes to grip the floor slightly, put body weight on toes, keep shoulders relaxed and arms hanging down freely.
    • Position 2: Bring hands to elbow level and throw them back until they hang at sides; repeat this 300 times with palms facing up, then repeat with palms facing down.
    • Note: this exercises the wrists; simultaneously open and close the fists to achieve better results.
  2. Hand throwing with knees bended
    • Position 1: Stand up, feet shoulder width apart, bend knees slightly, claw toes to grip the floor slightly.
    • Position 2: raise hands shoulder level, palms down. Throw arms and hands backward, but do not use force, just relax arms and hands. Bend knees. On the fifth throwing of the hands, knees bend to 90o, the weight of the body shifted to the heels. Back to position 1. Repeat this 60 times for a total to 300 hand throwing.
    • Note: this exercises the shoulder joints from the swinging of the arm; its objective is to move the qi down to the finger tips and toes.

(4) Helix Exercise

  1. Position 1
    • Sit up straight in a chair, relax your shoulders, place palms on knees and hold knees lightly.
    • Head down, turn left until head is parallel to shoulder, hold position for one minute.
    • Head down, turn right until head is parallel to shoulder, hold position for one minute.
    • Head straight, eyes forward, turn left until head is parallel to shoulder, hold position for one minute.
    • Head straight, eyes forward, turn right until head is parallel to shoulder, hold position for one minute.
    • Head up, turn left until parallel to shoulder, hold position for one minute.
    • Head up, turn right until parallel to shoulder, hold position for one minute.
  2. Position 2
    • “Post standing” (Zhan zhuang 站樁) style (a wide-spread squat), squat with the feet (and knees) as far apart as possible, place hands on insides of knees, using the force of the arms to spread your knees as wide as possible, then lower the head.
    • Turn head to left, look back through the space formed by the arm and the leg (you may want to draw a line behind you running through your legs, and look at the line). Keep this position for 1 minute.
    • Turn head to right, same as above. Five times each side.

    In the beginning, it might be difficult to see the center line, keep doing the exercise and it will improve. It is best if one could see beyond the center line.

* Hot Water Bath (hands and feet) *

Immerse hands and feet in ~50oC water. For better results, add 1 tablespoon salt or Epsom salt (Magnesium Sulfate) to the hot water.

*Functional Drink*

Select from these ingredients according to your needs. They can be used to make drinks or used in soups and are beneficial to improving peripheral circulation. Niacin (vitamin B3) is also beneficial for this purpose.

健康新知精選 頭腦清晰之道

摘譯自Consumer Reports On Health, March. 2008

很多人將健忘、精神不集中、迷糊、丟三落四,歸咎於年紀大,甚至擔心是老人痴呆的前兆。研究指出:年紀大並非腦子不清楚的原因,一項針對100個老人的研究指出,健忘、恍惚多半與情緒,整體心智健康〈general mental health〉有關。



  1. 身體檢查
  2. 腦力的重新啟動
    當我們有壓力時,身體會釋放很多荷爾蒙讓全身處於警備狀態,在短時間內,可使能量大增,機警度提高,注意力集中,在限期內完成工作。但是長期地緊張,這些荷爾蒙會消耗體力。美國精神健康學院主任Esther Sternberg醫生說:“當你處於顛峰狀態時,針對反應的神經細胞會全力出擊;但在非常緊張的情況下,太多的神經細胞同時出擊,反而使你動彈不得。”而很多小困擾加起來與大壓力是一樣的。
    Johns Hopkins大學的一項研究指出:壓力大的人在語言、操作速度、手眼協調、語言記憶與學習、 視覺記憶、計畫,及達成任務各方面的表現都不如心情較平靜的人。
    同時做很多事也常導致腦筋遲鈍。Sternberg醫生說:“那是因為人腦的設計不適合這樣。”解決的方法是讓腦子休息再啟動。她說“美國人常以為愈認真,工作時間愈長愈好,其實要讓身體休息,睡眠充足, 得到別人支持,利用休假,工作時才會更有效率”。
  3. 改善睡眠
  4. 運動
  5. 打電話給親友





材料: 白蘿蔔 ½ 根〈小〉 英國黃瓜 ⅓條
紅蘿蔔 1根〈小〉 花椰菜〈cauliflower〉 1/6個〈小〉
大白菜 4片 芹菜 1根
高麗菜 ⅓ 個〈小〉 青椒 1/5個
甜紅椒 1/5個
調味料: ⅔ 杯 ⅓ 杯
鹽〈不含碘質〉 2湯匙 滾開水 ½ 杯
冷開水 1½ 杯
  1. 將所有蔬菜洗淨。白蘿蔔去皮。紅蘿蔔,英國黃瓜皮刷乾淨。三者皆直切為二。
  2. 白蘿蔔、紅蘿蔔、花椰菜、芹菜切成薄片。
  3. 高麗菜、大白菜切成粗絲;青椒、紅椒切成細絲。
  4. 英國黃瓜切片。
  1. 將糖、醋、鹽放進大玻璃瓶,加入½杯滾開水以溶解鹽和糖,再加1½杯冷開水。
  2. 按次序加入下列蔬菜:白蘿蔔、紅蘿蔔、花椰菜、高麗菜、大白菜、芹菜、青椒、紅椒、最後加入英國黃瓜。每加一樣菜,稍為攪拌並壓一壓。泡菜汁須蓋過所有的蔬菜。
  3. 玻璃瓶加蓋後放進冰箱,大約三小時後即可食用。若要泡菜更有味道,則需等一天。
備註: 此泡菜於冰箱內可保存五天。
EHVA Recipe

Pickled Vegetables

Ingredients: Daikon (Chinese radish) ½ (small) English cucumber
Carrot 1 (small) Cauliflower 1/6 (small)
Napa Cabbage 4 leaves Celery 1 stalk
Cabbage ⅓ (small) Green pepper 1/5
Sweet red pepper 1/5
Seasoning: Sugar ⅔ cup Vinegar ⅓ cup
Boiling water ½ cup Cold boiled water 1 ½ cup
Salt (Kosher or non-iodized)2 Tbsp.
  1. Wash all the vegetables. Peel the skin of Daikon. Scrub the skin of carrot and English cucumber. Cut Daikon, carrot and English cucumber into two halves lengthwise.
  2. Slice Daikon, carrot, cauliflower, celery into thin pieces.
  3. Shred cabbage, Napa cabbage, green pepper and red pepper.
  4. Slice English cucumber into regular (not too thin) pieces.
  1. In a large glass jar, add sugar, vinegar and salt. Pour in ½ cup of boiling water to dissolve the salt and sugar. Stir in 1 ½ cup of cold boiled water to the above solution.
  2. Stir in thinly sliced Daikon, carrot, cauliflower, cabbage, Napa cabbage, celery, green pepper and red pepper. Add English cucumber the last. Stir, mix and press a little after adding each vegetable. Make sure there is enough liquid to cover the vegetables.
  3. Cover the jar and put it in the refrigerator. For good results, refrigerate for one day before serving. (The pickles are edible in three hours).
Note: The pickles can be stored in the refrigerator for 5 days.



材料: 豆腐 1塊 2-3根
酪梨〈avocado〉 1個 香菜 1 oz.
調味料: Furikake〈無鹽,無MSG,無添加物〉 2湯匙 ⅛ 茶匙
醬油 1湯匙
  1. 豆腐在水中泡洗兩三次,瀝乾。豆腐切小塊,備用。
  2. 香菜及蔥清洗後,切碎備用。
  3. 酪梨去皮、去核後,切丁,備用。
  4. 將豆腐丁、酪梨丁、香菜末、蔥末放入容器中,最後加入所有的調味料,輕輕拌勻即可食用。
份 量: 4人份
EHVA Recipe

Avocado Tofu Salad

Ingredients: Tofu 1 (14 oz.) Scallion 2-3 stalks
Avocado 1. Cilantro 1/3 bunch
Seasoning: Furikake (no salt, no MSG, no additives) 2 Tbsp Salt A little
Soy sauce 1 Tbsp
  1. Rinse tofu a couple times in the water. Discard water and let dry. Cut tofu into cubes; set aside.
  2. Wash cilantro and scallion; chop to small pieces.
  3. Peel and seed avocado. Cut into cubes; set aside.
  4. Place tofu cubes, avocado cubes, chopped cilantro and scallion in a bowl.
  5. Add all the seasonings. Mix it gently. Ready to serve.
Servings: 4 persons


03/09/08 長青健康素食推廣中心 長青義工聯誼
04/20/08 長青健康素食推廣中心 春季身體調養班第一講
05/04/08 長青健康素食推廣中心 春季身體調養班第二講
05/18/08 Odd Fellow Temple 敬老及身心健康素食推廣餐會
05/25/08 長青健康素食推廣中心 春季身體調養班第三講
06/27/08 Sunnyview老人中心 長青健康素食養生講座
每週二     Palo Alto Avenidas Senior Center 推拿講習


07/08/08-07/10/08 Tue.-Thur. 11:00am-12:20pm 南灣華僑文教中心 1269 Forgewood Ave., Sunnyvale 南灣兒童民俗夏令營 素食講座
09/14/08 Sun. 1:30-4:30 pm 長青健康素食推廣中心 3071 Lawrence Expressway, Santa Clara 吳素真 長青秋季身體調養班第一講 〈中文〉供應點心
09/28/08 Sun. 1:30-4:30 pm 長青健康素食推廣中心 3071 Lawrence Expressway, Santa Clara 吳素真 長青秋季身體調養班第二講 〈中文〉供應點心
10/12/08 Sun. 1:30-4:30 pm 長青健康素食推廣中心 3071 Lawrence Expressway, Santa Clara 吳素真 長青秋季身體調養班第三講 〈中文〉供應點心
Every Tuesday 10:00-11:00 am Palo Alto 老人中心 Avenidas Senior Center 陳慧姍 推拿講習


本中心為非營利組織,目的在宣導正確的健康素食理念以提昇生活品質。本中心工作人員均屬不支薪的義工,各項推廣活動均靠大家在人力、物力上的支持與捐助。竭誠歡迎您慷慨解囊,一切捐贈皆可依個人所得狀況抵稅,捐贈股票還可節省capital gain的稅。凡捐款$500以上者為本中心年度榮譽董事。捐款支票抬頭請寫Evergreen Healthy Vegetarian Association 或EHVA,並寄到本中心,謝謝!
Please send your tax-deductible donation to Evergreen Healthy Vegetarian Association (EHVA). Thank you!


吳楊水儼、Song-Huo Yu & Shou-Jen Chou、Chien-Chang Wu & Pao-hui Wang、Kui-Yu Kao & Kuo-Lon Soong、Ying-Wen Ku、Gene Kuo & Rita Yu-Lin Kuo、Parkson's Solutions、Chin Li & Judy Hsieh、Juhn Cherng & Fei-Jung Cherng、Otter Computer Inc.、Cheryl Liu Chen、Paul Wu & Jessica Wu、Jei Shuan Chen & Su-Chen Wu、Julie Tong & Hsiu Li Tong、Frank & Grace Lin、Susan Yin、Ruby & Jerry Wei、C.J. Hung & A.M. Huang、Sherry Lin、Tsungcheng Tsai & Li Chen Tsai、胡小雲 & 胡小燕、Mingtang Yin & Cynthia Chang、Frank Fang、Tony Wun-Yu Lin & Bella C. Lin


發行: 長青健康素食推廣中心
打字: 高淑玲、劉雪清、徐鴛鴦、謝多弟
編輯: 呂錞銀、陳慧珊、吳宜玟、尹明潭、高淑玲
美工: 高淑玲
印刷: 長青印刷 (TEL: 408-732-0680)
郵寄: 程俊豪

長青健康素食推廣中心 Evergreen Healthy Vegetarian Association
3085 Lawrence Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95051-0713
電話,傳真:866-841-9139 ext 3537#
洛杉磯連絡處: 8513 Elm Circle, City of Buena Park, CA 90620
新竹連絡處: 新竹縣竹北市華興街79號,Taiwan, ROC
台北連絡處: P. O. Box 94-35, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC